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I've been commissioned to create graphics for QuakeGriffin.com and I've started by making a logo for the site. Here's my first finish (2 versions):

Normal Version:


'Quaked' Version:


The two blues aren't a final decision on colors, I just wanted to show a 1-color and 2-color version of the logo. Please let me know any thoughts you may have about the logo, b/c I would like to make this as good as possible. Thanks for taking a look!

PS: A big THANKS to fraser for his always-enlightening tutorial that helped me with the face part of the logo!

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I'll say second one. Colors should be maybe red and light blue (Clippers) or crimson and white (Sooners). Something about the render of Griffin looks off. Perhaps a better face is needed, one of him pumped up or something (so it looks like he's making an earthquake), he's a pretty passionate dude on the court. Just looks bored now. Something about his ear looks off too, perhaps it's the shading, looks like he's got some 60's sideburns. Good start, but needs some work I'd say.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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i think youre trying too hard to define each feature on the face. It's overall an improvement IMO, but the nose and eyes mainly just look awkward to me still.


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Ok this might sound a bit harsh, but the whole thing feels really timid.

The line thicknesses are all INCREDIBLY thin! I doubt very much the logo will be used on the site at the size you've posted it here and if it's reduced any I think certain areas will not hold up terribly well. Be much bolder with the shadows on the face, combine areas of shadow dont feel like you have to have separate bits for each individual feature. They all connect to make ONE face at the end of the day so again be BOLD!

With a name like Quake I'd expect to see much more movement and energy in the whole piece but again the cracks you've drawn into the letters are so thin they'll likely fill in once the logo is reduced and the set baseline of the text is pretty dull.

This is gonna sound nuts ok, but try. Take a font you like print out the title real big and cut all the letters out individually first place them on a sheet and literally quake the sheet! Move it, wiggle it whatever but get the letters to move around on the base sheet. Take photos after every time you move it, see how far you can make the letters move and stil have them name legible. It'll give you a more free flowing piece with much more energy. If you wanna go nuts and cut the individual letters into bits and try that too then go for it but be really BOLD! Once you've found a version or even bits of different versions that you like use the photos as templates and work over them in Illustrator to achieve the same effect but in vectors.

You have a chance to do something REALLY exciting with this and right now it just feels like you're a little intimidated by it and afraid to take a risk. DONT BE! Take the risk if it doesn't work you dont have to show it to anyone but if and when (because it will!) it does work you'll end up with a piece that's so good it'll make folk jealous!

Go for it, you can make this great!


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He looks scared. make his eyes more intense. it sounds like youve been given a great opportunity to make a logo for a real website, so im sure you want it to be great, an right now he doesnt look intimidating at all. also make the letters more tilted and off centered, like 9ersteve said. after blake griffin throws down a dunk, the letters would be all over the place from the aftermath, so make that happen. he also has a lot of thin wrinkles on his face that make him look older, so get rid of some of those. not trying to be too harsh but i think this has a chance to be awesome if you make some changes.

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  • 11 months later...

What about "Lob Angeles?"

Yeah, I thought of that, but "Lob City" is killing it virally, so I went with the swing of things...here's a "logo" take on the idea FWIW:


Also, the QuakeGriffin.com team and I have started a new site to honor the Clippers this season: LobCityClips.com

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