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Local Basketball Concept - Got No Swagger


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Just a concept I came up with for my local basketball team. Bit of an outrageous name to work with, but all in good fun. The colour scheme has not yet been decided by the guys, I just threw it together quickly for preview purposes. Still cleaning up lines etc, but you get the idea.



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IT's good. You do need to clean up the lines, but there is a line between his eye and his chin (a thick, black line), & I'm not sure if that's intentional.

the sideburns?


My fantasy teams: West Coast Cardinals (WRU), Glasgow Claymores (RLI) (Champions 2012) and Pemberton Foresters (VBL)

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IT's good. You do need to clean up the lines, but there is a line between his eye and his chin (a thick, black line), & I'm not sure if that's intentional.

the sideburns?

I had to reread the first comment, I thought you were talking about the line demonstrating chin protrusion, but in fact you were talking about the moustache! It completes the trifecta with the top hat and monocle. I could possibly twirl it a little more to make it more 'mo' like.



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I think he's talking about what's supposed to be the chain on the monocle. It makes sense to me, but it could probably be done without and still make just as much visual sense to the audience.

Otherwise, very sharp.

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I didn't get moustache from first look either, so that could be tweaked.

I do get the monocle chain, but it might not be needed.

With or without theses changes I like it a lot, I especially adore how effective the crease in the hat comes off. Great work.

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The team name is "meh," but that's not your fault. This would be a perfect logo for a team named the "Barons," because I instantly think of an old-timey oil/steel/railroad tycoon.

Heck, this could even work for teams like Wake Forest, or even Purdue since it could have some railroad-ish undertones.

Very nice.


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The team name is "meh," but that's not your fault. This would be a perfect logo for a team named the "Barons," because I instantly think of an old-timey oil/steel/railroad tycoon.

Heck, this could even work for teams like Wake Forest, or even Purdue since it could have some railroad-ish undertones.

Very nice.

Thats definitely the vibe I was going for so I'm glad you received it that way. As for the team name, it was just thrown together with no real thought of logos or personalised uniforms. I certainly agree with the railroad undertones.

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