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Yet Another New York Islanders Concept


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Why is it when I see the Islanders' third jersey striping patern, do I think it creates the effect of drawing one's eye towards the bottom center of the jersey, which would put it right about at the player's crotch?

Do the folks who run the Islanders ever have thought of extending this uniform idea to the Chippendales?


48142444846_3aa6afbd89_m.jpgNCAA Baseball Champions | 2014, 2019 


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I never liked that jersey design on the Isles... especially how the logo is circular and the jersey would fit triangular logos better. Understandable how Jezus, you did it with the Sharks. The problem is, that jersey design is brutal for white jerseys.

Sorry guys, nope. Try experimenting making your own jersey designs instead of using the same jersey designs for different teams. Don't just spend 5 mins. on your concept. It takes more creativity and inspiration to make it worthwhile. That's just my 2 cents.


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