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DartLogo is paynomind


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Ah, what i see is professional jealously. Paynomind lives in a suburb of Atlanta, GA, while DartLogo lives in San Jose, CA. So, InspectorLogo (if that is your real name, and I doubt it), try putting it your pipe and smoking it!

So, shall the pipe be passed to you now?

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Well, first of all I should say to Inspector Logo that you shouldn't hide behind usernames to make accusations, you and MoJoTo are the same person, and I would appreciate it if in the future you would not do this, or PM me before making something like this public.

But with that being said, paynomind and dartlogo are indeed the same person, I didn't see it nor suspect it, but upon my research I have determined that they are the same.

I would appreciate explanations from both Inspector/MoJoTo, and Paynomind/Dartlogo either in this thread (to make amends to your fellow posters), or you can do so privately to my PM Inbox.

This type of behaviour is not tolerated on the board.

Will they be spanked? :D

I saw, I came, I left.

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CC, if I may make a reccommondation, why not banish both of them?

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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MoJoTo/ Inspector Logo TALKED!!!!!  What a coming out party!

lol... its like penn and teller... one does all the talking the other one doesnt say a word :D

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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Well, first of all I should say to Inspector Logo that you shouldn't hide behind usernames to make accusations, you and MoJoTo are the same person, and I would appreciate it if in the future you would not do this, or PM me before making something like this public.

But with that being said, paynomind and dartlogo are indeed the same person, I didn't see it nor suspect it, but upon my research I have determined that they are the same.

I would appreciate explanations from both Inspector/MoJoTo, and Paynomind/Dartlogo either in this thread (to make amends to your fellow posters), or you can do so privately to my PM Inbox.

This type of behaviour is not tolerated on the board.

No problem.

I was absolutely sure that YOU woud be able to determine that I was MoJoTo.

Posting this "news" under a different username was a calculated tactic.

It brought the issue to the forefront...that people doing good solid work here were being manipulated in the voting process. That irks me.

A few people on this board have communicated with me off-line. They know that I'm a retired computer geek who made my money during the internet boom - by developing a search engine system and algorithm for ferreting out " stuff" like this paynomind/DartLogo thing.

Call it my hobby.

So it was my nature to allow the board to be educated on this whole process. For those of you who called InspectorLogo an idiot.... well....you each owe yourselves and apology.

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CC, if I may make a reccommondation, why not banish both of them?

I think first let them explain themselves and also how about a temporary banning system, like 5 to 10 days to teach them not to do it and if they violate their banning then they are completely banished.




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Well, first of all I should say to Inspector Logo that you shouldn't hide behind usernames to make accusations, you and MoJoTo are the same person, and I would appreciate it if in the future you would not do this, or PM me before making something like this public.

But with that being said, paynomind and dartlogo are indeed the same person, I didn't see it nor suspect it, but upon my research I have determined that they are the same.

I would appreciate explanations from both Inspector/MoJoTo, and Paynomind/Dartlogo either in this thread (to make amends to your fellow posters), or you can do so privately to my PM Inbox.

This type of behaviour is not tolerated on the board.

No problem.

I was absolutely sure that YOU woud be able to determine that I was MoJoTo.

Posting this "news" under a different username was a calculated tactic.

It brought the issue to the forefront...that people doing good solid work here were being manipulated in the voting process. That irks me.

A few people on this board have communicated with me off-line. They know that I'm a retired computer geek who made my money during the internet boom - by developing a search engine system and algorithm for ferreting out " stuff" like this paynomind/DartLogo thing.

Call it my hobby.

So it was my nature to allow the board to be educated on this whole process. For those of you who called InspectorLogo an idiot.... well....you each owe yourselves and apology.

you could and should have just told chris this via PM IMHO. this wasnt cool at all the way you did it, in my view. and who in the blue hell is this "we" you speak of in your first post?



The Danimal said:
Texas is the state that gave us George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. 'Nuff said.
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Well, first of all I should say to Inspector Logo that you shouldn't hide behind usernames to make accusations, you and MoJoTo are the same person, and I would appreciate it if in the future you would not do this, or PM me before making something like this public.

But with that being said, paynomind and dartlogo are indeed the same person, I didn't see it nor suspect it, but upon my research I have determined that they are the same.

I would appreciate explanations from both Inspector/MoJoTo, and Paynomind/Dartlogo either in this thread (to make amends to your fellow posters), or you can do so privately to my PM Inbox.

This type of behaviour is not tolerated on the board.

No problem.

I was absolutely sure that YOU woud be able to determine that I was MoJoTo.

Posting this "news" under a different username was a calculated tactic.

It brought the issue to the forefront...that people doing good solid work here were being manipulated in the voting process. That irks me.

A few people on this board have communicated with me off-line. They know that I'm a retired computer geek who made my money during the internet boom - by developing a search engine system and algorithm for ferreting out " stuff" like this paynomind/DartLogo thing.

Call it my hobby.

So it was my nature to allow the board to be educated on this whole process. For those of you who called InspectorLogo an idiot.... well....you each owe yourselves and apology.

man i knew that cliched argument of "I did it to prove how stupid the other guiy is" would pop up... oh well... sometimes taking the high road misses people... strange isnt it...

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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I don't think any banning should be done with this. A warning here and a warning there should be enough. Oh, and obviously delete the extra accounts. I really would not want to see these two banned. A public apology to the board, and maybe any awards that payno got, that"dartlogo" voted in, and it made a difference (as in payno winning it), should be taken away...

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Well, first of all I should say to Inspector Logo that you shouldn't hide behind usernames to make accusations, you and MoJoTo are the same person, and I would appreciate it if in the future you would not do this, or PM me before making something like this public.

But with that being said, paynomind and dartlogo are indeed the same person, I didn't see it nor suspect it, but upon my research I have determined that they are the same.

I would appreciate explanations from both Inspector/MoJoTo, and Paynomind/Dartlogo either in this thread (to make amends to your fellow posters), or you can do so privately to my PM Inbox.

This type of behaviour is not tolerated on the board.

No problem.

I was absolutely sure that YOU woud be able to determine that I was MoJoTo.

Posting this "news" under a different username was a calculated tactic.

It brought the issue to the forefront...that people doing good solid work here were being manipulated in the voting process. That irks me.

A few people on this board have communicated with me off-line. They know that I'm a retired computer geek who made my money during the internet boom - by developing a search engine system and algorithm for ferreting out " stuff" like this paynomind/DartLogo thing.

Call it my hobby.

So it was my nature to allow the board to be educated on this whole process. For those of you who called InspectorLogo an idiot.... well....you each owe yourselves and apology.

you could and should have just told chris this via PM IMHO. this wasnt cool at all the way you did it, in my view. and who in the blue hell is this "we" you speak of in your first post?

The "we" is my 9 year old daughter whom I homeschool and teach about PC and internet issues.

She gets a kick out of this.

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I second the whole no banning movement. Just delete the extra accounts. I am sure others of us here have another account however. None the less, nothing should be done. Payn now has to deal with the fact of himself "cheating" on polls and contest voting. He'll deal with it and knows it shouldn't be done. People know he did it and it's something that is now known. He may lose respect from other members and such but it's something he has to deal with. Also there should definitely be no penalty toward MoJoTo, as I do not see a reason to. Although it isn't polite to air out stuff like this but oh well...

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