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Other Names Considered For Minn. Wild


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I was wondering if anyone here knew any of the other names that were considered for the Minnesota expansion franchise in the NHL, before they went with Wild? :mad: Also, does anyone know of any other colors they were considering? Any help would be appreciated!

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November 20, 1997: Six finalists named for new NHL franchise: Minnesota Blue Ox, Minnesota Freeze, Minnesota Northern Lights, Minnesota Voyageurs, Minnesota White Bears and Minnesota Wild.

January 22, 1998: The new NHL team is officially named the Minnesota Wild. The unveiling occurred in front of a sellout crowd at historic Aldrich Arena.


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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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That was quite an impressive crapload of bad names to pick from, wasn't it?

I remember writing to them TWICE asking them to please, please start over.

Of that sorry bunch, White Bears was the one that I found the least worst.

Personally, I was hoping for Lumberjacks, but they didn't want a name that anybody else already had, and the Cleveland Lumberjacks of the IHL ruined my hopes for that to even be considered.

I'm still not crazy about the name, but the jersey logo was a saving grace for the whole sorry affair.



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November 20, 1997: Six finalists named for new NHL franchise: Minnesota Blue Ox, Minnesota Freeze, Minnesota Northern Lights, Minnesota Voyageurs, Minnesota White Bears and Minnesota Wild.

They made the right choice of those--Wild is okay, although I generally don't like team names that don't end with a plural "s" even if the name is plural itself...

But Blue Ox? That's not even plural in any sense--Blue Oxen? maybe---but with Columbus being the Blue Jackets it may have been too much blue...

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ummmm intersting choices...........

how bout columbus?anyone know the final choices there?and who released name first?

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I kinda like the "Northern Lights". Because it would have been kind of a acknowledgement to the "North" in North Stars...

The Blue Ox is interesting too... it could probably have lent itself to a great logo... good point above though, about Columbus being the Blue Jackets...

I also, for the record, think that "Wild" is the most absolute worst nickname in professional sports, although I will say that they've done a fantastic job with the logo and uniforms that surround it...


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Looking at those names, Wild doesn't seem so bad after all.

But I would've prefered they just brought back the Fighting Saints with a Dolphin-esque update of the shooting angel.


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Wild looks like the best name out of all of them. I think Northern Lights would've been a little too close to North Stars and I guess that the team wanted to start anew.

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