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Jets third concept


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I like the sleeve pattern a lot more than the actual jersey. However, I do not like the rings around the the wrist area. Take them out and use the dark blue all the way down the sleeve and you have a winner.


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Very good concept. I like the inclusion of red, but there's just 2 things that I'd like to see fixed:

-The sleeve cuffs should be one colour - either red or white (I'd go with white)

-At the bottom/waist, make it light blue instead of dark blue. This is hard to explain, but it'll "flow" better and not be "chunky" (it won't look like different pieces)


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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If this were actually made, the Reebok logo would be white, and the shoulder patches would be further out, aligned with the corner of dark blue (see 1991-92 Penguins for what I mean). Otherwise, that's a great looking sweater, and not an unrealistic one either.

The Jets are really playing down the red though, maybe replace it with silver and see how much it hurts the overall look.

Seriously, great concept.

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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I tried to add a little nod to the Thrashers, but I understand the Reebok mark being white, I'm just OCD when it comes to consistency, with the tie down insert being red, I just made the mark red. I think the patch could be positioned a tad to the edges of the yoke. Thanks for all the feedback.

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