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Portland Beavers & Las Vegas Black Jax


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I may as well cover the jerseys now:

  • Make the scripts less wide
  • Shrink the NOB
  • Move the numbers from the left side to the right side
  • The bottom jerseys could work as BP jerseys, but not as alts. I suggest making those the BP unis and making a green and a brown alt (with scripts).
  • For the scripts, numbers, etc..., I'd use dark brown.
  • I think a green cap with a brown bill (on the road) would look great.

Since you're gonna be updating the jerseys, would you mind making them bigger (unless they'd become pixelated).

Alright so basically, the logos improved onto the jerseys?

The logos aren't perfect, but they've gone somewhere, and I also wanted to comment on the jerseys since no one has done so yet. I'd still fix the beaver's teeth, but I want to see what others think about the jerseys too; I'd like for people to give you more input before you update them.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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Well my NBA expansion design is in the graveyard now, so I figure why not finish what I started? Here are some updates I made that never got posted. I ended up changing the name to 'Beavers'



"My name is Ignatius Peabody Nobel from East Westerton, Missouri.and this is my friend, um, Ted"

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This is really good, but the one thing I would change is maybe add an outline to the script, especially on the home jersey. Other than that, nice job.

"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand."


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I agree with the above, darken the home script, add a sleeve patch. Following the course of the thread, looks like you made some great improvements.




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I'm not fond of flags on the sleeve, though there is certainly precedent with the Arizona Cardinals and Calgary Flames (and any others I'm not aware of. Though they might be perceived as too trendy, perhaps a roundel with the beaver head in the middle and the team name on the edge of the circle?




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Wow, the quality of your work has really improved a lot. I like it, but I'm not a fan of the shoulder patch. I would make the beaver head larger and move the patch up a little bit, I think it's too low as it is.


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Yeah don't love the shoulder patch, but I don't think you really need one at all. Great improvement other than that, though. Nice job!

I think I'll take a poll on a shoulder patch


"My name is Ignatius Peabody Nobel from East Westerton, Missouri.and this is my friend, um, Ted"

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I would outline or stripe something on the alt in dark brown. It just looks too plain. And I'm excited for the Las Vegas Kings!

Not named the Kings! That was just a city hint, I was going to name them Kings, but its generic and there is the Royals.


"My name is Ignatius Peabody Nobel from East Westerton, Missouri.and this is my friend, um, Ted"

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I would outline or stripe something on the alt in dark brown. It just looks too plain. And I'm excited for the Las Vegas Kings!

Not named the Kings! That was just a city hint, I was going to name them Kings, but its generic and there is the Royals.

Aww, is the name at least Elvis related?

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