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AAFC - Lancealot


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I decided to make a fantasy (I think that's what you guys call it) league for if Australia had a professional league, I have called it the Australian-American football Championship there will be at least one team per state (all 7) haven't decided on how many rounds and teams yet but I will be running a simulation of a season (depending on how well the thread goes. I completely forgot about league logos until now but will make them next) I decided to start with the two states without amateur leagues.

so first up is the Darwin (northern territory) Drop Bears, drop bears are the most infamous urban legend in Australia so I decided that they deserved their own team, i based the colours and unis on the indigenous Australian flag (http://www.ausflag.com.au/images/ab.gif ) as the state is known for its indigenous heritage, so here are the unis. I have decided to go with one helmet for each team (no alts at this stage) this is my first logo on a computer so go easy but c&c would be appreciated.









Alt Pants:


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Did you make the logo or "borrow" it from somewhere? I ask because the design of the "bear" is inconsistent with the rest of your work. If you "borrowed" it, you should call that out and credit the source. If not... well then we have to talk about how to improve it.

As for the uniforms - as previous poster said, tone down the colors so that it looks more realistic on a monitor. It doesn't matter if you're in Paint or anything else, you can do this right. The design itself is fine. Basic, nothing flashy. No glaring violations. I'd suggest reconsidering the sleeves, because on today's templates those stripes would just be screened-on and may not look as good in production as they do on the screen.

Also, look at your work before posting it. Those font sizes are clearly too big. You'd never fit a long surname or double-digit number on there. Frankly this is so obvious I'm not sure how it wasn't addressed before posting. To be fair, many new designers do this too - and I'm baffled every single time.

Fix the fonts and colors, clear up the logo, then come back and it'll be easier to give you better feedback.

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BBTV I understand what you mean with the logo, its all my own but I drew the actual bear by hand before I came up with this idea, I scanned it onto my computer and re-coloured it. with the fonts i done these at like12 at night and posted them then the next morning realised haha. ill post an update soon toning down the colours, fixing the font and changing the sleve stripe. but in the mean time i have made 2 league logos which on do you guys think is better. (and c&c on the league logos)





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A lot of the colors you use don't contrast very well, ease down on the brightness. Also the league logos are a bit complex, I'm not sure how they'd work as patches so I'd try sticking to something along the simplicity of logo 2 as it doesn't scream Australia too much like the first and still conveys football. Remember it also doesn't have to be a continent either, you'll find most pro league logos are just shields or subtle crests because they look good on most any uniform.

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Where to begin?

1. The name Drop Bears is traditionally the lie we come up with to foreigners about killer koalas, so the idea of an ursidae bear just seems weird.

2. The crazy look on the bears face doesn't make him look aggressive, but kinda mental. If you can, either make him more like a killer koala or start with a new drawing of a koala.

3. The colours, as everyone else mentioned, just because Paint offers you certain colours doesn't mean you have to use only them. If you go to Colours up the top, then Edit Colours, you get to choose the colours you want. Click on Yellow then Define Custom Colours. This brings up a box that will let you pick any colour you want. If I were you I'd change the Green setting to 214 and then click on Add to Custom Colours. Back in the design change each yellow section to the new Aussie Gold/Yellow you've just made. do the same fo Red, but change the Blue setting to 23 and the Red setting to 245. Save that one and re-colour the Red,

4. The logo, I'd go with the second one, though you'd also need to change the Green.

5. Reduce the size of your fonts on the numbers and names. EDIT as mentioned by BBtV

And based on what you have done, here is what it looks like, just on another template with the colours I suggested.


Link to Drop Bears warning


Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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This series is going to be really in the fact that Australia isn't much for American football.

The colours of the team are pretty good but I don't like the name Drop Bears. I reckon you should change the name to DIngoes so the team becomes the Darwin Dingoes. It would make it more professional as the team logo and name doesn't really sound that much professional.

Also, I love the green & gold AAFC logo, Top job on that one. I can't wait to see how this series plays out.

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1&2: illl try to make another logo thats more koala-ish

3: i have been playing around with the colours since the others mentioned it and the ones you mentioned are perfect grinning.gif

4: ill try to change it to the traditional australian green

5: i have and it will be shown below

and could i please have that template i have been looking for a better one and yours is the best simple one i have seen.


yeah i grew up with my older brothers playing (two of them represented australia, one at the world cup) and im into my third year playing.

im most likely to make two teams for each state so ill probably use dingoes for my other NT team (thanks for the idea)

the logo you are referring to, the square or the map one?

so here is my first update on the drop bears, i have used the colours that rmered suggested but reduced the amount of yellow as i felt it was throwing the uniform off, got rid of the arm stripes and put the logos in their place, i also reduced the font size (not sure if its still to big or not) and added the team coloured league logo







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The logo i'm reffering to is the square one not the map one. The map logo is too busy and would be quite hard to put on the uniforms.

awesome i like that one better as you can see i put it on the drop bears uni, i am currently updating the colours to be more of a Aussie green and gold

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ok so im sticking with the rectangle logo cause it will look beter on uniforms and cause i like it more. so here is an update using the colours that rmered sugested (thanks heaps for that grinning.gif)


and the drop bears update using the yellow and red he suggested


once again c&c would be appreciated on both the update on the uni and logo. i am working on a new logo for the drop bears more like a koala after that i will move onto my next team Tasmania's first team any name suggestions?

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Sorry mate, the template I have, which was made by someone else from here (name escapes me at the moment) for Adobe Illustrator.

And unless you have that software, it won't work.

Colours look much better now, just toned down a touch but it makes a difference.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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Well. I suggest the basic. Tasmania Devils. A Green and Anthracite Color Scheme maybe.

EDIT:If you allow me, I can also try Tasmania, but only if you allow it.

Anthracite? Sorry I'm new to the whole designing thing and have no idea what that means :s yeah you can try it, yours will probably turn out a lot better then mine haha

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Well. I suggest the basic. Tasmania Devils. A Green and Anthracite Color Scheme maybe.

EDIT:If you allow me, I can also try Tasmania, but only if you allow it.

Anthracite? Sorry I'm new to the whole designing thing and have no idea what that means :s yeah you can try it, yours will probably turn out a lot better then mine haha

Anthracite is a very dark Grey, almost Black.


Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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so here is my attempt at a more koala like logo for the d-bears (minus the circle) i dont really like it but want to see what you guys think and if you guys could give me some tips it would be awesome happy.gif


i also made a template for the helmet , logos and colour schemes (inspired heavily by Julius Seizure's International Football League: Version 3.0 because basically i love all his stuff) so first up a rough one for the D-Bears ill change it when i finish the new logo


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