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which reminds me, go see the movie saved.  Its hilarious.

I don't doubt it might be funny 'ha ha', but I'm amazed they were allowed to do what they did: if they would make a similar movie about any other religious or ethnic group, it would never hit theaters for all the outcry. (Don't want to hear my rant? Feel free to skip over the rest of the post.)

Thank goodness people were able to see what Christianity is really all about in the Passion, and will be able to keep that in mind when viewing the hypocrisy displayed by actors portraying Christians.

If it sounds like I'm taking it too seriously, it's because I am taking it seriously. Nobody's perfect, least of all me, and nobody I know thinks they are. Christians do try to live up to a standard no one actually can, and so obviously we fail, and often we fail spectacularly. Everybody does, regardless of what you believe in.

So to have a movie come out and basically say "Christians are misguided hypocrites who you'd be better off staying the heck away from, and finding your own faith within yourself" is really unfair IMO.

Replace the 'Christians' in the movie with any one of dozens of religious or ethnic groups, and you suddenly have half of the continent's lobby groups coming to their aid (and rightly so... no ethnic or religious group deserves this kind of treatment). It's not a subtly satiric, constructively critical film; it's not even a biting satire with the intent of raising important social issues; it's an attack on a single faith group with the intent to encourage exploration into other ideas and to avoid the targeted group.

They may present it in a humorous setting, but there's no mistaking the purpose of sugar-coated cyanide.

If you read up to here, understand that I'm not a stark-raving-mad lunatic trying to tell you the World's going to end tomorrow... I'm a normal guy who has had the most amazing experience, and who becomes greatly distressed when the experience I've had is misrepresented and distorted to highlight the failings that are present within everybody and have little or nothing to do with Christianity.

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I was expecting something against that movie from you, and I say that not to belittle you as predictable, but I think I get that you are a devout Christian, and yes, at the surface it seems almost blastphomous, But trust me, I went in with skeptical thoughts too.

I was raised Roman Catholic, I have a strong influence with that in the house. But i took it as a satire, which it is, but I think its more of a satire on a small, but vocal portion of our christianity that preaches loud publicly, and has their own agendas privately. And those "christians" should be poked fun at, in my opinion.

In the end of the movie, nobody is the better or worse because they did or didnt believe in god, i think they were just trying to say choose for yourself, and do it privately.

I, as some critics had a problem with its preachy-ness of that very issue, but good with bad, its not a bad flick.

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I saw the highlights and how he encourage the chant. Truly stupid on his part. Didn't this take place on Sunday? If he is a minister, what in the world is he doing at a Rangers game? Anyways, this guy is brutal. Granted yeah its rare that you get a foul ball but come on! The poor kid! Also, I agree this is getting too much press. Time to let it go.

Also, the only thing to see Saved! is the now single Mandy Moore. :wub: Maybe I have a chance now that tennis' A-Rod is out of the picture. Kinda funny the last tourney there were together was in San Jose at the Siebel Open. Coincidence? :therock:

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

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the dude is an :censored:, no question... but i swear to god this city of dallas, texas has lost it's mind.

the local news sent reporters to the dude's home, and his church... interviewed his neighbors... all to trash this guy.

then the little kid goes on TV and gets plop from the mets? why?! the kid doesn't seem to care about any of it to begin with. i've never seen him show even the slightest emotion, and he may very well be braindead.

i'm not defending this guy's actions at ALL. i never even try to catch balls/pucks/tshirts that are thrown into the crowd, unless they are DIRECTLY at me, and i would have given that ball to a kid ANYWAY if i had caught it... but this guy has had to literally go into hiding, because people are harassing him at home. leaving him hate mail in his box, vandalizing his possesions, and he's getting slandered on the local news by EVERY network in town.

it's pathetic.

sure, he's an :censored:. but last time i checked, that wasn't a crime. let the guy live his life... god i hate texas. they want to do everything they can to make this guy miserable, because he refused to give a foul ball to a little kid... yet they're fiercly loyal to their president, who's done much much worse than bump a kid forward, while diving for a baseball.

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god i hate texas. they want to do everything they can to make this guy miserable, because he refused to give a foul ball to a little kid... yet they're fiercly loyal to their president, who's done much much worse than bump a kid forward, while diving for a baseball.

Have you ever been here to Texas? I'm guessing no. If you had, then you'd realize how many of us actually oppose Bush's actions. Yea, he gets a lot of support because some local people are nostalgic to the fact that this is his home. But if you take the time to watch local press or read newspapers from across the state, many people grew tired of Bush's antics long ago. I, for one, can't stand what he's doing in office. Yea, I met him once when he was with the Rangers, and he was a really nice person, but as a president, I think he sucks. I'm not the only Texan who feels that way either.

Furthermore, I think the :censored: fan is getting what he deserves. Yea, this treatment will stop eventually (it's slowed down a lot since the incident), so there is no need to talk about him being some poor, nice guy who used bad judgment and who should be apologized to. The time when he's completely forgotten about by the press will come soon. Think about the way Red Sox fans feel about Buckner- almost 20 years after that incident happened. If you wanna talk about not letting go, talk about that some more. Also, a lot of Cubs fans still haven't forgiven Steve Bartman for what he did, although he acted out of instinct and wasn't intentionally trying to be a jerk. The sad thing is, with the Buckner and Bartman incidents, it was all over the chance to win big games. Yea, die-hard Sox and Cubs fans have waited a long time for another title, but no lives were put in danger over Buckner's or Bartman's actions. The fan in Arlington put the kid's life in danger, and that is why he is so hated right now. It is not just the fact that he didn't give him the ball, but if you kick a 4-year old in the head, it has potential to do damage. By choosing to act like a dick (kicking the kid, enticing the crowd to chant), he should have expected this type of backlash.

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Well the moral of this story seems to be- if you are a little kid and want loads of stuff, get sokme jackass arsehole to steal a ball from you! Hmm, wonder if I have any free stuff I can send the kid! I feel left out!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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god i hate texas. they want to do everything they can to make this guy miserable, because he refused to give a foul ball to a little kid... yet they're fiercly loyal to their president, who's done much much worse than bump a kid forward, while diving for a baseball.

Have you ever been here to Texas? I'm guessing no. If you had, then you'd realize how many of us actually oppose Bush's actions. Yea, he gets a lot of support because some local people are nostalgic to the fact that this is his home. But if you take the time to watch local press or read newspapers from across the state, many people grew tired of Bush's antics long ago. I, for one, can't stand what he's doing in office. Yea, I met him once when he was with the Rangers, and he was a really nice person, but as a president, I think he sucks. I'm not the only Texan who feels that way either.

Furthermore, I think the :censored: fan is getting what he deserves. Yea, this treatment will stop eventually (it's slowed down a lot since the incident), so there is no need to talk about him being some poor, nice guy who used bad judgment and who should be apologized to. The time when he's completely forgotten about by the press will come soon. Think about the way Red Sox fans feel about Buckner- almost 20 years after that incident happened. If you wanna talk about not letting go, talk about that some more. Also, a lot of Cubs fans still haven't forgiven Steve Bartman for what he did, although he acted out of instinct and wasn't intentionally trying to be a jerk. The sad thing is, with the Buckner and Bartman incidents, it was all over the chance to win big games. Yea, die-hard Sox and Cubs fans have waited a long time for another title, but no lives were put in danger over Buckner's or Bartman's actions. The fan in Arlington put the kid's life in danger, and that is why he is so hated right now. It is not just the fact that he didn't give him the ball, but if you kick a 4-year old in the head, it has potential to do damage. By choosing to act like a dick (kicking the kid, enticing the crowd to chant), he should have expected this type of backlash.

Look at the location under his name before you say that.

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yeah... i'm not judging what i read, i'm judging by what i see everyday in my home town.

i get yelled at for wearing my "not my president" shirt in public, i get ridiculed for be a "bleeding heart liberal" and i'm a terrible terrible person for not "supporting our troops" even though i went to high school with most of them.

i know not ALL texans are like this, because i'm obviously not like that... but to see everyone freaking out about how this guy, and getting national coverage on it... it's just stupid. no one seems to care about the dallas police department being a joke, or the city of dallas being the #1 violent crime city in the nation... but boy, don't bump a kid trying to catch a foul ball... that's the worst thing you can do.

i'll say it again, this guy is an :censored:. i don't support him or his actions. but you'd think the dallas media would get over themselves and just let the story drop. it's not THAT big of a deal, and all they are doing is slandering the guy, and giving out his home address! definately not professional at all.

and you think he kicked the kid in the head?! his shin hit the kid in the back... i still say, the guy is a dick, and i'd never do what he did... and the rangers commentators handled the situation well, calling him a jerk constantly... but for all the coverage he's gotten, you'd think he did something WAY worse...

i'm convinced fuzzywarble didn't read a single word of my post, since he didn't think i'd ever been in texas, while i was saying how much the local dallas media annoys me..... plus, i'm fairly sure i never called the guy a misunderstood nice guy. i said he was an :censored:, but what he did wasn't against the law, and he doesn't deserve people vandalizing his house, because of a stupid blown-out-of-proportion incident.

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why on earth does everything have to come back to "bush sucks". and poor you, you get differing opinions when you wear your little shirt. its certainly your right to wear it, but its also people's right to disagree with you if you wear it.

and i dont get all this BS, weather you like the man or not he actually IS your president. and wearing a tshirt doesnt change that. i hated bill clinton but that didnt change the fact that he was the president. i have respect for the office. and when i went somewhere where he was speaking i stood up for him like everyone else.

i dont mean to get off topic, but gawd people c'mon, this topic is about that dude stealing the foul ball and all the sudden it becomes yet another forum to bash bush.

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ok. my apologies for mentioning the president... i was just trying to think of a widely disliked person, that is widely loved in texas, to contrast against how the local media is so quick to crucify a guy for his actions at a baseball game.

if i'd known that mentioning politics on here would cause this much trouble, i wouldn't have done it... maybe i should have talked about some of the dallas cowboys that got arrested for selling/doing drugs, who are still idolized in dallas... but either way, my point remains the same, regardless of if you agree with my political views... what guy did was completely wrong and stupid and dangerous... but there really is no need for the DFW Metroplex to declare war on a guy for it. just call him a jerk and be done with it :)

again, my apologies if my political views tainted this thread for some of you.

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I lived in Dallas for about 6 years, and you are right, the media has some major issues. but i think its that way with all the media everywhere not just the Big D. i know here, the Washington media was responsible for peoples deaths during the sniper crisis for reporting things the sniper told them not too. the media will always been sensationalist, and i hate sensationalism. i blame oprah :D

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If he is a minister, what in the world is he doing at a Rangers game?

He's actually not a minister, he's a former youth minister, which is just someone who runs the youth encouragement program at churches. Which, even that, is ironic.

The better question is, what in the world is anyone doing at a Rangers' game? You don't need to be any kind of minister to know the Rangers are terrible and aren't worth watching. :P

Go Expos! ^_^

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