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Giants capitalize on fan-created craze


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Giants launch "Operation Cluck"

it all started during the Giants run to the World Series in 2002, when a handful of fans began distributing rubber chickens throughout the ballpark for fans to twirl in protest everytime Barry Bonds got the intentional four wide pitches from the opposing team.

Now the team is capitalizing, selling official rubber chickens at the ballpark and anywhere official Giants merchandise can be had throughout the bay area.


its even in the team colors!

of course, they will probably charge around $6 for something not even worth $2 :D

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"I think other NL teams should sell replica syringes." :P

Ooooooh, nasty stuff. BTW, part of the $10 that each of these "Walk'er" rubber chickens cost goes to the Giants' in-house charity.

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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I think other NL teams should sell replica syringes.... :P

I've said it before, I'll say it again. Show me proof, in terms of testing, that Barry Bonds has taken, or is taking steroids right now.

I would think he would've shut up his critics by now by having the season he's had. He'd be stupid to still be taking supplements and he's still producing as well as ever before. Hmm... get off the mans back and understand his mechanics are amazing and his bat speed is equally awesome.


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you want proof? Compare some pictures of Bonds in his Pirate days and compare them to now. Look at the size of his head. It's friggin HUGE! It has its own satellite! A normal person doesn't have their head enlarge that much between the ages of 24 and 37.

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someone chucked one of those things on the field tonight after bonds got intentionally walked in the 8th inning

Fortunately it was a rubber chicken. Imagine if someone threw a small bat or a baseball instead. Then there would be a posibility that someone might get seriously hurt.

I saw, I came, I left.

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someone chucked one of those things on the field tonight after bonds got intentionally walked in the 8th inning

Fortunately it was a rubber chicken. Imagine if someone threw a small bat or a baseball instead. Then there would be a posibility that someone might get seriously hurt.

Then again that person probably wouldn't have thrown something that could hurt someone (at least I'd like to hope they wouldn't)


Chris Creamer
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