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Lightning would be the correct way to spell that word.

I've been dying to say that, but I kept rereading the lightening post thinking that I was missing something. No real harm done. I will vote lightning, and you can refine it JMurr.

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Lightning would be the correct way to spell that word.

I've been dying to say that, but I kept rereading the lightening post thinking that I was missing something. No real harm done. I will vote lightning, and you can refine it JMurr.

Not sure if I can do this, but after looking at them both for a long time, I think that the mystics might have more potential. I will change my vote (if I can)

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I will make corrections to the spelling of Lightning latter tonight.

kevsim1 I will change your vote. Let me clarify how this will work though as it might effect your decision to change your vote.

So the second round which is the individual state and wild card group competitions work like this.

Four cities – In the case of Alabama; Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, and Huntsville

Stage A

Largest city pitted against smallest of the four, Second largest pitted against third largest

So Birmingham (Alabama’s largest city) vs. Huntsville (Alabama’s fourth largest city)

And Montgomery (Alabama’s second largest city) vs. Mobile (Alabama’s third largest city)

Stage B

Winners from Stage A are pitted against each other, losers are pitted against each other

So based on how it is currently looking

Birmingham will face Montgomery (the winner advances to the Alabama championship)

Mobile will face Huntsville (the loser will be eliminated)

No adjustments will be made to the winning logos from Stage A

However I will make changes to the Stage A losers, based on C&C.

Stage C

The loser between the winners from Stage A (hope that makes sense) will be pitted against the winner from the losers of Stage A.

Adjustments can be made to both logos based on C&C for this stage.

It is possible that a rematch may be occurring between two teams that faced in Stage A.

The loser is eliminated the winner advances to the state championship.

State or Wild Card Group Championship

The team that advanced in Stage B will face the team that advanced in Stage C.

The winner wins the state or wild card group and will advance to the 64 team playoff.

I show you this so you can see that no team will be eliminated after only one vote. Those that lose in this first stage I will make adjustments to in an attempt to prepare them for a comeback. So in the case of the Mystics, please give me your thoughts on how to develop it and I will take every thing said under consideration as I make adjustments.


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With the Mystics, the green and purple are spot-on. Really good. I think that you should somehow make the face into and M, but still keeping it look reasonable.

Believe it or not that was my intention; for the face to be the second half of the M. I know I failed badly. I am thinking of dropping the Ox all together from the primary logo and using it for the secondary latter, should this concept make it that far. And just going with an M in the green shape instead. Also as I look at it I think I need to outline the purple and green shapes. Thoughts on any of this?


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With the Mystics, the green and purple are spot-on. Really good. I think that you should somehow make the face into and M, but still keeping it look reasonable.

Believe it or not that was my intention; for the face to be the second half of the M. I know I failed badly. I am thinking of dropping the Ox all together from the primary logo and using it for the secondary latter, should this concept make it that far. And just going with an M in the green shape instead. Also as I look at it I think I need to outline the purple and green shapes. Thoughts on any of this?

That is what I thought you were going for, but It's too much like an n. Maybe some sort of 2 headed thing, both with their mouths open, making an m? I don't know. You could always just turn it 90d sideways, because the Ox is pretty good looking, as is the border. I would keep the head nonetheless.

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With the Mystics, the green and purple are spot-on. Really good. I think that you should somehow make the face into and M, but still keeping it look reasonable.

Believe it or not that was my intention; for the face to be the second half of the M. I know I failed badly. I am thinking of dropping the Ox all together from the primary logo and using it for the secondary latter, should this concept make it that far. And just going with an M in the green shape instead. Also as I look at it I think I need to outline the purple and green shapes. Thoughts on any of this?

That is what I thought you were going for, but It's too much like an n. Maybe some sort of 2 headed thing, both with their mouths open, making an m? I don't know. You could always just turn it 90d sideways, because the Ox is pretty good looking, as is the border. I would keep the head nonetheless.

I agree with kevsim1, play around with it for a little bit and see what you can do!




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With the Mystics, the green and purple are spot-on. Really good. I think that you should somehow make the face into and M, but still keeping it look reasonable.

Believe it or not that was my intention; for the face to be the second half of the M. I know I failed badly. I am thinking of dropping the Ox all together from the primary logo and using it for the secondary latter, should this concept make it that far. And just going with an M in the green shape instead. Also as I look at it I think I need to outline the purple and green shapes. Thoughts on any of this?

That is what I thought you were going for, but It's too much like an n. Maybe some sort of 2 headed thing, both with their mouths open, making an m? I don't know. You could always just turn it 90d sideways, because the Ox is pretty good looking, as is the border. I would keep the head nonetheless.

I agree with kevsim1, play around with it for a little bit and see what you can do!

Will do. Stay tuned.


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Calling three more votes:

First Anchorage, Alaska team name: Winner Anchorage Foxes

Locomotives - 1 Vote 5.26%

Pilots - 2 Votes 10.53%

Oilers - 1 Vote 5.25%

Mudflats - 2 Votes 10.53%

Volcanoes - 1 Vote 5.26%

Bears - 1 Vote 5.26%

Bull Moose - 2 Votes 10.53% (the one I voted for)

Wolves - 4 Votes 21.05%

Foxes - 5 Votes 26.32%

Round 2 Stage A - Alabama, Birmingham Blacksmiths vs. Huntsville Rockets: Huntsville Rockets declared the winner

Birmingham Blacksmiths - 7 Votes 41.18%

Huntsville Rockets - 10 Votes 58.82%

Round 2 Stage A - Alabama, Montgomery Lightning vs. Mobile Mystics: Montgomery Lightning declared the winner

Montgomery Lightning - 8 Votes 61.54%

Mobile Mystics - 5 Votes 38.46%

More polls up latter tonight. They will be

Round 2 Stage B - Alabama, Montgomery Lightning vs. Huntsville Rockets

Proposed names for Sitka, Alaska

Proposed names for Fairbanks, Alaska


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Having some technical issues. It will not allow me to create new polls.

In the meantime lets go back to the old fashioned way, post your votes.

Three Questions:

Q1: Which one of these two should advance to the Alabama championship?

Montgomery Lightning or Huntsville Rockets


Q2: What team logo do you want to see for Sitka, Alaska? (see below for name details)

Sitka Brown Bears

Sitka Alaskans

Sitka Fishermen

Sitka Seaducks

Q3: What team logo do you want to see for Fairbanks, Alaska? (see below for name details)

Fairbanks North Stars

Fairbanks Farmers

Fairbanks Miners

Fairbanks GIs

Fairbanks Flood

My votes: Lightning, Seaducks, North Stars


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Sitka, Alaska (Alaska’s fourth largest city)

Sitka Brown Bears

Sitka has strong ties to Russian history. When Russia maintained possession of Alaska, Sitka was the capital of the territory. Sitka was the place that Russia officially handed over control of the region to the United States. It was also the first home of the Russian Orthodox Church in America, even today the religion has a strong presence in the city. Drawing from this Russian heritage I purpose that one of the options for Sitka be a hockey team named for one of the nation symbols of Russia; the brown bear. For a logo I will work together a fierce looking bear with some Russian Orthodox symbols.

Sitka Alaskans

Not only did Sitka serve as the capital city of Russia America it was also the place Russia officially handed over control of the region to the United States. Annually the date of this transfer is celebrated in Sitka as Alaska day. To honor this historic fact one purposed sports club for Sitka is the Sitka Alaskans football team. A basic outline of the state with an incorporation of the Big Dipper constellation will serve to construct this logo.

Sitka Fishermen

18% of Sitka’s populations income is connected to the fishing industry some how. To appeal to this demographic it would be fitting to name a hockey team in the region the Sitka Fishermen. I am thinking a concept something like the Gorton’s fisherman or perhaps think of the New York Islanders infamously despised fisherman logo. Maybe I can make it work.

Sitka Seaducks

Did you know that Sitka’s airport actually features a designated aquatic landing strip? That’s right Sitka’s airport specifically set aside a place for sea planes to land. Therefore I think for a basketball team in the area I could do something with a seaplane. Why Seaducks, you ask? Well I am of the age that I grew up watching Disney Afternoon and if you are of the same age then you can already see the connection. For those who are lost let me connect the far-reaching dots. Disney Afternoon had a cartoon called Tail Spin. In it Baloo, the bear from Jungle Book, flew a sea plane named the Seaduck. For this team I will create a logo using a plane closely resembling that of the one in Tail Spin put it flying around a basketball. Maybe the basketball might be in the water.

Fairbanks, Alaska (Alaska’s second largest city)

Fairbanks North Stars

Fairbanks is the borough seat of the Fairbanks North Star Borough. It is America’s northernmost metropolitan center. Not to mention the North Star serves as a symbol of the whole state. Therefore it is fitting that this nickname should fit a sports team from Fairbanks.

Fairbanks Farmers

The land surrounding Fairbanks is some of the most fertile in Alaska. Many roads on the outskirts of town are named for old Farmers who lived and worked in the area. Fairbanks was once one of the most dominating suppliers of food to Alaska.

Fairbanks Miners

Mining for Gold plays an important role in the history of Alaska. Fairbanks in fact was first established in the early twentieth century when a businessman was convinced by a bunch of local miners to build a village on the land that eventually grew into the city of Fairbanks.

Fairbanks GIs

The whole state of Alaska would today not have enough population to be a state were it not for the U.S. Military. Read about any city in Alaska and you are likely to discover that its primary motivating factor for residents to move in was the establishment of a military base. This all holds true for Fairbanks and therefore I am proposing that a team in the city be named the Fairbanks GIs. Residency by those serving in the Military remains a large sector of the city’s population toady.

Fairbanks Flood

In the early history of the city the region was prone to flooding. Eventually flood control measures were taken. Today the city is not so susceptible to flooding so they might be more welcoming of a team with the name Fairbanks Flood. Not sure how the old timers who remember the disastrous floods will feel about it.


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Im going to let these three votes keep going a little longer. In the meantime please post your vote for the updated Birmingham Blacksmiths vs. Mobile Mystics.

Not much C&C was given for the Blacksmiths and it did not lose by much so I did not actually do anything to it.

The Mystics however you will notice some big changes based on the C&C.

Who do you think should stay in. Remember the loser of this vote will be the first elimination.



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