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Any chance you can do this original Orioles logo, with an orange eye?


Here's an image where you can see the detail in the wing and tail:


And on the MLB shop, they have it w/ the orange eye, so not sure which one was actually correct:


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Ren, how did you become such a good artist? High school classes? Natural talent? Learned from other people? I'm wondering because I would love to be better at art so I could make my own logos and possibly contribute to this thread.

Hey Troy,

Appreciate the kind words. I've been drawing since I was in elementary which was a LONG LONG time ago. My grandmother would always tell me I was blessed with an ability & I've always thought of it as so. I have a 15 yr old son who seems to have it as well. I took art in school as soon as it became available simply because I loved to draw. If you have a passion for art I say pursue it! There are so many resources available that can assist you, from video to written tutorials online, books, art classes, etc. Take advantage of these resources & learn as much as you can. Even the most experienced artists are always learning new things that will help them take their work to that next level. Good luck & hope to see artwork from you here sometime!


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Ren, how did you become such a good artist? High school classes? Natural talent? Learned from other people? I'm wondering because I would love to be better at art so I could make my own logos and possibly contribute to this thread.

Hey Troy,

Appreciate the kind words. I've been drawing since I was in elementary which was a LONG LONG time ago. My grandmother would always tell me I was blessed with an ability & I've always thought of it as so. I have a 15 yr old son who seems to have it as well. I took art in school as soon as it became available simply because I loved to draw. If you have a passion for art I say pursue it! There are so many resources available that can assist you, from video to written tutorials online, books, art classes, etc. Take advantage of these resources & learn as much as you can. Even the most experienced artists are always learning new things that will help them take their work to that next level. Good luck & hope to see artwork from you here sometime!


Thanks Ren appreciate it! :)

usbnr3E.png     QrRvhzH.png     u0rDbga.png

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Oh great and mighty Ren.

First, let me just say, even though I don't visit this page on a regular basis, I never ever get tired of seeing you take old sports logos that you get from old photos and refurbish them make them look modern and contemporary. Every time I see a new work of art from you, I'm left with my chin dropped to the ground in awe. You even took the time to do a request of mine from awhile ago; the leaping Boston Celtic leprechaun with the crown on its head from the 1960s. You're like a master car mechanic that takes old clunkers and remakes them to look and run like brand new.

And second, and most importantly, on page 57 of this thread, you posted, on April 13, 2014, that you made an attempt to update a vintage American Hockey League logo, the Baltimore Clippers, but you gave up on it because you couldn't find a clear, decent sized photo to use.

Well, as luck would have it, I recently recreated the logo you attempted using Inkscape and GIMP. I did it first by taking the second logo, with the orange outline, enlarging it on my screen, using the Snipping Tool to capture an upper and lower half of the enlarged photo, saving them, then carefully putting them together on GIMP and saving it as one.

This was the result:


With that, I used Inkscape to carefully draw around the image. I even had to research the right font for the lettering and came across one I thought was the closest. URWClarendonTMedWid, which I was able to find at a free site and download. It took me a couple of days, but this was the final result:


I even did a second one where I replaced the orange with light blue, to give it a more nautical feel. This is what it looked liked:


I don't know what you think of them, but I did the best I could. If you're still interested, feel free to use any of the images above to recreate the logo with your own personal touch. They're Photobucket images, so you'll probably have to click on the images to get larger ones. Whenever you can, as I assume you have a mountain of requests to go through.

Good luck, Ren.

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