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NFL and CFL reach new agreement


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The discussions....

CFL: PLEASE, DON'T put a team in Toronto!

NFL: Well, ya know, we might have to even out the confrences if we expand to LA....

CFL: NOooooooooooo!

NFL: Well....If we can get a few players....

CFL: Yes, yes, ANYTHING! Option years, whatever!

NFL: And give us some programming for the NFL network...

CFL: Fine, fine! Yes!

NFL: Ok, that's it, thank you.

CFL: *Bows*

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LOL habsfannova, that's about it. The deal's a little one-sided, but that's what it takes to deal with the big boys. It's not too bad though... the CFL gets some exposure south of the border, and the option year rule works both ways.

I wasn't too happy about losing Juran Bolden, Arland Bruce, Albert Johnson III, Mike Sellers, or Eric Wilson, but darn it, if it keeps an NFL team out of Canada, then maybe their loss was not for naught.

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the article said that CFL games and the Grey Cup would be shown through the NFL network, are we talking an all NFL tv network, or the individual NFL city tv networks (who could opt to show CFL games on their team's bye week, maybe?)

Please bring back the CFL and the Grey Cup on espn2!

"This isn't just the Oregon Ducks, it's Football's Future Turf Soldier War Hero Steel Robot Tech Flex Machine Army." -CS85

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the article said that CFL games and the Grey Cup would be shown through the NFL network, are we talking an all NFL tv network, or the individual NFL city tv networks (who could opt to show CFL games on their team's bye week, maybe?)

Please bring back the CFL and the Grey Cup on espn2!

The NFL Network is a cable TV channel that shows NFL and football related programming 24/7.

It hasn't reached many markets yet, but it reached mine right before the Super Bowl and I have to say it's been great so far. The "Super Bowl Memories" filler that they use during commercial breaks get a little overplayed but other than that, I really like the original programming they have created, especially NFL Total Access, a 9 pm (Central) nightly show that I come to refer to as the "Today Show" for NFL fans. Kenny Mayne is a great host and the show is almost always co-hosted by one or more current NFL players.

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Dude, the CFL is being floated by the NFL. thats just fact. If Canadians in Ontario want the NFL. than Toronto should be allowed to bid on a franchise in there city. Its only fair. The Argonauts totally suck. Hamilton was dismal last season, I mean yes, the CFL does have some talented players, but the NFL is really where these players want to be. this is where the exposure is. this is where the dollars are.






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Dude, the CFL is being floated by the NFL. thats just fact. If Canadians in Ontario want the NFL. than Toronto should be allowed to bid on a franchise in there city. Its only fair. The Argonauts totally suck. Hamilton was dismal last season, I mean yes, the CFL does have some talented players, but the NFL is really where these players want to be. this is where the exposure is. this is where the dollars are.

OK, I hate to sound mean, but that is completly, totally, WRONG and uneducated.

1. It WAS floated by the NFL by a 3mil loan a few years back. That loan is paid off and the league made a healthy profit last year without any assistance. Broadcasts are up, and fan intrest is soaring.

2.The Argos and TiCats are healthy, and have decent owners now. And what do you mean, the Argos suck? They almost, but for a disputed call, made the Grey Cup! And they are a favourite in the East, and with a new Stadium coming, they are poised for years of prosperity.

3. A good amount of players in the CFL ARE Canadians and would NOT get a job in the NFL if the league was dissolved. The league allows many Canadians the oppertunity to play the game they love.

4. So? If they wanted to be in the NFL, they'd be there and making the money. They can't, so they make some money (Actually, a DECENT and DESERVING amount of money) in the Canadian Football League.

Show the CFL some respect. It's older then the NFL, and I can actually afford to go to a game if I'm in a city.

I think you're the guy who constantly laments that "Canadians hate America". Maybe uneducated comments like that make some Canadians angry toward some Americans.

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Dude, the CFL is being floated by the NFL. thats just fact. If Canadians in Ontario want the NFL. than Toronto should be allowed to bid on a franchise in there city. Its only fair. The Argonauts totally suck. Hamilton was dismal last season, I mean yes, the CFL does have some talented players, but the NFL is really where these players want to be. this is where the exposure is. this is where the dollars are.

OK, I hate to sound mean, but that is completly, totally, WRONG and uneducated.

1. It WAS floated by the NFL by a 3mil loan a few years back. That loan is paid off and the league made a healthy profit last year without any assistance. Broadcasts are up, and fan intrest is soaring.

2.The Argos and TiCats are healthy, and have decent owners now. And what do you mean, the Argos suck? They almost, but for a disputed call, made the Grey Cup! And they are a favourite in the East, and with a new Stadium coming, they are poised for years of prosperity.

3. A good amount of players in the CFL ARE Canadians and would NOT get a job in the NFL if the league was dissolved. The league allows many Canadians the oppertunity to play the game they love.

4. So? If they wanted to be in the NFL, they'd be there and making the money. They can't, so they make some money (Actually, a DECENT and DESERVING amount of money) in the Canadian Football League.

Show the CFL some respect. It's older then the NFL, and I can actually afford to go to a game if I'm in a city.

I think you're the guy who constantly laments that "Canadians hate America". Maybe uneducated comments like that make some Canadians angry toward some Americans.

Thanks habsfan for saying that--and look for me in a CFL stadium near you this year---the best bang for your buck in pro sports...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Ticket prices at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton in Canadian dollars of course(And the upper deck is only on the second level, not third):


$40.00 $20.00 Prime Seating Lower Deck

$35.00 $17.50 Prime Seating Upper Deck & Lower Deck Undercover from the 0 to 30 yard line

$29.00 $14.50 Choice Seating Lower Deck

$22.00 $11.00 Budget Seating Upper Deck

Now, lets' look at the Miami Dolphins:

Lower Sidelines N/A

Upper Sidelines $64.00

Lower Corners $63.00

Lower Endzones $61.00

Upper Corners $49.00

Upper Endzones $48.00

Economy Sections $33.00

T.D.'s Touchdown Zone $25.00

Note that the Touchdown Zone, and the Economy sections are in the top 5 endzone rows of the three decked stadium.

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... especially NFL Total Access, a 9 pm (Central) nightly show that I come to refer to as the "Today Show" for NFL fans.  Kenny Mayne is a great host and the show is almost always co-hosted by one or more current NFL players.


pssst, yale....it's Rich Eisen.


and yes, NFL Network is GREAT.... it is included with DirecTV! i'm pretty sure it is becoming more accessible through more cable providers as well.

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Oh my God! I said "Kenny!" Of course I meant Rich Eisen - and it's really not that easy to get the two of them confused. Oh well, at least I didn't say Robin Roberts.

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Where would an NFL team play in Toronto? The NFL ain't interested in any stadiums that hold less than 60,000 and last I checked, that applies to SkyDome.

I know the Argos want a new stadium, but is 60-70,000 seats realistic for them?


Dubya's thoughts on "terrorist" nations: "They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

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Where would an NFL team play in Toronto? The NFL ain't interested in any stadiums that hold less than 60,000 and last I checked, that applies to SkyDome.

I know the Argos want a new stadium, but is 60-70,000 seats realistic for them?

The Argos want to go much smaller, not bigger. Between 20,000 and 30,000, as the try to follow the Alouettes recipe for success.

IMO the only chance for the NFL in Toronto would be SkyDome, with some renevation. At this point, the city wouldn't be interested in dropping another few hundred million into another state-of-the-art stadium, when they just did that a little over a decade ago.

I don't think the Bills would like losing most of their Canadian fanbase (which is significant), and if necessary, I'd go into politics to block the NFL in Toronto. :flagcanada:B)

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Toronto could handle a CFL and NFL team gosh dangit! I want my TORONTO COLTS!


I'd trade in the Argos anytime for any NFL expansion team.

I just hate the As so badly, there's nothing I like about them.

Fans? Bandwagon.

Coach? Example that Great players don't automatically become great coaches... Someone give Pinball a couple valiums please...

Unis? Where do I start...

Stadium? Can't wait to move to Varsity... The Als got the idea years ago... The Dome is a dive, just blast it.

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Toronto could handle a CFL and NFL team gosh dangit!  I want my TORONTO COLTS!


I'd trade in the Argos anytime for any NFL expansion team.

I just hate the As so badly, there's nothing I like about them.

Fans? Bandwagon.

Coach? Example that Great players don't automatically become great coaches... Someone give Pinball a couple valiums please...

Unis? Where do I start...

Stadium? Can't wait to move to Varsity... The Als got the idea years ago... The Dome is a dive, just blast it.

-Losing the Argos would hurt the Alouettes. Plus, what's wrong with having rivals? I don't cheer for the Roughriders, but that doesn't mean I'd like them to fold. Regardless of the amusingly bad commercials they use to promote the lottery they use to bring in a little extra dinero.

-The Argos, for the most part, have been pitifully bad, there's been no reason to hate them.

-Can't argue here. In terms of Toronto sports fans, it's the Leafs first, and whoever happens to be winning second.

-Give Pinball a few years. Look what he's done already with the terrible team he inherited. His attitude is refreshing as well. Someone who truly understands that it is a privilege to be involved in the game, and that it was never owed to him. Someone who's excited about the game, not as a stepping stone to bigger stardom in the NFL, but as a great form of one of the greatest games on the face of the earth.

-The jerseys aren't thaaat bad. I think the Als' look is more garish. The large logo on the shoulder has become their trademark of sorts, the look has grown on me somewhat.

-The stadium would be a better place to play if all the fans didn't come dressed up as empty seats (credit: GMac). Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton is almost as big, and their atmosphere is ten times that of Toronto's. SkyDome is very cool (a lot better than the Big Owe), it's just too bad they used all that concrete for everything, and didn't build it classier using some brick or something like that.

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-The stadium would be a better place to play if all the fans didn't come dressed up as empty seats (credit: GMac). .

awwwwww you remembered... how sweet...lol...

this year halloween i will be an argonauts fan... lol... but seriously... T-dot give it up it aint happening anytime soon... the NFL is better moving a team to LA than expanding to 2 more they have perfect allignment and a perfect amount of teams... 34 teams would be hell on the scheduling and allignment... if they move a team to T-dot maybe... but really there are other US markets they are more likely to hit

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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Still have to say the CFL is the best bang for your buck in pro sports...

I'll watch NFL too, but I'm a CFL guy, and sometimes I wonder if TO deserves a team--maybe they should give it to London or somewhere else...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Dude, the CFL is being floated by the NFL. thats just fact. If Canadians in Ontario want the NFL. than Toronto should be allowed to bid on a franchise in there city. Its only fair. The Argonauts totally suck. Hamilton was dismal last season, I mean yes, the CFL does have some talented players, but the NFL is really where these players want to be. this is where the exposure is. this is where the dollars are.

OK, I hate to sound mean, but that is completly, totally, WRONG and uneducated.

1. It WAS floated by the NFL by a 3mil loan a few years back. That loan is paid off and the league made a healthy profit last year without any assistance. Broadcasts are up, and fan intrest is soaring.

2.The Argos and TiCats are healthy, and have decent owners now. And what do you mean, the Argos suck? They almost, but for a disputed call, made the Grey Cup! And they are a favourite in the East, and with a new Stadium coming, they are poised for years of prosperity.

3. A good amount of players in the CFL ARE Canadians and would NOT get a job in the NFL if the league was dissolved. The league allows many Canadians the oppertunity to play the game they love.

4. So? If they wanted to be in the NFL, they'd be there and making the money. They can't, so they make some money (Actually, a DECENT and DESERVING amount of money) in the Canadian Football League.

Show the CFL some respect. It's older then the NFL, and I can actually afford to go to a game if I'm in a city.

I think you're the guy who constantly laments that "Canadians hate America". Maybe uneducated comments like that make some Canadians angry toward some Americans.

And I can afford my Jets seasons tickets. I work for a living and I have a real job.

Here is something for you..THE CFL IS SECOND RATE, AND THAT IS A FACT.






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