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Looking for feedback on this presentation style (NFL)


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Feel free to critique the design as well, though it was just a personal project. Also credit goes to a user on these boards for the logo, which I tweaked a bit, though I can't seem to find the original post anymore.

Basically the background of this presentation will be a team's secondary color, and the color of the font will be the same color as the team's numbers.










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derschwigg pointed out that the font is too hard to read. I agree with him on that, but also the colour choice for your Broncos concept makes it hard to read. I had to tilt my laptop to read your work. Someone also commented on you Broncos redesign after the Super Bowl, on the use of the Nike logo. They said that unless you work there, it doesn't make sense to put it on your work. It's your work, and it's good work, too. Put your name on it, not the swoosh. :P

I don't know if you wanted comments on your concept itself, but here's some thoughts I had. You have three different looks going on here, and even said so in the description of your third jersey. While I'm a fan of each jersey and uniform on their own, I'm not a fan of them all together. I don't like the shoulder yoke, to be honest, either. make the yoke black, and For the white and blue jerseys, swap out the black for each of the two colours. I also like your pants design on the third. Maybe try it with your grey/orange/white colour scheme on the other pairs, and this will look great. Also, add the helmet logo, and these will be perfect.

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derschwigg pointed out that the font is too hard to read. I agree with him on that, but also the colour choice for your Broncos concept makes it hard to read. I had to tilt my laptop to read your work. Someone also commented on you Broncos redesign after the Super Bowl, on the use of the Nike logo. They said that unless you work there, it doesn't make sense to put it on your work. It's your work, and it's good work, too. Put your name on it, not the swoosh. :P

I don't know if you wanted comments on your concept itself, but here's some thoughts I had. You have three different looks going on here, and even said so in the description of your third jersey. While I'm a fan of each jersey and uniform on their own, I'm not a fan of them all together. I don't like the shoulder yoke, to be honest, either. make the yoke black, and For the white and blue jerseys, swap out the black for each of the two colours. I also like your pants design on the third. Maybe try it with your grey/orange/white colour scheme on the other pairs, and this will look great. Also, add the helmet logo, and these will be perfect.

Ya I've always felt that the Nike logo makes it more professional, but now I know how to make my own vectors and typefaces, thanks to that incscape tutorial! So when I present concepts from here out, I'll have my own logo! Lol.

I'm pretty surprised you like the looks lol. I'm actually debuting a new concept thread this weekend which is why I wanted feedback on the presentation. I was originally going to stay from scratch for Denver, but I'll try to present this design with your suggestions.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Am I the only one around here that absolutely hates these "real-life" templates? I much prefer the simple 2-D ones; I feel as though they focus much better on the design itself and are way more aesthetically pleasing.

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The logo is fantastic and should be used by the team as a secondary for the current scheme. As far as everything else, not a fan. I don't know why you would scrap such a bright and vibrant color scheme for essentially just a dull grey. Colorado is known for the mountains sure, but also bright sunny blue skied days and beautiful sunsets behind the mountains. It's a trend in sports today that I don't understand, all this dull grey third stuff that Nike puts out. Unimaginative and boring.

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