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yeah, I know. reasons like these are why I dont register to vote!

so now, THE TERMINATOR is gonna be sitting in Sacramento passing laws and such. Of course, this isnt the first actor we had overseeing our state (Ronald Reagan)

so if anyone visits here and asks whats wrong with us, I know this much....


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Im shocked its over this early thought we would see legal challenges and recounts for days like in 2000. This should be intersting for all you in Cali, at least Ahhhnold will be better then Gray Dofous.



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Take it from a guy who spent 21 years living in capital cities (Jefferson City, MO for 18 yrs and Oklahoma City for 3), a governor has power, but not that much power that he or she is by any means the most powerful political figure in a state.  The real power emanates from the leadership in the legislature -- the people that decide what bills will have any chance whatsoever of being considered for laws.  Sure, the governor has veto power but a motivated legislature can override the veto.  It just happened here in Missouri where effective next Monday people can carry concealed weapons (if licensed to do so).

Anyone truly wary of Ahhnold in politics should be aware of recent Senate action whereby another proposed 28th Amendment is being bandied about.  This one would change the citizenship requirement for presidential candidates.  Presently you must be a natural born US citizen in order to run.  The proposed amendment (sponsored by Orrin Hatch R-Utah) would change that to US citizenship for 20 consecutive years prior to the election year in which the candidate intends to run.  Thus, the Governator would be eligible to run for the White House.

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As much as I like Ahhhhnold I hope that amendment never sees the light of day.  If we allow someone who is not born to run an American to for president  we are setting ourselves up for total disaster.

Being a governor or senator is one thing, but the White House should be off limits.



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The proposed amendment (sponsored by Orrin Hatch R-Utah) would change that to US citizenship for 20 consecutive years prior to the election year in which the candidate intends to run. Thus, the Governator would be eligible to run for the White House.

I'm all for it, provided that while they're at it they also modify the constitution to require that to be born an American citizen, both of your parents must also be American citizens.  

It wouldn't affect Arnold at all, but I suspect it would greatly reduce cases where the children of illegal immigrants born in the U.S. avail themselves to government services which honest taxpayers (including legal immigrants) pay for, and which I personally don't feel they should be entitled to.


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So Mr Hatch wants Arnie to be President then!! Why else bring that amendment in?? And what a joke that would be!

If any politician had run in the election and had to face the kind of charges levelled against Arnie they would have been laughed off the ballot! Somehow those rules only apply to decent men and women who want to make a real difference there whole lives, not to people who are getting a bit bored acting and feel like a career change!


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You California folk may be in more trouble than you realize.

Ahhnold has been promising for months that the cornerstone of his attack on California's deficits would be an independent "audit" of the books to root out waste and fraud.

And I just realized where he got the idea.

It's what Kevin Kline did in the movie "Dave", when faced with the need to come up with money in the federal budget to pay for a day care center.

(And Ahhnold had a small part in that movie, playing himself.)

He. Gets. All. His. Ideas. From. Movies.

Not just his sound bites, his policy ideas.

The movie "Dave," quite possibly the inspiration for the Governor-elect's idea to audit California's books to root out waste, was directed by Ivan Reitman...

...who two days ago was named to Ahhnold's 65-member transition team.

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So the Governator gets his policies from the movies does he. This could prove useful if California gets invaded by aliens, goes to war in Vietnam, gets overrun by spiders, has a twister headed towards it etc. etc. You get the point of what I am saying.

Mind you apparently Ronald Reagan got the idea for SDI from a movie apparently!

*shakes head at what is going on in the world today


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