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Everything posted by pepis21

  1. Dammit, something is wrong with worthpoint. Here is link: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/champion-nba-indiana-pacers-23-button-3878927755
  2. I'm using postimages.org and it works fine.
  3. Look fast and nice, but of course Grande Strategia will ruin everything. More photos:
  4. LeBron or Jay-Z were on screen maybe once during whole game? And Swift was almost every single time when Chiefs had possession or right after Kelce was shown. C'mon, It's a Super Bowl not Swift Bowl.
  5. Not gonna lie, I was neutral before the game, but as more producer showed her, the more I wanted Chiefs to lose and God dammit they won. Anyone know how many times she was on a screen? Because I lost freakin' count after five... Or sleep as in my case. The game ends at 4:47 AM (I turned off tv basically right after Hardman scores a TD) and I needed to wake up at 7 AM, so you can imagine that I'm partially a zombie right now.
  6. Hot take, but since NFL being more globally each year, they should considering move Super Bowl from Sunday to Saturday and become being more friendly for viewers outside North America.
  7. Inconsistent of underwear and accessories is kinda bugging me out, some players wearing red, some wearing white. Let's decide to use one color and stick with it.
  8. Ferrari suits, no black compare to last two seasons:
  9. If Grizzlies wanted to imitate a concrete court they should make it form a real concrete. It would be innovative to NBA standards. Of course few knees would blow up in a game process, but it would give a real atmosphere of street courts.
  10. Enzo Ferrari would throw a thunders on Maranello if that ever happen. Racing Bulls suit and sneak peak of car: Sauber suit:
  11. Instead of giving refs ad patch they should send them to some training camp, because they are terrible. Edit: Not only a patch, but also a sponsorship for IST.
  12. FIA just need to increase weight of the car, which compensate weight of the paint. Thankfully Ferrari would be red on most parts (at least I hope so).
  13. Like in previous season they'll have BWT livery and regular one: I love two colors on rims.
  14. It was predictable that NBA will follow FIBA and try to LED court by themselves. I could imagine if court pass test on events, they would like to check it in a game like next season IST Final or ASG. Then is only small step to introduce it by teams to use on regular bias.
  15. It seems like NBA is now a platform to leak/unveiling NHL and MLS jerseys
  16. I don't know about Sauber. That green look so garish at these pictures, but on real track it might look less saturate (remember 2021 Aston Martin?), so I will wait to judge until Bahrain pre-season testing.
  17. And this is what in my opinion make these wordmark great, because they are unusual and unique compare to standard outline.
  18. I understand they wanted to emulate AJ 4 Black Cement which would be release one day before Daytona 500, but they don't have any splatter pattern. Air Flight 89 Black Cement have it.
  19. If you don't like Clippers wordmark, there are also two less known versions with Los Angeles wordmark. One with blue numbers: and second with white numbers: Like this?:
  20. Red - V Retro Eligibility - V Fire - V But I don't mind a regular red alternate too. On the other hand current Clippers uniforms aren't bad. Logos are more problematic
  21. It match with 2021 uniforms and wouldn't be surprise at all if that court design was originally meant for 2021 ASW, because they never unveiled it, so they could reuse it with small tweaks. Still don't understand why nike didn't use teamwear for 2021 ASG and move those Pacers inspired unis to this year
  22. Almost same as in last season. They remove white and red between engine cover and sidepots.
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