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Everything posted by Digby

  1. I just love that the guy that made his billions on annoying pop-up surveys is the one so cluelessly out of touch with his fan stakeholders.
  2. Tottenham's red sponsor has always looked off, for obvious reasons, but it's even worse now if we're going to make two-color trim on their home jersey a thing.
  3. More than one Adidas team doing it makes it look like pinkwashing. I'm so old I remember when Nike made a big show of giving the same kits to both teams for the USA. One nation, one team and all of that.
  4. Basically modeled on the SUM model of convenient business and power linkages between the league, the "nonprofit" federation, and a less-than-arm's-length shell co. to run the business deals. Obviously this was all signed before the MNT had this renaissance in the current World Cup cycle. My read is that sure, the players want more money given their current success, but also a more sustainable and equitable structure going forward... and now is the time that they've got leverage for both. To be frank, as much stick as MLS gets for not being a top-tier league where elite players will play, the CPL is obviously a couple rungs below even that. So it doesn't seem like a great idea to concentrate all the power with those owners if you're a World Cup-quality nation. As a further wrinkle, the men's players were calling to equalize percentages of WC pay between the men's and women's teams, but the women's team actually wants equal dollars. The US equal pay settlement has set the precedent.
  5. Draymond won’t get a second tech unless he knifes somebody. ESPN’s ref expert even said as much.
  6. Most of my favorite Cavs uniforms have been navy blue (or even a lighter blue, that OG CavFanatic...), but I think the overall logo set/color palette looks nicer with black. Obviously they shouldn't do both. I'm so torn! (But at any rate, only works with a bright gold/yellow to lighten the triad of them... metallic gold makes it all too muddy.)
  7. Yeah, I felt similarly, even if the chest area took up more room and the raglan sleeves took up less, maybe it'd work. I'm pretty close to liking the shirt a lot (putting aside the block graphic pattern AND curvy knit pattern, which is altogether too much -- the players will always look like they're hidden behind fencing) but as part of the whole kit, that's where the too-much navy really takes hold for me.
  8. His shooting was obviously off, but his playmaking for others' shots was as good as I've ever seen it. For a team whose biggest flaw is getting rattled and losing their way, they kept their poise despite lots of reasons they shouldn't have and figured out other ways to win. Championship mentality!
  9. I don’t know what I just witnessed but I sure enjoyed it.
  10. I think he worded it poorly, and weirdly xenophobically, but neither on purpose and was just speaking honestly in the moment. I don't see the harm at all. Between the Equal Pay situation on the women's side and the men's side's most public face embarrassing the USSF in a situation they deserve to be, it's nice to see the empty suits actually face some accountability for a change. With more games this cycle at the federation's favorite repeat heartland venues, we'll have more data points in the next couple weeks on this.
  11. The minimalism of the "ball" in the new Cavs wordmark is really bothering me. It feels odd to me to have thin lines making up the net element, and the inner line in the text itself, but to not have any in a classic basketball stitching formation there.
  12. I actually have no idea if it still is, but I can't ever extract it from my memory from when it did, unfortunately.
  13. I'm ostensibly the target market for this, as a cord-cutter, but there's no way I can rationalize paying $30 a month. Luckily my top sports interests locally are NBA and MLS whose affiliates are on most of the live streaming services. If $60-70 a month gets me live basketball, soccer, and football, not to mention all the other live TV channels AND the entire regular Hulu library, there's no way I can increase my budget 50 percent for only baseball and hockey. (And that's all this is really for, with all due respect to uh, the Red Sox dating show and that obnoxious fishing guy that's been on for 30 years and whatever other originals NESN's got for me.) Actually just noticed that the annual $330 plan includes 8 unspecified Red Sox tickets -- gotta love state-run media! I'm sure those will be bleacher seats for Tuesdays against the O's or Royals or something. Throw in a voucher for a $14 Narragansett tallboy can and maybe we'll talk.
  14. All the predictions I've seen suggest a 6- or 7-game series, with more analysts picking the Dubs to win but not TOO many more. Which feels right to me. I'd be inclined to have the Celtics have the favorite if they had those extra 2 days of rest! Dammit Jimmy!
  15. The kicker is I just scrolled quickly past and initially assumed that photo was a poorly lit photo of the Mets in black jerseys.
  16. This is pretty much what I was worried about, color-wise. Give me a bright yellow-gold paired with that wine every day of the week. They're going to look blah and faded all over again.
  17. NESN purportedly the first RSN to jump into direct-to-consumer streaming, including live streams of Red Sox and Bruins games. Notably, they're not on YouTube TV or Hulu Live TV ... maybe on some of the other streaming services but I haven't checked in a while. That price point is... wowza.
  18. He was the one who was talking sh-t to the media about his club's transfer policy before the year even started, right? I can imagine there was some behind-the-scenes conflict there. That said, if the FO wants to win games, hard to see how replacing a coach who's got an expansion team running pretty well is the right thing to do.
  19. IDK, to me they all look like ordering jerseys from some rec-league wholesaler, and you want a striped kit but there's only a limited rectangular chest area on which they'll allow printing. Just doesn't look right to me at the international level!
  20. Frankly I am way, way over even caring about this anymore. It’s not even the most thumb-on-scale, lame-superteam-assembling moment in KD’s own career.
  21. There has never been any anti-Warriors argument that’s not “they’ve run their team unbelievably perfectly”, it’s just extra annoying that the team that figured it out is also the avatar for 2010s Silicon Valley as opposed to a beloved small market (though the Bucks have come close and did, ya know, win a title). Plus, admittedly the Oak-> SF thing totally sucked and made the NBA that much more generic.
  22. What is with the printed-on stripe elements for Iceland/Egypt/Cote d'Ivoire? Astonishingly cheapo looking straight out of the rec league catalog.
  23. It should be a good Finals. The Celtics have played the dynasty-era Warriors as well as anyone in the league for several years now, even in years when the Celtics weren't contenders like this year. But I think they might be doomed with the lack of poise and experience, comparatively (still struggling with turnovers and not playing a full 48 minutes). And failing to close out Miami in 6 is a killer. Nobody needed that extra flight to Miami while GSW got plenty of rest; Boston's has two very physical 7-game series in a row, and Rob Williams and Smart both look pretty obviously not back to 100% out there.
  24. Poetic to give this first Larry Bird ECF MVP trophy to Jayson Tatum, but honestly Butler was probably the series MVP. Total chaos ending to a chaotic series.
  25. My unpopular opinion is that the LeBron 1.0 jerseys weren’t very good. The red and gold were a dull, washed-out palette; that chunky number font is painfully early 00s. The navy alt of those years saved the entire set.
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