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Everything posted by WSU151

  1. I might be going colorblind...but that's totally not green. It's more of a dark aqua that is a complete ripoff of the Mariners. (joke not directed at JaMikePA)
  2. This isn't the unpopular opinions thread.
  3. "There was talk of going with the garish pinstripes that adorn the uniforms of the Orlando Magic, owners of the ugliest clothing ever seen on a hardwood court." Jim Byers was clearly drunk or off his meds when he typed that up.
  4. Those shoulder patches are 1000000 times better than what they have now. The number font is pretty cool too. They really should update the current logo with the silver, blue, and black. Would look pretty amazing if done right.
  5. I echo the comments about the memorial. Plus, the Champion logo would never have been above the NBA logo if it had been on authentic jerseys. All the replica jerseys had the Champion logo beneath the NBA logo.
  6. I'm just glad that they did heavy work on the uniform select screen; I think there is a new video coming out this week about uniform stuff.
  7. The font 2K uses for the RunDMC set is the Friz Quadrata font used on the Warriors' navy/orange/yellow jerseys. Stupid mistake to make, but they probably thought "heh...sort of close enough".
  8. This is happening... http://www.milbstore.com/store_contents.cfm?store_id=1&dept_id=-1&product_id=87626
  9. That '93 isn't bad, but I liked the '94 uni more. An updated '94 uni (with navy and the '93-'94 number font) would look pretty amazing.
  10. That looked terrible for Iowa State, much less the 'Skins. And there's no reason the Saints need to wear gray. The Saints aren't relying on 18 year old recruits. (EDIT crap this is unpopular opinions)
  11. I really like the hat, and I like the logo overall. Excellent work. However, the updated cardinal is odd for one reason...why would a lefty be checking third base that hard? The old logo makes sense...a righty looking back at first to keep the runner on...
  12. I think USC football looks great as is...but I do have a soft spot for the cardinal face masks worn in the 90s.
  13. No it's not that one. Completely different fonts. I've seen the E and S in Amberjacks before... The Whiptails logo isn't that bad.
  14. The Amberjacks have a great logo, but the wordmark is a complete ripoff of another team (which escapes me at the moment, but I'll find it). Other teams in the league have pretty weak identities.
  15. The motion W would look so much better without the drop shadow. I've always liked Wisconsin's unis when they look like a darker red, too, rather than the stock bright scarlet (the darker red look is due to lighting and shadows, not actual material differences).
  16. The Jaguars in all black look pretty good, especially in the December sun. Never thought I'd say that.
  17. The Northwest League logo is pretty nice... The Midwest League logo looks like it was designed on PowerPoint: "Give us 90s Anaheim Angels and a lot of Copperplate".
  18. I don't really like the Florida Gators' "stripe brand" anymore. For some reason I am more fond of the jersey and pant stripes used in the 90s. Plus, bring back the circular UF logo.
  19. Agreed. If you look at that logo, though, there are some really odd white areas (above the bat handles, below the bat handles, around the left shoulder...none of these white shapes go with anything at all in the logo).
  20. Possible Spoiler Alert: Baby Cakes was revealed to be the name on Twitter via a roster leak. Don't know if it was CC or Phil Hecken who posted/RT'd it.
  21. There are people on other boards who are adamant about "it must not be in the style guide!"
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