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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. As a Denver local, I've seen snowfall as early as September 7th... Ugh. That's like three weeks from now.
  2. Is it even news when a college teams goes to a WFWS or BFBS helmet anymore?
  3. She was a very forgettable ESPN personality. I don't think anyone will miss her.
  4. The decal is nice. The helmet still sucks out loud.
  5. A lot of us were happy for the Orioles and the season they were having. But what they did to Kevin Brown is wrong and really REALLY messed up. I first caught wind of the story and watched the clip a couple times over to see where the slur was or what he said go get suspended. Not only was there nothing wrong with what he said, he freaking complimented the 2023 team!!! To hell with O's cowardly owner and management. No interest seeing them succeed anymore. Their storybook season now completely overshadowed.
  6. This might be the wildest (and greatest!) sport ESPN8 has dug up so far
  7. Beyond cringe. He's had his chances. XFL or retire. pal.
  8. Act clueless? They sniffed it out and took immediate action, which almost never happens. What usually happens is umps will give out a few warnings until players get hit with enough pitches an full-blown melee breaks out. For once, hats off to them.
  9. 2 quality starts over his last dozen games is "very well"?
  10. It was a complete accident. Not that it should even matter. If a players wants to take justice into his own hands, while it's crap, that's his decision and deserves an automatic ejection if anything slightly resembles a retaliation tactic. Just like if an NBA player were upset about something an opposing player did and retaliated with a dirty foul. Get him the hell out of the game, no questions. The Cubs eventually trounced the Cards 10-3. STL is trash this season, but it's not a 10-3 score if the Cards' starter don't go out of his way to "send a message".
  11. Someone wanna tell me why we still have shytehead boomers around who think intentionally throwing at players should go unpunished?
  12. With color rash uniforms. YIKES.
  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to see the Champion font back.
  14. What Denver wants tomorrow Vs what Denver's getting tomorrow
  15. Dave Krieg was a passable quarterback, and Steve Largent got into Canton. So you're telling me Seattle had a couple serviceable players between the Largent and Holmgren eras... The Seahawks might've been the worst team in the 90s decade. Rock, paper, scissors between them, the Cards and Bengals.
  16. Poor drafting? Irrelevancy?
  17. At this point, we're really just waiting on the Broncos and Bills, right?
  18. *clicks article* Ya. We know. The current Titans own the rights to the Oilers name and logo. But they don't own colors. Lmk when someone buys or owns a color and can restrict the use of it.
  19. No. But I hope they wear them vs Buffalo.
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