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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. I actually really like The Rock. I just think the league was better run better under Vince (1.0 and especially 2.0)
  2. YIKESSSSS Dwayne and ex-wife hired budget painters to save $$ before they file for Chapter 11 on Monday.
  3. Maybe it's just me -- but TNT's hockey coverage compared to ESPN's are night and day. TNT blows away ESPN in almost every aspect, in-game and in studio.
  4. I guess, but still doesn't explain why he was prompted to give away the Jackets pick before the card was shown.
  5. Did anyone else catch that ESPN announced Columbus got the #3 pick before going to commercial, then came back from break and revealed them to have the #3 card? I was always under the impression these lottery shows were live. And since now we know it's probably not live, why didn't ESPN go back and edit the error? Either way, that was a complete slap in the face to C-bus fans.
  6. DiNucci was way too hot and cold. McCarron because he missed a regular season game and the playoffs?
  7. Ok. So this is gonna be weird. And take a while to get used to.
  8. Good point. I suppose rest is likely the reason for the week off, especially when you consider teams don't didn't get a bye week during the regular season.
  9. Is there a reason why the XFL needs two weeks between conference titles games and their championship?
  10. Was bummed when they switched to this bird. Couldn't wait for the O's to go to the cartoon bird when this version came out.
  11. I enjoyed the hat/logo Baltimore used in the early 90s.
  12. If true, a huge bullet dodged for everyone involved.
  13. If the NFL stands for Nor For Long, what's NBA stand for? Geez
  14. With the revised helmet rule (not that it's an issue for Miami), teams will have less of a desire to revert to a full-time throwback logo since they can bust out alternate throwback unis like 4 or 5 times a year now. Fans can now see the unis on-the-field all they want, so teams are less pressured to go full-blown identity change. CC: Patriots, Bucs and Broncos.
  15. The Nuggets have had two iconic & identifiable uniforms: The rainbow skyline and Melo powder blues. The 90's unis (navy, bronze, red) were a breath of fresh air when they came out. The skyline unis and logo had grown pretty old and outdated. Unfortunately, their 90s look became rather forgettable because they were associated with some very awful teams -- Which is why the Melo unis were so beloved. Those ushered in a new era of winning (for Nuggets standards) basketball. But it's time came too. What they have now it pretty basic. Unis are modern and they're using colors that have mostly been a franchise constant over the years.
  16. A ridiculous FOUR DAYS OFF between Nuggets/Suns games 2 and 3. For no reason either. The Avalanche are eliminated and the Suns don't share an arena with anyone.
  17. It looks cheap and uninspiring. Dwayne: "Just make sure there's an X on it and that it costs under fifty bucks." Also looks like it's the same size at their dollar store conference trophies. At least the original trophy, while a bit gawdy, was incredibly unique and a good-sized.
  18. How Pepsi debuted their new logo 30 years ago (I believe might've been during Super Bowl 27)
  19. More fans attended tonight's Maple Leafs parking lot watch party than an MLB game
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