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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. With the pitch clock and universal DH, this is now the worst rule in all of MLB. It's 2023. Why is this still a thing with the Yankees?
  2. Which is a strike against Montreal since we already know it doesn't work. Look at what happened when the NFL went back to St. Louis.
  3. No MLB expansion. A's Las Vegas Rays Nashville Portland, Salt Lake City (needs a roof) and especially Montreal are all pipedreams.
  5. They're giving us some kind of bird feather effect, aren't they?
  6. Please just be a matte finish..
  7. "According to MLB StatCast..."
  8. Some untrained hiker is gonna get lost and die from heat stroke looking for this damn thing.
  9. To be fair, the XFL 3.0 uniform bar is veryyyy low
  10. I fail to see what's so amazing/mind-blowing about these uniforms. They're nice. Average. But nothing more.
  11. If you can find an article, go ahead. But I don't recall Kobe doing any that leading up. Jerry West had a hard-on for Kobe and jumped at the chance to get him.
  12. I'm just finding out about this. Anyone know if any logos/merch were produced?
  13. Nah, that wasn't the case. Charlotte had arranged to trade that pick to LA for Divac before the pick was made. Essentially, LA picked Kobe.
  14. What's the current bar in the NBA? Charlotte dumping Kobe for Divac?
  15. Gobert threw the first swing and immediately backpedaled halfway to the locker room -- which came as no surprise. Also,
  16. Clearly a cash grab since Baltimore is staring down a 6-win season. But hey, he's got a Pro Bowl QB throwing to him!
  17. Baltimore: Where wide receivers go to die.
  18. How the Timberwolves are going into the playoffs:
  19. XFL going into overtime for the second consecutive game.
  20. Rays bout to hang another!
  21. Houston pro football being played in an outdated, gloomy dome feels so right.
  22. So the Nuggets can sit their entire starting five to make sure they're healthy for the playoffs, but the Mavs can't sit their star players to make sure they're healthy for next season? What the Mavs did is like It's like when college players elect to sit out bowl games, knowing there's no title to be won and don't want to jeopardize their future. They just went about it the wrong way. Instead of listing Luka as injured and sitting him for good, they thought it'd be cute to have him play a quarter just get a (pointless) curtain call for the fans. And then to make it worse pretty much spoke openly about it. But still, Silver's not taking a 1st rounder away from them. Gotta do farrrr worse to lose a 1st. (When was that last time what even happened in the NBA, if ever?)
  23. Came up with one. Just one.
  24. It's very rare. As far as NFL goes, neither the Rams, Falcons or Commanders made it work. To add, the Jaguars failed in spectacular fashion.
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