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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. Maple Leafs looked great when they briefly switched to round digits
  2. I'm sure this has been said 100000000 times, but would it hurt the Lightning to mix in some black? They're dressed as the Maple Leafs vs the actual Maple Leafs
  3. A shared market with the Giants while drawing 2,000 fans per game. Public transportation ranks 497th on reasons to keep a team in town.
  4. I'm waiting for you to name one single thing where the A's staying in Oakland has an advantage to the team relocating to [insert any city in the northern hemisphere here].
  5. To be fair, STL deserves to miss the playoffs if they're gonna let Orlando and their third-string QB play it close going into halftime
  6. Getting a new state of the art stadium and thriving sports city where fans will actually show up is an awful choice?
  7. Like the Golden Knights, but replace their red trim with green. I could see it as an alt or City Connect. But how many teams use a bright colored hat as their primary? It's like a rule in MLB to not wear any flashy colors. Btw we've seen this OaklandVegas transformation before..
  8. As much as we despise BFBS, when the A's move to Vegas, I totally expect them to embrace black to fit their city's pro sports identity. The Raiders and Knights obv utilize black. They'll go heavy black. Convert yellow to 'Vegas gold'. And use 'Blackjack table felt green' as trim. Something pretty close to this:
  9. The Warriors lost a role player, not Steph Curry. Let's not write the 4x Champs off quite yet.
  10. Patiently awaiting a soon-to-be-fired Dick's Sporting Goods employee to leak new Cardinals merch.....
  11. Q: Will the Cardinals overhaul be worse than the Rams, Falcons and Commanders combined? Yes Beyond a shadow of a doubt I'd bet my goddamn life on it
  12. So I see the wild card games were meaningless. 7s and 8s all took their rightful place in the 2nd round.
  13. Oh yikesssss Still. All that being said, Portland would still be a better home for the Rays than Tampa.
  14. My bad. I was talking about how Portland has no chance at an expansion MLB team. I'm sure they could score a minor league team if they wanted.
  15. I don't mind Michael Kay's PBP. But he also dubs as a sports shock jock. I've not listened to his radio show (outside of clips on twitter) -- Does he ever slam the Yankees? Ask for NY players to be cut, managers to get fired? Him being employed my the Yankees almost feels like a conflict of interest if that's the case.
  16. Somebody (if not many members) within the Yankees organization approved him to suit up and take the field without having to alter his looks. For Michael Kay to get on the mic and narc him out like that is childish. Nobody else on the Yankees cared except him and the other guy in the booth who called out his red shoes (really?)
  17. So if you're at a game and the tv zooms on you in the crowd, it's cool for Michael Kay to rip on your appearance? They later took away his NY logo helmet and made him tuck in his hair.
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