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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. Miami wearing BFBS in the Final Freaking Four over this is such an L
  2. Ah. Back in the 'Fun With Pantone' days.
  3. Had to make sure that was Sham's verified account. NBAPA's demands are goofy af.
  4. He's no longer serviceable in the NFL? Seems like he'd still be able to find a team as their RB3
  5. Even knowing the joke, this triggered a ton of STL fans
  6. When they were pumping out fashion jerseys from the early 00s, someone checked off on a blue alternate (since I guess the AZ flag is 1/2 blue). This would've been chaos had the Cards actually tried it.
  7. Good to know who are the 69th and 101th best teams in the nation!
  8. Primary helmet is still white, correct?
  9. Cardinals adding a crapton of yellow: Confirmed.
  10. Being in a high profile conference like the Big Ten (and not being a part of a dying conference) absolutely helps recruiting. That is a big selling point for both players and coaches. Which gets back to my take on Deion maybe sticking around if CU goes to the Big Ten.
  11. Check the primary logos and tell me the Chiefs have make-believe "rights" to using red and yellow.
  12. The Astros' best-ever look: The Astros' second-best look:
  13. Bally slipped the pitch clock inside their bases indicator
  14. One day and and we already have a lock for Play of the Year.
  15. This rebrand would've went so damn hard.
  16. I think we can all agree.. Big Ten's Wishlist Arizona Arizona State Colorado Oregon Washington The Big 12 would happily take whoever the Big Ten decides to pass on, as the Pac-12 disolves. Utah doesn't strike me as an elite program the Big Ten would want. They would make sense for the new Big 12 with BYU also being there. However, I also think the Big 12 is content on carrying exactly twelve programs, like their name indicates.
  17. Fixed. Colorado joining the Big Ten will go a long way in bringing in top talent, will reignite their rivalry with Nebraska, and play a huge part in keeping Deion at CU -- cause you know he's bolting for a Big Ten or SEC school if things go well in Boulder To add, I'd imagine both Arizona schools are also on the Big Ten's radar. They would be foolish not to consider some west coast rivals after scooping up the LA schools.
  18. On par with celebrating a win in the WBC
  19. But those hats were so fire in the mid-90s
  20. Per MLBPaceOfPlay, games that have gone final today are on average 30 minutes shorter than similar games in years past. Example:
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