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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. ABC/ESPN putting in max effort on this year's Finals score bug..
  2. Oh right! Because Gary Sanchez is a household name
  3. Denver has the NBA's best player, the deepest roster in the league and the Heat seem totally gassed after that series with Boston. The Nuggets didn't bring their A-game on Thursday and owned every aspect of that game. This series is over. The only question is: Nuggets in 4 or Nuggets in 5?
  4. In the dozens of Cup commercials that feature the team captain first hoisting the Cup, we'll forever be reminded of how the NHL sold itself out starting in 2023.
  5. Hanging a Panthers banner tho? Similar vibes.
  6. This cannot be stated enough!
  7. Y'all gotta start adding names to these NHLers and mid baseball players
  8. I'm mainly a postseason ice hockey viewer, need someone to catch me up on Matthew Tkachuk -- Who was he traded for and how badly was Calgary fleeced? Cause that guy is LEGIT.
  9. Stars fans make a name for themselves tonight
  10. First time LeBron has ever mentioned retirement. If he leaves, that's fine. Tonight was proof he can no longer carry a team.
  11. What a run!! I am beyond happy for my state and my city, cause this has been a long time coming. Still tho, 4 wins to go.
  12. All four conference final series (NHL & NBA) gonna be done in 4 games
  13. Jokic took a night off and the Nuggets won by a dozen. #HOWTHEWESTWASWON
  14. This guy was a real piece of shlt.
  15. I need a huge_clusterfxxk.gif
  16. Who would've imagined that MS Paint logo would turn out better?
  17. I hate hate hate that it's not consistent with the last 3 templates, in the shape of the trophy. No color either. Smh
  18. FIFA knocked it out of the park!
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