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Everything posted by monkeypower

  1. Friedman said on a 32 Thoughts or a Marek Show back when the those Atlanta rumblings were going over the internet (based on like three tweets and did those go rumblings go away quickly) that he believes the NHL doesn't want to expand soon and the league views Houston as more of a back-up plan for Arizona right now.
  2. I was in Pittsburgh last October for the Jets-Steelers game and then a couple Pirates games and I found myself really liking Pittsburgh (and was disappointed the Angels weren't playing there this season so I have no reason to go back anytime soon) so I was looking forward to see what the Pirates would come up with. Colour me disappointed from everything Pittsburgh has if all we get is "PGH". It could be a sleeve patch, but I'm not liking the t-shirt look.
  3. Yeah, the Rangers should fit in there as well, but I think their playoff struggles are more well documented than the Bruins and the Bruins always seem to go into the playoffs in recent years as a "contender" of some kind. I don't know if the Rangers have that same kind of aura, warranted or not, as the Bruins do. The Wild's playoff peak was scoring one goal in four games in the Western Conference Finals 20 years ago. Not to go further off topic, but I think the Flames don't get enough guff for their historical mediocrity (probably a bit worse that mediocrity actually because the Wild and Bruins/Rangers et al at least make the playoffs consistently). Since the cup win in 1989, they've won six* playoff series and three of those were in the same playoffs. *One of those six was the 2020 bubble qualifying round, so don't know if that counts as playoffs in the eyes of the NHL.
  4. I wonder if the Bruins deserve to be more in the same tier with teams such as the Maple Leafs (this year not withstanding) and Wild and other poor playoff performers. They do have the one Cup in 2011 but it was their first since 1972 and they haven't done much playoff wise any other time.
  5. I think it's also a bigger issue of that logo never being used anywhere so it doesn't have the recognition it could have to warrant Sens fans wanting it. I don't think either Sharks logos are all that great. They both have design issues.
  6. There were two versions of the draft hats, a grey one and a team colour one and they appear to be giving everyone the grey version. The yellow heavy one is the team colour one.
  7. The Jets didn't really have any say on the ICE (yes, it is supposed to be capitalized ) coming in because they are completely unrelated and the Ice have a bit of a problem boiling. They're playing in a 1600 seat university rink that they moved to Winnipeg for 2019-20 with the promise groundbreaking on an proper sized area within five years. Going on five years later, they don't even have a parcel of land, much less a plan for an arena, much less shovels in the ground. They had a supposed plan with a local "elite" youth hockey program to go in on the arena together fairly early on after the move but that fell apart and nothing concrete has ever come up after. There was a newspaper article back in December that said the WHL fined the Ice $500,000 because nothing has happened with the arena, but the WHL and the Ice denied it. A different newspaper's article in February said a source confirmed the fine and that the February BoG meeting was going to discuss what to do with the team and that relocation wouldn't be off the table. Nothing has come out after the meetings to my knowledge, but the Jets may not need to worry about the Ice much longer.
  8. Ahh, thanks for bringing that up. You'd hope this it was they'd go with.
  9. I'm interested/morbidly intrigued as to what the Jets jerseys look like with the template. The stripes follow the seams of the old template on the chest. Are those stripes going to angle down now to stick with the seams? Are they going to somehow cut across across the seams? I'd imagine it make the retail version sleeves look even worse than before.
  10. There hasn't been any news of that but there was a tweet I saw that could imply Montreal is coming as well, but I don't know. This was a teaser for an promotion where 90 fans can pay to get their name in the logo on the helmet for the home opener
  11. It looks like it's because of the new jersey cut. ARIZONA looks like it's placed the highest in can be without having to be stitched over the bottom point of the triangle where the shoulder piece of fabric meets the torso piece of fabric.
  12. I think alternate jerseys should have some leeway because that's their point, to be alternate. The home and the road should be matching and parts should be interchangeable (when it comes to football pants and socks) but having a different alternate is fine when it is self contained, but still recognizable. Like that Stamps alternate still does look like it's from the same team and still has the same flavour as the home and road. The pants are black versions of the white pants.
  13. Anyone got any style guides? Asking for a friend.
  14. In speaking to the history of the Stamps black alt, it's probably bottom two of the ones they've had. I also don't know if it's BFBS because the Stamps have worn black alts for Labour Day the past 30 years. It's a part of recent Stamps history. --- I was at the fan event where these were unveiled as part of the night. Pretty good reaction from everyone and they did a draw handing out white jerseys, probably to start to get those into circulation. I like them and I'm glad they finally dropped black from the main set. What I don't like is that they didn't change the logos to match but I guess that has to be intentional at this point because I don't think it couldn't have been noticed by this point. They also changed the facemask to white but the bumpers and chinstrap are still black, should have changed those.
  15. By my count, looking at a map, there are 10 "southern" or "non-traditional" markets in the NHL. The three California teams, Vegas, Arizona, Dallas, Nashville, Carolina and the two Florida teams. The only real surface level view problems in current years are are Arizona and Sunrise. Obviously there may be deeper issues when it comes to franchise value or revenue sharing or whatever, but none of the other eight seem all that unstable. There have been some shaky times, Yakuza and Iceman Cometh and Jim Balsillie, and we'll see how much steam Vegas has but they seem fine enough now. Not that any of that is a pro-Atlanta stance.
  16. I'll give some level of balance to the home jersey because all three colours are used fairly prominently, but is it really the perfect balance when one of those colours, wheat, doesn't appear on the away jersey (logos notwithstanding) and the only red is the numbers and the NHL collar zone? I've never personally felt like making the numbers a different colour works for balance. If anything, it highlights the lack of red in the jersey because they stick out so much.
  17. This is the reason. They've had inconsistent and incohesive jerseys for a decade now, kept making big deals about using the black storm flag alternates in the playoffs, made those jerseys the primary and yet decide to wear a new alternate set in the first year of the playoffs with the black primary. And not just any new alternate, a one season anniversary jersey that is a throwback jersey that is way more similar to the old primary jersey that they would never wear in the playoffs. They would never wear that old primary so much in the playoffs that they dumped it so the black jerseys could be primary, just to essentially end up at a Frankenstein square one in the first year of the black primary jerseys. Like look at all these different mismatching looks and combinations (and this isn't even including Whalers dress up).
  18. So scratch what I just said. What a dumb franchise.
  19. I haven't seen anything either, but the regular season is just ending so there's still time for teams to make that announcement. From looking at the teams playing, I don't know how many we'll see. Boston - Florida: Florida doesn't have one and I can't see the Bruins using theirs Toronto - Tampa: Tampa doesn't have one and I can't see the Leafs using theirs Carolina - Islanders: Carolina usually wears the black alternates in the playoff but eliminated that song and dance by making the blacks the home jerseys so I can't imagine they'll use the reds in the playoffs now. Isles probably not, especially with Lamoriello around New Jersey - Rangers: Rangers don't have one and as much meme play as the Jersey Jersey gets, don't think the Devils would use it in the playoffs Vegas - Winnipeg: No for both I would say Edmonton - LA: Maybe we could see the Chevy alternate from the Kings but the Oilers have to be a no after they finally went back to the royal (again) Dallas: Probably not Colorado: No, after last year especially Minnesota: Don't have one Seattle: Don't have one
  20. I think the black jersey with the grey pants would work but I don't know about the grey jersey with the black pants. I think black/grey/black would be a tough sell to be a light/away uniform. --- The Stamps will be unveiling their new jerseys next Tuesday.
  21. I think it was kind of theorized here that the 4+1 rule is for "permanent" jerseys because Nike would have to create more of those per player to be worn by the players plus the different types and amounts of resulting merchandise that are created for main set, including the Authentic Collection. Throwbacks don't have the same amount of merchandise created, including Authentic Collection, plus Nike probably only has to make one or two jerseys per player once because the team will only be able to wear it once or twice. Yeah, the Braves City Connect was probably an attempt to split the difference with not being able to use the retros full time anymore (if that timeline matches up).
  22. The Angels wore their City Connects for the first time this season last night and all the ads were on the left sleeve regardless of the handedness of the batter. I was wondering what they were going to do with the asymmetric sleeve design.
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