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Everything posted by JayMac

  1. Comcast/NBC is really pimping their new product. It reminds me of when Disney+ was first launched last year. ABC had to promote it at every turn, even on the local news.
  2. I lost my older brother to suicide a little over 2 years ago. I can relate to almost everything that Dak said he has gone through, especially when he said he experienced feelings that he had never felt before. I am appalled at what Skip Bayless said. I know that he loves to play the heel but it was still shocking that someone can be so insensitive and downright crass. Dak's brother died tragically and basically Bayless told him to rub some dirt on it.
  3. If you're going to lose, at least lose in style! I have heard that they are copycats of the Sooners but I don't care. That is the nicest that Arkansas has ever looked.
  4. Wow. AC Milan is in the Europa League? I'm not well versed in the goings-on of Serie A but this is surprising.
  5. I get the sentiment behind it but this just looks horrible.
  6. I think the Premier League does not allow for any use of its logos or its clubs' logos.
  7. So yeah, about a new name... We just gave several good ones. This should be easy for them.
  8. Not sure where Simon Fraser's ancestry is in Scotland but Highlanders could work too.
  9. Yeah, this is all well and good but you know the conferences will be very restrictive.
  10. Still not as good as the previous set but it is so good to see the Noles look like the Noles again.
  11. I forgot all about this theme! It was great!
  12. Jones Jr. wanted to fight Soda Popinski but he has fallen on hard times.
  13. Now they can market a Mahomes jersey as a throwback and charge much more for it. I happen to like the update. They are cleaner.
  14. Sure, a few updates could have been made but that was a near-perfect uniform. Nike really botched the update and they have been chipping away at it slowly since then.
  15. Just call it the Nike Bowl sponsored by Nike.
  16. I'm sure that moniker has been reserved for the prestigious United States Space Force
  17. Maybe it is possessive kind of like the Athletics' "A's" or the Orioles' "O's" are mistakenly so.
  18. I miss the old college football theme for ESPN as well. It was a timeless theme.
  19. But third rate bowls are so important when you have 2 six-win teams competing in it.
  20. So the Camping World Bowl becomes the Cheez-It Bowl...what does the old Cheez-It Bowl become now? These bowl game sponsors give me a headache.
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