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Everything posted by SFGiants58

  1. Well, they could always become the Cleveland Barons Mk. II, for extra "Charlie going mad" potential.
  2. Arte Moreno would rather stick his head in a hippo jaw than agree to do anything Anaheim-themed.
  3. Honestly, I have a different thought. Make money through broadcasting a dispersal draft and getting a big fat expansion fee somewhere else! Heck, the precious Kachina jerseys can be overpriced Mitchell & Ness exclusives. TL;DR: This, except it’s an NHL club:
  4. Some folks would buy stool samples if they had the kachina logo/pattern on the jar. I’m not naming names…
  5. The “right-thinkers” like to make fun of silly butthurt lawsuits like these. Are you familiar with Maddox’s lawsuit, Addison Cain, or Homestuck? All parts of the political spectrum love a good “lolsuit.”
  6. You can’t really do the Eagles/Vikings style helmet with stripes. The Elks are following convention.
  7. The “Minneapolis” name plays a big part in why the Lakers left. That and no George Mikan.
  8. Like the Braves in Milwaukee, the A’s should’ve stayed put after moving the first time. Let Atlanta have an expansion team, while the Giants use the mausoleum as a threat while trying to flee Candleshart.
  9. Anchorage fits the A’s more. Anchorage is a refuge for those who aren’t welcome where they’re from, for a variety of reason. The A’s wore out their welcome everywhere they have gone, much like famed serial killers Robert Hansen or Israel Keyes.
  10. My pet joke would be to suggest the Anchorage or Honolulu Athletics. Both of those locations are stupid, but I love the idea of the Mariners not having the worst travel schedule in MLB.
  11. That's the second best. This was the best: Reject Romanity, return to barberpole.
  12. I was born in December 1993 (in Los Angeles, of all places), so the only A’s I’ve known are the cheapskates that can’t win a playoff series. Beyond having Giants fans as parents, literally all of my age group were Giants fans first. Heck, when I doing my undergrad in Portland, it was 65/35 Giants/Mariners. I love the history, the mascot, and especially the colors. I even really like some of the current players. But gosh darn, every facet of the team beyond that seems designed to alienate as many people as possible. The A’s, in my life, have been the baseball equivalent of the Game of Thrones finale. EDIT: Also, no journalist thought to ask the territory rights question in 1990 during the Santa Clara ballot measure. I searched both The San Francisco Chronicle and San José Mercury News archives and saw jack squat about it during the early-90s. The earliest mentions of territory rights aren’t until after the Haas sale.
  13. As a guy who lived in Portland and researched their various MLB efforts, most of what it amounts to are a bunch of drawings and vague desires to land a team. There is basically no real effort to get a team, nor does the Portland public seem particularly incentivized to get a team. They've learned from the mistakes of the past with regards to stadiums built on speculation. Besides, the Blazers and Timbers are basically 1A and 1B in the city. No way would the A's be able to compete with a high-class MLS organization like the Timbers.
  14. That reminds me of how the A's got kicked out of revenue sharing a few years ago (IIRC). They're a part of Fisher's real estate plans, which is why the "Howard Terminal or Bust" stuff is more about Fisher getting to develop the area. Revenue sharing took some of the "burden" off Fisher, until MLB kicked them off of it. Kaval simply replaced Wolff as the public face. Well, we must first put those nine titles (and six additional AL pennants) into context. The Athletics have been a boom-and-bust franchise going back over 100 years, with the 1910s titles followed by Connie Mack getting cheap and losing his core. The Great Depression broke up the 1929-31 teams with Mack's investments taking a hit. The Kansas City years are a black mark for everybody involved. The early-mid '70s A's dynasty met its demise through Charlie O. being incredibly cheap and opposing the arrival of free agency (also, those clubs derived a lot of unity from their mutual dislike of Charlie O. ). The A's of the late-'80s and early-'90s just gradually fell apart over the '90s and turned into the team you see today. A boom-and-bust franchise history, rather than just pure consistency with small bits of downtime (Yankees and Cardinals), is why the A's are where they are now. Honestly, maybe things would've turned out better if Charlie O. sold the team to Ewing Kauffman and Kauffman kept the team in KC.
  15. Well, it's not just Loria's fault. That's a misrepresentation that downplays other more critical, more demographics-based reasons why the Expos flopped. To quote myself:
  16. I would've loved to see the Anchorage Raiders, just for the lolz. The brand does fit the city, because of how pretty much everybody in Anchorage is there because they're not welcome in their home town/state.
  17. Indeed. Chivas USA was the exception, not the norm.
  18. Honestly, it’s a miracle that the A’s didn’t do a Silver Seven during the ‘30s and fold. The post-29/30 Athletics in Philadelphia were an ugly sight, with Mack opting to cheap out and the team’s fortunes falling apart. This was also in the age before extensive TV deals and sponsorships, which made contraction (along with the St. Louis Browns) much more realistic. There’s an amazing SABR article on the final fall of the Athletics in Philly. Robert D. Washington’s “ Departure Without Dignity: The Athletics Leave Philadelphia” is a must-read for any baseball fan.
  19. That makes perfect sense, thanks for clarifying on the economic and tenant side of it.
  20. That's definitely a good assessment of the situation. I do wonder why the Warriors didn't consider bolting for San José when The Shark Tank finished construction, given that they played there during the Oracle Arena renovation. The Sharks draw well enough for the whole region (part of why the team delayed that much-needed rebuilt), so why not try their luck there instead of demanding an Oracle renovation?
  21. Given all the TV deal stuff that I’ve detailed earlier and Lurie’s willingness to loan money to the local group, I was pretty sure that letting the Giants actually move (even to Santa Clara County) was never in the cards. Lurie made it clear in statements that public funding measures for stadiums were unpopular with Bay Area voters, with two SF referendums failing along with the Santa Clara County and San José ones. Since SF business folk didn’t take the bleeping hint about Lurie’s goals, he went to the desperate folks in Tampa Bay to really deliver his message Bob Lurie really knew how to play some suckers. He knew how to stir up a storm. Both Santa Clara/San José politicians (e.g., Mayor Susan Hammer) and the desperate St. Pete folks were the perfect marks for his plan to give the Giants good local ownership to solve the Candlescheisse problem. You could even argue that he played Haas with the San José deal, even though Haas was arguably trying to get one-up on him. Indeed. The A’s got complacent and missed the boat to gain even a slight edge in the market. That post is gonna need a bunch of primary source literature, which will be quite the dive.
  22. I’m curious about what that entailed. My reasoning being that I’m hitting a brick wall with trying to a San José A’s write-up for Defunct Saga. I have written 20-25 page history and research papers that were less daunting than summarizing the San José saga (in a way that didn’t perpetuate misinformation) in a clear way.
  23. That's not the stupid part. That was incredibly intelligent of him to do. His stupidity comes from not doing his due diligence when it came to scouting a proper stadium site and finding a better patch of land for such a venture. That's why I called it a "monument to his stupidity." Maybe "monument to his naivete" would be more appropriate. I'd recommend Home Team by Robert F. Garratt (emeritus professor of English and humanities at the University of Puget Sound) for a Giants-centered perspective. There's an audiobook available, which should be fun.
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