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Everything posted by Chromatic

  1. The Broncos should stay in orange.
  2. I think uniforms should be judged on their own merit, and don't believe at all that if people didn't know this jersey was blue originally, they would legitimately critique it for "looking like it should be blue".
  3. I genuinely don't know where this idea that the Broncos uniforms are some overly designed garbage is coming from. They have a single stripe, that's it. The uniforms are simpler than the majority of the league's. But I also have a feeling if they simplified their uniforms even further to a plain orange jersey and stripeless white pants this board would flip flop and call it a monstrosity and laud the old ones just like the Patriots and Falcons admittedly not perfect but still much superior updates.
  4. The Broncos current look is great. Perfect colour balance, and the design is one of the few examples of something that isn't a "traditional" design while not being an over designed mess. The number font is fine, its unique, and aesthetically ties into the Broncos identity while simultaneously not being illegible nonsense or generic block numbers. If there's one thing they need to do its reduce the amount of times they wear navy and focus on being the orange team.
  5. The Broncos current look is great and does not need to be changed.
  6. On the flipside, some really great looks can come out of it too. I think this Denver fauxback from their colour rush where they were forced to switch the royal to navy looks really, really good.
  7. I think you underestimate how many people think that would be fire/sick/clean/lit.
  8. These look great, and tie in very well thematically to the geography of the cities they play in.
  9. It was a bit too close to denim for me. With Seattle's monochrome it reminded me of this.
  10. Black does not belong anywhere on the 49ers uniforms save for the logo. It looks awful and ruins one of the cleanest sets in the league. The drop shadow is garbage too. Anybody who argues otherwise should never complain about BFBS on any other team again, because the 90s 49ers are the apotheosis of it.
  11. A black or gold or black and gold outline on the numbers would go a long way.
  12. Their shoulder patch actually works really well as a primary crest too.
  13. I'm not sure if this is unpopular or not but considering the amount of concepts I see with it on here it may be: Black does not belong anywhere on the 49ers uniforms in any place but the logo outlines. It totally screws up the otherwise perfect colour balance and muddies an incredible look. For some reason people act like this isnt BFBS.
  14. I could not disagree more. IMO the only way to make all three primary colours work is to have subdued versions of at least some if not all of them, a la the Nuggets. I like bright, vibrant uniforms as much as the next poster here, but having bright vibrant versions of all three primary colours is just eye-searing. Its the colour scheme I'd expect inside an old fast food restaurant or preschool.
  15. The number font I don't have an issue with, and even if I did, I wouldn't consider that a major detail. I would not consider the striping excessive either. To me saying a team couldn't possibly look worse is saying the look is fundamentally flawed at its core rather than in need of a few tweaks, and I don't think the Bengals have a fundamentally flawed look. The tiger striping works.
  16. I'm saying it again, Baltimore needs to make the purple pants the default road option.
  17. This is a bit hyperbolic. The only thing that really makes the Bengals uniforms as bad as they are is the inexplicable side panel. Aside from that while the uniforms aren't perfect they aren't fundamentally flawed like some.
  18. And the formerly MLS Champion Toronto fTc
  19. I can understand this. I definitely prefer the classic look, and wasn't in love with the 2015-19 update, but I also didn't think it was the complete abomination many on here did either.
  20. Looks great. I'm excited to see Vancouver, I think 'Ravens' is an excellent moniker for a sports team here. My only concern is that since the Ravens are already an existing team that wears purple and black, how its going to differ from Baltimore.
  21. I don't think Golden State is a good name, especially when there are multiple other teams that also play in the same state. However Golden States' run of recent success pretty much ensures that outside of the team moving outside of California at some point, the name is sticking around. "The Valley" is worse though because it's so nondescript. You can go pretty much anywhere in the world and if you say "The Valley" to a local they'll almost all be thinking of a different place.
  22. I think the issue there is that Golden State is explicitly California, whereas The Valley is way too vague and nondescript.
  23. They picked a poor date for a reveal though.
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