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Everything posted by Sport

  1. Don't put words in my mouth, rookie.
  2. And the NBA teams have diluted their brands strength to the point that many of them have lost all meaning. The NBA is the example of what I don't want the NFL to become.
  3. The thing that I find so frustrating about the FCC experience is that they're clearly bad, but I don't know enough about MLS to point to why or how to correct things. I'm going to the Crew game in Columbus with a friend who's a Crew fan and I think I might just wear neutral colors.
  4. Black, yellow, and red have never felt right for the city of Vancouver or the Canucks and I say that as someone whose first experience with the Canucks was the 94 Finals run. Blue and green is perfect for them and the city and it's the only one of their many color schemes that feels correct. Also, the Orca is not good, but I prefer it to this "Generic Create-A-Team A" logo here
  5. I've read that Major League Baseball insisted on the Mariners being included in the baseball scene in Naked Gun because they were so irrelevant at the time and they wanted to give the franchise more visibility.
  6. I've long wondered if they were chosen as the team in Jerry Maguire because they were one of the more anonymous teams in sports at the time playing in a city that they were still relatively new to so the movie could graft whatever they wanted onto the team without the audience having many preconceived notions about what it would mean for Rod Tidwell to play for them. Any other team would've had baggage and the Cardinals of that era allowed us to believe that Tidwell had been toiling away there in obscurity because the Cardinals were the definition of NFL obscurity at that time. When I think of the Cardinals I think of Larry Fitzgerald and nearly winning the Super Bowl over the Steelers with Kurt Warner. I think they tried that in 2005 and it has never worked.
  7. I think that's a silly reason not to readopt a uniform feature that is decidedly part of their uniform history. The old plain helmet would still be there to make the link and the younger fans would get used to it in no time, same way every new uniform becomes normal after a period of time. Oddly enough, though, to me the 2005 uniforms have never felt like the Cardinals. They've always just felt like a generically dumb mid-2000's template that the team adopted to trend hop and still haven't remedied. Not a big Jerry Maguire guy?
  8. Not doing anything the Cardinals themselves haven’t done before. They wore that exact stripe for over 30 years. If that doesn’t feel like the Cardinals to you that’s on you, not the concept.
  9. Here's what I don't like: - The logo is hilarious and every detail is tiny. - With some exceptions across football I prefer the helmet to be either a lighter color like a metallic, a yellow, or white. If the helmet is going to be a dark color I prefer when it either matches the jersey color or is darker than the jersey color, like the Jaguars or the Ravens. Green lid on top of a blue jersey on top of gray pants on top of white socks is just a lot of different elements all at once. - The original Seahawks balanced the colors better. - I think the Washington R******s template is one of the best football uniform templates ever designed, but those colors don't work with it and normally I love blue and green. I think blue and green is sort of a weird choice for that nickname and city. Is there some reason they used blue and green that I don't know about? Because the Dallas Mavericks also used it around that time. It doesn't feel very western or rustic to me. The colors the WLAF Riders wore feel more appropriate.
  10. Back when a football jersey was a big t-shirt. It's football sleeve porn. To think there was enough real estate for stripes of that size and a logo (or a sleeve number in the Vikings case) is really funny to me. If the Cardinals wanted to wear that as a throwback I don't know how they'd make that happen on today's jerseys.
  11. I don't care what college teams do because they're going to change their uniforms five minutes from now anyways and the Cardinals have historical precedent for using that stripe. I'm just taking that pants stripe element and using it throughout the rest of the uniform so it's a cohesive look.
  12. Yes. Correct. The Jake Plummer unis overthought the simplicity of the brand. When you use those colors in that way with that Generic Helmet from Every Sporting Goods Store in the Country helmet it's not sharp like the Raiders or Giants, it's just boring. It's a nothing statement. You gotta do something from the neck down because the helmet isn't adding any punch on its own, but the incredibly 2004 uniforms they've been wearing since 2005 are the opposite of that. A variation of this concept has been done a million times, but it's just too obvious. Do this, never change again.
  13. This might be unpopular, but I don't think there's anything worth salvaging from the original Gunslingers brand.
  14. These jerseys seem designed for collecting completists and nobody else. I wouldn't buy a jersey I know the team is only going to wear once, maybe twice. If I know that's my team's designated special event jersey that they'd likely wear several times, however, then I would probably drop the money. This is all just imagination for me, though. They'll play an outdoor game on the moon before they play one in Columbus.
  15. I'm not talking about this Nu USFL. I wasn't around for USFL 1.0, but as a sports uniform nut who grew up on this website I'd go back and look at the old uniforms and I've always wondered why so many of the teams looked so similar. Just a question I've always had.
  16. Just seems like something you'd try to avoid if you're starting a brand new league so your new team brands can stand out from one another. I know sports branding is a different animal now than it was then, but with standard definition television why would you want to invite any chance for confusion? There's only so many colors to choose from, but there's also way more possibilities than the original USFL used. Did the league need 3 different teams in red jerseys with silver pants and helmets? One of the Memphis Showboats, Chicago Blitz, or Tampa Bay Bandits could've and should've done something different. (My vote is the Bandits because they were nearly identical to Ohio State's uniforms except for 3 or 4 little differences.)
  17. The Panthers and Breakers are my clear winners and I applaud them for just bringing back what worked from the original iterations with slight updates. I'm going to tune in just to watch those two uniforms run around. The Bandits logos are my favorite in the bunch and the helmets are fine, but I hate the side panels. I'm glad they didn't bring back the Ohio State ripoffs. The Stars and Maulers are the clear losers here. The Generals and Gamblers are good updates of perfectly cromulent logos. The Stallions are just too Denver Broncos for me. It's funny that in the time between USFL in the 80's and now we've gone through the entire life cycle of football uniform design to the point that teams can bring back their original uniforms as is and they look good. If the same group of teams had launched 10 years ago they would've made the 2014 Jaguars and Bucs look dignified. I've always thought there was a weirdly high number of teams in the USFL who wore red. The Showboats, Bandits, Stars, Stallions, Generals, and Blitz all wore red jerseys. The Blitz, Showboats, and Bandits all wore red jerseys with silver pants and helmets. The Gamblers and Outlaws were both predominantly black uniforms, but they used enough red to be mentioned. Was the color red (especially paired with a metallic) just all the rage in football back then?
  18. Oh I don't think they have anything to do with her firing. I was saying the only thing I could find about her firing was the worst people alive bringing up some unrelated thing from a year ago. All I can grasp is that maybe her writing wasn't up to standard, but a lot of people are saying she was doing a good job. Who knows?
  19. It came out today that The Seattle Times fired Marisa Ingemi as one of their Kraken beat reporters in late January. Can't find a reason for her firing online other than s***head stoolies calling her a liar for something she wrote about Dave Portnoy last year.
  20. A thing that was super annoying before the 2020 draft was people saying "well obviously Joe Burrow will pull an Elway or Eli and demand a trade". Completely unfounded speculation with zero evidence and it was led by that jackass Mike Florio at Profootballtalk. It was the most he's ever shown his Steelers fan ass. I didn't hear any of that with Trevor Lawrence and the Jags last year, but for some reason it was this whole thing with Burrow and the Bengals. Burrow is too big of a person to do this, which is what makes him who he is, but if Mike Florio tries to talk to him this week he should tell him to go himself.
  21. See I don't agree that he's cocky and that's where you're missing people. There's a fine line between cockiness and confidence and he's got enough emotional intelligence that whenever he says or does something that could be taken as cocky he does so with a smile and softness to stay on the endearing side. The pre/post game outfits are a good example - he's kind of a nerdy white dude so dressing for the AFC Championship game like he's a 90's R&B singer is funnier than it is cocky. He shouldn't pull it off, but somehow he does.
  22. The dislike button was made for takes like this. If you can’t tell the difference between Baker Mayfield and Joe Burrow then I can’t explain it to you.
  23. Can I make two simple pitches for the Bengals? 1. Stan Kroenke 2. If the dang ass Cincinnati goddamn Bengals can win the f***ing Super Bowl then anyone can.
  24. You are right. This is a magic carpet ride. This is the most fun I've ever had with this team, but unless we have to wait another 33 years to go back the next time will never be as fun or sweet as this because we're going to be ruined with expectations and our dumbest fans will get mouthy. I lived in Seattle when they went to their second straight Super Bowl and by then people were more entitled. Walking around town now people just have this "can you even COMPREHEND this???" vibe. With most things, nothing is ever like the first time, which is why I'm just trying to savor this whole experience.
  25. This video was put together by my sister's friend. I am not in it, but I looked a lot like the adult men crying. I don't think we all really understood how much we needed this until it happened. It was so out of nowhere to win that game and it was so out of nowhere to even be in the AFC Championship game that the release of emotions just came pouring out. Up until three weeks ago I had never seen them win a wildcard game and now we're in the dang ass Super Bowl. This is why you watch sports and go through the inherently silly practice of following a favorite team.
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