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dont care

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Everything posted by dont care

  1. In the description it says the marbling is suppose to also look like crashing water but to me they missed that mark.
  2. Navy’s is really uninspired. Oh our campus has marble and gold so well put it on our uniform. You know what other schools have marble and gold used around campus. Basically every other school you can think of
  3. I’m not a fan of the blue at all. It doesn’t look like Florida anymore when they aren’t in orange lids, the white is passable but blue is a definite no from me. Looks like some D2 school to me.
  4. Not feeling the whole uniform. Just seems very uninspired. Oh there is blue marble and gold used around “The Yard” which they call their campus. And throw a seal on it just because
  5. Didn’t they do just a poorly in those uniforms as well? To say uniforms will change a teams fortune is just silly. The Knicks are a bad team in just about every aspect you can think of except for uniforms.
  6. You love of nausea inducing uniforms and colors is something else
  7. So it’s nothing with the design you don’t like but instead the “pandering” to a significant part of their players history
  8. No, it’s the “ohana” uniform for their history of Polynesian players. It’s suppose to be tribal patterns.
  9. Does Ontario really have anything about it that would make for a non generic name?
  10. I really didn’t like the white helmets today for florida, maybe if they weren’t chrome and widened the stripes to better match the others I’d have liked them more.
  11. What makes it dumb? Would you rather they be called the “Silly nannies” or something?
  12. I had it looping this morning, and couldn’t do anything without closing the ad
  13. Anyone else getting a ridiculous amount of pop ups that are making the site almost completely in usable?
  14. Anyone else getting a notification where it’s asking you if you would like to download an “ids” file only on this site.
  15. I don’t think there is any way of changing that logo to have the hawk facing the other way and still fit the letters. Also using the ravens as your example isn’t a good example since it’s probably the worse there is and shows there is no need for the “R” in their logo. What they could do is just isolate the hawk head for the helmet without using the letters at all.
  16. Cool to get, but it also looks like it came from a cereal box
  17. Is the helmet suppose to look like they took a blow torch like that or did the paint get rubbed off during the game?
  18. I agree, the same reason 01-09 aren’t used and shouldn’t be used
  19. Probably couldn’t get proper fitting and alterations due to covid
  20. Why respond to a post from 2 years ago. At this point we don’t even know what you want anymore
  21. I thought Virginia got rid of the squiggle in the sword handles because it represented a wall on campus that was used to hide the slaves that were working on campus.
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