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Everything posted by CaliforniaGlowin

  1. This city edition could be bigger than curly fries!
  2. Well they ain't close to LA either and they claim it
  3. Yet they still don't fix it. Make the numbers and letters blue with a red drop shadow. simple as that.
  4. Well it's not for NFL of course, but XFL would do fine.
  5. I thought this was going to be the heat's year man like last year was supposed to be the nets' year.
  6. San Diego is going to have a shiny new stadium with no pro team.
  7. I love the SD city colors and font, but it's hard to top the brown.
  8. But Austin already has a Spurs team?
  9. And here the Kraken's AHL team is two states away. With a custom arena, they ain't leaving anytime soon.
  10. I was thinking Orlando could use a new space branding to go with their space kits.
  11. Orlando have gone so far into the space theme with the kits, they might as well change the team name. Maybe that's the plan?
  12. They could have been sponsored by UPS and had the padres colors
  13. For me it's both the colors and Miami script. But I'd take the colors alone.
  14. Yea those are close. At least those are a part of team history.
  15. Do I love them? Yes. Are they a fit for other cities? No. I guess it's not a big deal with smaller leagues or with teams that are not city specific.
  16. Any team can wear black and gold. Vice colors are unique to Miami. They look weird in any other city.
  17. I've been saying this for years and get nothing but "it's classic" "it's timeless" "we won championships!" "it's trendy" blah blah blah I want this to happen more than anything but it's like talking to a wall. Fans who want vice full time are the minority.
  18. They say red and blue are for red rock and blue sky. Wrong shades, y'all. It's the same red and blue everybody else uses.
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