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Everything posted by Ridleylash

  1. Remember when Dave Roberts said to put it on record that the Dodgers were winning it all this year? And now they aren't even going to the NLCS?
  3. Knowing our luck, this either ends in a miracle run for the Phillies...or one of the Evil Empires winning it all.
  4. Er, Braves? You, uh...you gonna do something?
  5. I mean, it's a retro throwback alternate. Messing with it and making a uniform that never existed is kinda running against the point of making a retro throwback in the first place, which is to bring back the original exactly like it was. If you're changing the uniform to such an extent, then it's no longer a throwback because...well, the Hurricanes didn't wear black pants and flag-stripe socks in 1997. Hell, they don't even do that now.
  6. That's exactly what it is lmao, there is no possible way to make an NFL division in Europe work, especially since they already tried to do a European league and it failed to really catch on. Even a team in London is fraught with logistical issues.
  7. Blues RR 2.0 looks to be their unused original design in yellow.
  8. See, I disagree because of one problem; the Oilers were trying to stake a claim to a base color that has become inexorably tied to Philly as their main dark color, and they weren't exactly pulling it off with the same grace the Flyers have managed either. Like, this looks good because of the balance that it has; orange is clearly dominant, while black and white share a similar amount of prominence as secondary colors. It's blocked out really well, too, with no color really being too overbearing. But then you look at the Oilers and it just...doesn't work. Why is there so much navy up top with the yoke, but only a thin stripe on the arms and hem leaving it top-heavy (something that a full stripe like the WHA throwback had would not have to worry about)? Why pick such a bright shade of orange that washes the white out and makes the already-dark navy look even darker than it already is? Why make the gloves entirely navy if you're trying to push orange so much, when you could easily have matched the pants stripe and at least make those two elements cohesive? It's just not a very well-thought out design, in my opinion. They tried to split the difference between the retro look and the WHA throwback with a touch of 90's navy and in that process lost what made any of those looks really work. There's kind of a reason so many Oilers fans who wanted them to keep navy still wanted them to basically just look exactly like Bakersfield.
  9. The Canes are wearing their throwbacks and it looks...so nice. How they every left this is a mystery.
  10. Falcons wearing the red throwback buckets this weekend;
  11. Oh jesus, that's so much worse than the mockups lmao They literally just took a white jersey, added some navy to it then slapped a bunch of rectangles on the chest with a basic-ass font on the front. If they were really going for a local art vibe, they were way too conservative.
  12. Let's test that, shall we? How's about we look at photos of the crowds in Calgary and see if that holds up; Plenty of black C jerseys here, wow. More than the retros, in fact. But it's just one, let's try to increase the sample size with another sample; Huh. Also a lot more black C jerseys than retros. Ah, but it's just two photos, right? Let's keep going, maybe I'm missing some images. Heck, let's throw in a photo from this past May; ....huh. You know, there's a lot more black C's in the Saddledome then I would've expected if the retros were so thoroughly obliterating them in terms of local popularity.
  13. That lines up with what Icethetics (who said they're coming in the next couple of weeks) and Hoven (who said the reveal is "any day now") have been saying.
  14. I feel real bad, but they're also the first team to be shut out at home in a winner-take-all game since the 2016 Mets. And the first team ever to only get a single hit in a winner-take-all game. God, the Mets love setting records for pain lmfao
  15. Even worse; the Mariners, a team that hadn't even been to the playoffs since 2001 (so over two decades ago), have now won a playoff series more recently than the Mets. They choked the division lead in the last week of the season then got pantsed in the Wild Card at home; that's taking Metting to a whole new level of sheer, unadulterated agony.
  16. Shutout in your own home after choking away the division lead that you held for pretty much the entire season! A 101-win season completely flushed down the toilet for another complete humiliation! LOLMETS reigns supreme once again!
  17. Welp, this aged well. In all seriousness, that's just...oof. You can't win a playoff series with your offense going 9-78 at the plate. Part of me worries if Stu will look at this and decide to blow it all up so he can just wait for the lease to run out before using poor attendance and ticket sales to book it somewhere else.
  18. Why'd they even bother including "City of" if it's just going to be that :censored:ing tiny anyways lmfao
  19. Those would be the legendary Cooperalls. And it wasn't just minor-league teams that wore 'em;
  20. Oooh, these are sick. Love the updated Blasty, and the fact that they're so close to the original Wranglers jerseys; gives them the appropriate vintage feel of the Flames' brand. I wouldn't be surprised if their first third involves that new Blasty being the primary, probably on a black base. Speaking of the new Blasty...here's a good look at the logo itself in digital form;
  21. And lose that tiny fraction of the dear all-important green? Heaven forbid.
  22. Also didn't help either case that neither team won a lot under the new mark, either. When the helmeted dolphin is associated with the back-to-back Super Bowl teams and the current logo is associated with getting crapped on by the Steelers in the Wild Card...fans will inevitably want the helmeted dolphin back lol
  23. So basically the logo they had in the 2000's?
  24. Probably due to generational difference; a lot of people remember 2004 much more than 1989 because they weren't born then, therefore they have a stronger attachment to that look than something they weren't even alive to witness. That, and 2004 is like...the only time the Flames have been that successful since 1989 lol
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