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Everything posted by Ridleylash

  1. Do the Rams have any kind of offensive plan besides ":censored: it, throw to Kupp"?
  2. Would've also been a good time for them to show up to the game lol
  3. LOLRAMS in full effect, they're even fighting each other!
  4. Yeah, there's a long hill the Clippers'll have to climb if they ever even want to match the level of cultural panache that the Lakers have in LA, and that involves winning 'chips. LA is a winner's town, and the Lakers have done a lot of winning while the Clippers only have two division titles from nearly a decade ago and haven't made the Finals in their 37 years in LA.
  5. Being fair, it was a 2-on-1 game of Seattle and the Refs vs. the Lions. Seriously, why the :censored: do NFL refs consistently hate the Lions lmao
  6. Saints just trying to be bros and give the Eagles a good draft pick with that double doink
  7. See, the thing is that literally everybody also hated Gritty at first; it's only after he threatened to murder another mascot in cold blood and promptly became a meme that opinions really turned on Gritty for the positive, but when they actually showed him it was a dunkfest. People dumped on Chance, too, it's just kind of a thing that people dump on new mascots for not being what they wanted. I feel like people put too much stock in the idea of a kraken as the mascot when it was pretty unlikely to happen right from the beginning of the brand's reveal. You don't put a bunch of effort in building your brand around the unknowable terror of the kraken lurking within the deep...only to a year later introduce a goofy cartoon kraken mascot that dances with kids and gets up to silly antics. And making it purposefully ugly and anti-mascot would've just made people joke about it being a bootleg Gritty.
  8. Because everybody knows camo on black always shows up well on camera lmao Christ, could they have possibly botched this any worse?
  9. Eh, I get why they didn't; they've put so much stock in the brand around the mystique and looming threat of the kraken that making a cutesy mascot out of it would kinda run against that whole "menace lurking in the deep" idea. Plus, I mean, there's probably a good reason Detroit never made an Al the Octopus mascot costume lol Honestly, I think it's fine. Cute enough to appeal to kids, won't look weird posing with other mascots at league events, it hits all the essentials of any good mascot. Not every mascot can be a Gritty.
  10. Were they really a blue, white and silver team when the only place they ever used silver was the secondary logo? That's kind of like saying Columbus is red/white/blue/silver when they only ever use silver in their logos, or that Tampa is still blue/white/black because they have a tiny smidge of black in their number kit.
  11. So Antonio Brown doing more Antonio Brown things, effectively. I'm not surprised the guy's gone this far off the deep end when he never seemed like the most stable person to begin with, I just feel bad for that woman having to put up with his bull.
  12. The Dolphins really do have a master's degree in just completely :censored:ing up anything they touch, don't they? I really hope Tua's alright, but he should never have been playing tonight in the first place and the fact that the Dolphins put him in is just negligent.
  13. They aren't safe from ty manufacturing, too, judging from that ugly mug the statue has lmfao Worst part is, this isn't even the first time they've :censored:ed up so far, because I'm fairly sure Bruce Cassidy is not 27 years old;
  14. TIL that a company founded in Los Angeles County in California is more palatable as a jersey ad for an Arizona team than a hotel and casino chain founded in the Phoenix area. If any NHL team would fit an In-N-Out ad, it'd be the Kings or Ducks, not the Coyotes.
  15. Hell, if we're talking truly terrible Eagles coaches, Burt Bell has one of the strongest cases; a .196 win percentage and grand total of 10 wins in 56 games as a coach makes Kotite's numbers look positively contender-like.
  16. It was already leaked as part of the T-shirt listings:
  17. Honestly, the teal bucket and gloves work really nicely with the white set...but the home being monoteal just looks ugly, and I don't think mismatching helmet and breezers would look much better for San Jose. Like, look at this and tell me it wouldn't easily be an improvement;
  18. How much do you want to bet they'll be Prince-themed?
  19. Because that suddenly means we cannot possibly have alts that don't use all the color they can, right? And here I thought we collectively derided Color Rush explicitly because it was heavy on color just to be heavy on color. Like, c'mon. It's an alternate look, they're still primarily using black and orange. This is making a mountain out of an anthill, especially in a league where the Raiders literally exist and do the exact same thing as their main look.
  20. Nah, you know it'll be "Jet City" lol
  21. They so clearly botched this rebrand and are trying desperately to bury how bad they :censored:ed up lmao
  22. Another change for the Knights; Vegas is now using gray pants with their road jersey.
  23. What? It'd absolutely be a huge problem for either Detroit or Columbus if they have to get pushed back out West just to facilitate the Coyotes moving to QC, they literally pushed to move East because they hated being in the West so much so that's already two votes against the idea on principle; and Boston would immediately put a vote against it as well, because Jacobs doesn't want to go back to QC, he wants a team in Houston. That's three immediate "nay"'s, one of whom is well-known as being effectively the head of the Board of Governors and could very easily sway opinions against the idea by himself. And of course TV broadcaster money counts, that's where the biggest cut of the league's media revenue comes from, what with that gargantuan deal they just got with ESPN and TNT. What major sports league doesn't try to do things to maximize their TV revenue? Phoenix's TV market is 2,158,240 people. Quebec City's metro has a population of 839,311. If I'm a TV broadcaster in the US looking to buy NHL rights, I'd absolutely pay more for those rights if they have the Phoenix market than if they didn't and had Quebec City instead. On the NHL's end, it makes more sense to keep Phoenix as well; Canada's already got such a massive TV deal anyways between Rogers and Sportsnet that you don't really have any incentive to bump it up with more teams. Maybe when the deal comes up, they'll be interested in bumping it...but that's not for a while yet. Remember, it took a literal crisis with nowhere to play and owners forcing the team out for the NHL to give up Atlanta, a large US market, to Winnipeg, a small Canadian market. The Coyotes have a place to play with modern amenities, no matter how small it is, and ownership keeping them in place; so there's no incentive from the league to relocate the team at this point, especially since they're right in the midst of getting an arena deal worked out.
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