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Everything posted by Ridleylash

  1. That it was; the Civic Arena was already called "The Big Igloo" when the Pens were coming into the league, and that's what sparked the name alongside the fan name vote. Though honestly, I would not at all be surprised if Youngstown State played a hand in it as well, given their proximity to Pittsburgh.
  2. It also really doesn't help them that Colorado's been an absolute monster of a team this postseason. They're 14-2 so far; I imagine even the best team in the league would have a hell of a fight on their hands against them. Struggling against most playoff teams in the postseason isn't great. Struggle against the Avs...and you get last night's utter annihilation. Their skill level magnifies basically any mistake into a potentially deadly one. And even worse is that the Avs are undefeated on the road...which is exactly where they're headed.
  3. Honestly, I think that they would have been the Rockies had the MLB team not existed when they came into town. "Rocky Mountain Xtreme" sounds like a really forced attempt to keep the Rockies tie there while not actually being the Rockies.
  4. The Jazz rebrand summed up in one image;
  5. Mascots wear alternates at the ASG pretty often. Here's a post from Spartacat's Twitter about the Vegas ASG where you can clearly see NJ and Iceburgh wearing their alts; I doubt it means anything.
  6. I mean, it's not. Plenty of teams have sizably thick shoulder patches; Boston and Chicago, for example, so do Arizona, Columbus and Tampa Bay. It's not even that much thicker than the old Rockies patch it's derived from.
  7. Your first mistake is assuming that Neely isn't the one who wants to keep Sweeney around in the first place lmao
  8. At least they'll look good next season. Thank god the navy era's over, and hello royal blue!
  9. The last time a Canadian team won the Cup, the most recent expansion teams were Ottawa and Tampa Bay, both of which are celebrating their 30th anniversaries next season. Anaheim, Florida, Dallas, Colorado, Arizona, Carolina, Nashville, Atlanta/Winnipeg, Minnesota, Columbus, Vegas and Seattle have all joined the league since then. I find it VERY difficult to argue that's not a drought.
  10. Eh, I disagree; the old logo didn't work in the modern day with all the small-sized text in it, and the white text on light blue wasn't a great design choice either. This cleans the whole thing up and makes all the elements more well-defined while keeping the necessary elements intact; the way the S is shaped even looks like a flowing river, like the one that the city itself is right on. Besides, you're giving modern Create-A-Team logos way too much credit lmao
  11. I wish they'd just dump the Edge piping, it's actively hindering what's otherwise a damn nice jersey.
  12. Rangers take both games in MSG. If Tampa wants back in, they HAVE to win Game 3.
  13. I though Smith was going to rebound after last game?
  14. This really is a lose-lose situation; either Golden State wins another damn title, or the sports world has to put up with the inflated ego of Boston sports fans getting a title once again. I guess the Celts are the lesser of two evils in this situation, but still, I feel like a lot of people will just root for the meteor this year.
  15. Bowing out in the second round by being completely and utterly declawed in a four-game asskicking as a team expected to make a ton of noise in the playoffs is absolutely a choke. Especially when they struggled to even win a series against the Caps. Remember, choking in sports is a team failing to act as anticipated. People anticipated Florida would be a Cup finalist, and they got a team that struggled to beat an old man squad that limped into the postseason and then got absolutely mauled by the defending champions the next round. People anticipated the Leafs losing in seven to Tampa because it's their running gag; and if it's anticipated, it's not a choke.
  16. Choking is taking a sure victory and completely fumbling it, not losing a close series against the two-time champions. Just because it's Toronto doesn't mean it's always a choke. Sometimes teams just lose without choking. If anybody choked in the Atlantic, it's Florida that did it. Struggled against Washington and then got bodied by the Lightning after looking damn-near unstoppable in the regular season? That's prime choking.
  17. The Flames and disappointing their fans, truly a tale as old as time.
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