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Everything posted by Ridleylash

  1. That's...not a great look for your reveal if people immediately spot a color-matching flaw.
  2. There's a line between keeping it simple and just plain being too safe with a event jersey design, and I feel the Sabres' new Heritage Classic jersey definitely falls into the latter category; given Toronto seems to be doing an Arenas jersey, they could've easily done a creative fauxback design to fit in with that early hockey aesthetic like what Nashville and Dallas did for the Winter Classic. Like, taking this IHL Bisons jersey and putting it in Sabres royal and gold with the primary on it would look good and match Toronto's jersey for this game perfectly, aesthetically; You'd also sell more jerseys that way because it's not basically the same thing as their other jerseys but with a cream base instead of a blue or white one. Hell, they've done the fauxback look before in event games and it worked perfectly;
  3. Wow, that's boring. It's basically the same as their main white, just without the yoke, slight changes to the striping and with cream. They really couldn't even be assed to do a fauxback design?
  4. Honestly, I think I could see the Canucks doing a maroon version of their 2000's navy jersey. They already have it on the Adidas template thanks to the 50th anniversary, may as well get some more use out of it, y'know? Plus, they're still using the skate as an alternate, so I wonder about their willingness to dip into that pot twice in a single season.
  5. Another injury on the Rams. EDIT: Aaaand McVay duffs it again lmfao
  6. McVay's once again cracking under pressure. Rams are struggling to get anything going with OBJ out.
  7. It's quite simple, really; the team is doing what its fanbase wants them to do like any competent business does. Calgary fans want Blasty around and keep buying Blasty merchandise, hence why the team's been bringing the logo back for alternates. You follow the money with a business, and Blasty is money for the Flames.
  8. Because it's Washington, being a difficult organization is like the one thing they're good at.
  9. I think it's more about the product not matching the image on the store.
  10. The Isles can at least get away with the patch being a reference to the dynasty and not just counting their championships overall, so there's that. I dunno what the hell Washington does if (god forbid) they actually manage to win something of importance while Dan owns the team.
  11. I disagree, personally; there's not exactly much for the Habs to reverse otherwise, considering the vast majority of their history has been the same jersey and they did a blue inversion of their red jersey last time; so bending the rules a little and doing a throwback to another much-loved team in the city, even if in a different sport, makes a lot of sense. That's the problem with a team that is so extremely consistent in it's branding (or one so new it had nothing to reverse, like we saw with Vegas); a jersey program which offers itself well to playing with old designs is somewhat limited in what exactly you can do. So being creative and showing some love to your city's sports history is a perfect way to get around that limitation.
  12. And they went back after a while in a look that actually suited the navy blue just fine. Now they're trying to do both navy and their original look and succeeding in neither while also trying to be "fresh" by turning the players into radioactive carrots because "oil workers" and "WHA". What I'm getting at is that maybe Edmonton isn't the best organization to look at for being on the pulse of their fanbase. I feel like for teams that have changed their look as often as the Kings have and as long as they've been around, that's kind of a tricky proposition; some people will just connect more with the purple and gold than the black and silver because of it being a unique color scheme and champion for that to be the main look, especially when their current look is...pretty stale. It's kind of like the Canucks, except there's not as much consensus on what the "right" look for the team is. And upholding a look because "we won stuff in it" isn't always a good idea; take the Broncos, for example. All I ever see from Broncos fans when it comes to teams needing an update are requests for new jerseys closer to their originals, even though they've won all three of their Super Bowl titles in their current look. That, to me, signals when a team's jersey has lived past it's expiration date; and I've seen a lot of chatter around purple and gold for LA since the RR came out.
  13. There's been examples of teams inserting black into their color scheme post-launch and it generally working out fine enough...buuut that's when they planned around it and used it wisely, so it's actually a cohesive look instead of it just being plopped in like they're filling in a coloring book and don't know what color to use to finish the picture. It's basically impossible to make a black jersey work if black isn't at least a part of your brand's overall look, because it'll never feel cohesive. The Commanders' use of black really reminds me of this infamous piece of crap from the Jays, which just seems like they were cloying for maximum sales with a popular color for minimum design effort; They clearly chose to have black jerseys and such because they figure it'll make merch sell better, not because it actually works with their brand in any capacity...because it just doesn't. It'll look like dog paired against the maroon, and you just know they'll be using that black helmet and black pants with their other jerseys during games this season just to add some more to the sandwich this rebrand has already become. It's only there as an excuse to have a black alternate that a bunch of people on Twitter will spam "YO THIS IS " about while pretending like they can say it's not BFBS. And like, they couldn't even be assed to be consistent about using the damn color, for Christ's sake; it's on the white jersey, not on the red jersey, and then they have a mainly-black alternate. It feels like they didn't want to commit to it and also wanted it so badly that they chose this awful middle ground where their jerseys don't even match.
  14. I have a feeling the owners and Adidas might outvote him on that, given their fondness for producing merchandise and social media graphics using the Fisherman logo. From what we know, they'd already produced Fisherman concepts last time that the team didn't go with, but after the lukewarm reception of their final product, Ledecky and co. are probably thinking they need to be more out there with the design to sell more jerseys; and what Islanders design is more out there than the Fisherman?
  15. If there's a Chicago baseball team the Hawks should look into poaching from, I don't think it should be the Cubs again, given how McDonough went for them.
  16. With them coming out of a rebuild, this'd make a whole lot of sense. We know that the Kings' first Reverse Retro was a huge seller, which likely told the team that this is where the money is; and it's a good way to cap off your transition into a new era to have new jerseys and a new look. I'd be surprised if they're not following up on that this time and stealth-testing a rebrand to that kind of look.
  17. I could see them using a jade version of their original set as a RR, too, honestly. People really want that look back, so no better way to really test the waters for fan demand than by bringing it back as their next RR design.
  18. I mean, the problem is that they already did the star last go around, I think they'll want a new design to make the new one feel more unique, especially if they end up adopting the throwback ones they did for the Zubov retirement night as alternates at some point. Taking the Mooterus and doing it with modern green and silver seems like the obvious ploy from them, since that's A.) a popular alternate idea among fans, even if mainly because of how ugly it is (though that notably did not stop the Ducks and Coyotes) and B.) one of the few options that'd make sense for them, since they don't exactly have much else to work with, aside from like...maybe making a green version of their original design?
  19. Very few owners in pro sports are as bad as Dan Snyder, let alone worse lmao
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