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Everything posted by Indigo

  1. "Reading comprehension?" Really? You're entitled to your opinion, but if you reallly think that me paragraph was about whether or not the rebrand fit the Jazz, you really need to look in the mirror. The Lakers uniforms don't fit the Jazz, but they're one of the best uniforms in sports, period. I was responding to you saying that the Jazz's rebrand was of great quality and execution (an outlandish claim) while denouncing the Nets' rebrand and saying it was exponentially worse (another outlandish claim). You can like the Jazz rebrand, I'm not here to attack you or your opinion personally (hell, we have an entire thread for unpopular opinions, and I have a few entries myself). But to say that a basketball jersey with insanely large lettering, numbers comperable to a football uniform, nearly unoticable design elements that area lazy holdover, and an appaling color scheme is objectively better than a well-thought-out brand with design elements that fit not only said brand, but adequatley fit the parameters of a basketball uniform is complete and utter insanity, which is why I brought up the contraian definiton earlier. TL;DR: There is no way in hell that the Nets' uniforms are worse than the Jazz's, and I would like if you stop insulting my intellegence level over an opinion that you believe is objectivley true, which is objectivley false.
  2. If you replace "Nets" with "Jazz" and vice versa, this makes total sense. So having two colors that contrast cleanly, correct scaling of numbers and wordmarks appropriate to the "respective standards" of an NBA uniform, and designers who actually cared about each detail is "ameturish"? But taking two colors, one of which wasn't even in the intital design plan, choosing a nice font, but then sullying it by enlarging the size to where it is almost comical, recoloring old unifroms elements to where they are almost unnoticable, and adding no new elemnts to stand apart from the rest of the league is somehow "executed in a professional way in terms of design principles"? Spare me the bull :censored:, cause I don't buy it.
  3. Contrairian - noun a person who holds a contrary position, especially a position against the majority. someone who trolls on message boards to get reactions. Which one are you?
  4. Figured as much based on the NOB looking pasted on, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
  5. Um… @Conrad.? https://lipomarts.com/product/men-gold-is-back-cleveland-cavaliers-4-evan-mobley-2022-23-association-edition-white-jersey/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwlK-WBhDjARIsAO2sErSCDyzEM1ojGY8pTy7mNgy6Tnb62ez4jriv1XV1jmgLNTH13_RvFUwaAlPEEALw_wcB I’ve never seen this site before, but this seems legit-ish.
  6. After winning the 2016 chip in the infamous black alternates, Cleveland wore those jerseys for a handful of home games, including the home opener against the Knicks: …and interestingly, the year before, against Houston on March 29: (there was another pic from the same date that showed Kyrie in front of the Cavs thin-screen-rim-things that circle the inside arena.
  7. Those look like the 2000's LeBron-era Cavs font.
  8. This is a crude photoshop, but here's what it would look like on the Nike template:
  9. The NBA has a lot of red teams (4 red-black teams), and a lot of blue teams, but only 3 red/white/blue teams. One more purple team along with the Lakers, Suns and Kings (maybe Toronto down the line) isn't going to hurt anyone.
  10. Adidas made those uniforms, btw. How rare is it that one component of a uniform can take it from sub-par to classic level?
  11. The Heat have good design. You may think it’s stale, but you’re also the person who loved the bone jerseys, so…. But anyways, Utah isn’t even acceptable.
  12. The latter. I agree with you that just because another team can do something, doesn’t necessarily work for all teams.
  13. Where was the design team that designed the two red rock jerseys, anyway? They could’ve made something way better than this.
  14. “eVeRy TEaM sHoULd WeAR mOnO! SeE, iT wOrKS fOr tHe sEaHawKS!”
  15. I’ve always though the Spurs silver jersey was underrated. Now, some of you might wish this jersey says “Spurs” but I thing the spur works in a similar capacity to Utah’s J-note. The striping is beautiful.
  16. Maybe if you un-italicize the numbers and scale down the logo a little it could work as a modern look. Maybe combine the Bledsoe look with the 1993 look.
  17. Did he really photoshop a Patriots jersey on his own post? EDIT: that’s the Madden 17 photo
  18. But there’s been 5 bird teams on the NFL for at least 45 years. There’s only been one bee team in the same amount of time. It would be encroaching on Charlotte’s territory.
  19. There’s already a bee team in the NBA.
  20. That’s the Panthers exact uniform, minus the helmet. (That’s probably what they should be wearing).
  21. How about a Knicks-Nets and a Kings-Warriors. Awesome work so far.
  22. Not neccessarily. If the NFL continues to be the morally corrupt organization we know, and Watson does play, I think they are better than Pittburgh, at least.
  23. Cleveland needs to unveil their new uniforms soon, right? The draft is next week, and you have to give the players ceremonial jerseys when you sign them.
  24. Take @colinturner95’s design, use indigo, teal, and and a more reddish-gold (to split the difference between copper and yellow), and Utah is set for a lifetime.
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