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Everything posted by eegl75

  1. thanks for the tip and i will definitely check out affinity. like i said, i dont really know my way around this stuff. i just want to post the ideas ive had for a long time. the templates can be finnicky and the collars are the hardest part but i'll take some time to look around paint and give it my best effort. for now i'd prefer if people look at them as fictional concepts rather than realistic things. (also the seattle seahawks and minnesota timberwolves use very bright green)
  2. heres the second team, the flyers i just used the eagles current colors because theyre unique and represent the city pretty well. there is no white in either of the jerseys and the black is replaced by pewter gray. yes i know Giroux isnt on the team but i grew up watching him and he was always my favorite so i put him on the jerseys here. man it was such a sad season for the flyers. the long rebuild ahead doesnt look fun.
  3. mods delete or lock this if you want
  4. oh man i've been waiting a long time for this finally mustered up the courage to post on here. this is my first time designing jersey concepts and im too cheap to buy photoshop so i have to use paint 3d and im new at this so not everything is gonna be stunningly clean and HQ. this is an idea i've had for a long time. i'll be designing new jerseys for every nhl team using colors that the franchise has never used before (if the team has a color in the name, e.g. golden nights, red wings; i can use that color) any criticism, or adice is appreciated. i want to get better at graphic design but i've always been bad at artistic stuff anyways, without further ado, heres the first team, the minnesota wild. i tried to give them an identity based on the northern lights and used a bunch of aurora-y colors to make a staged gradient. the alternate will be coming later
  5. i cant seem to get an image into my post. i keep trying to put in the url but it turns red every time. i'm using imgur if that makes a difference
  6. thanks for getting the stars in there. the logo is pretty complicated but i they were pretty important to me because i love competitors to the nfl and the stars were the only non-nfl team in philly. (also they were the best team in the OG usfl)
  7. i cant even say how amazing the home, away and alternate are. just 2 things though, maybe teal numbers would look better on the away jersey, and the alternate socks need some black. cant rly complain about the city one because its hard to make good city jerseys. but overall great job with SJ
  8. the orange kinda clashes with the light blue but it works in small amounts. very bears-y. cant wait to see the eagles
  9. nice job with chicago. i wonder what it would look like to have the red on the city flag uniform be orange.
  10. i cant tell if edmonton's promo logo is supposed to look like that or.....
  11. thanks. can i get flyers, eagles, phillies, villanova basketball, U of Mich football and hockey, philadephia stars (if you can do that), and toronto argonauts (if you can do that) for the banners, and just the eagles and flyers for "where i come from"
  12. the birds always win when they wear all black
  13. these look great! ive always wanted to see midnight green and kelly green coexist. really missing the black though. i love when the eagles wear the all black uniforms. maybe if the midnight green was little darker it would fill that void.
  14. if i may ask, why the black uniform for minnesota? i dont hate it but it feels out of place especially when there's no black on any of their other jerseys
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