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Everything posted by ruttep

  1. If Brandon Staley isn't fired by tomorrow morning they should just delete the franchise.
  2. As if the Easton Stick led Chargers are capable of putting up points
  3. What makes you think that wearing black pants this week means that they won't on Christmas? I think they should've worn purple pants for both games because the Ravens' black pants are just as bad as the Saints' black pants and shouldn't exist, but I digress.
  4. Looking through the comments on that tweet, I can't say I completely disagree with them (for this week). This would've been a good week to break out the standing buffalo throwbacks (if they still exist), which is what a lot of the comments were advocating for. That being said, I disagree with the majority of Twitter users, who think that all one color is the coolest thing in the world.
  5. That Oilers uniform has to be one of the ugliest uniforms to ever be worn in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. I can't believe that that uniform made it to a Conference Final.
  6. Thank goodness they've put together some big wins in their proper combos (blue/white/blue and white/blue/white). It should mean they dress like a proper NFL team for the rest of the season. And of course, we have to be thankful that last year's preferred all-blue set got mauled in the Divisional Round by the Bengals to close last season, before managing to lose to Zach Wilson in Week 1 this season. They haven't worn it since.
  7. I certainly hope the reason for it isn't the same as it is in the NBA, who say that the color messes with their advertisements.
  8. Yeah, that was my point. When people think of the Arizona Cardinals, I doubt they think of the mountainous northern portion of Arizona. They think of Phoenix, which is the last place I'd ever expect it to snow.
  9. "Snow Day in Arizona" I don't even know what to say. Do they hear themselves?
  10. Off-white works on throwback or fauxback uniforms because it gives off the appearance of age. The looks that those uniforms are "throwing back" to were originally designed with regular white, but whether through age or material limitations, the physical sweaters from that time period appear off-white to us now. It's a fun complementary color or alternate color, but I don't want it to become a primary look.
  11. Some other EDGE disasters that I would put at the bottom of the barrel (geez 2007-08 was trash): (This was technically introduced the year before, but you can't tell me this wasn't designed for the EDGE template) How to ruin a classic (darken the blue, introduce front numbers, add in unnecessary grey): The worst of the three jerseys in this template (the other two were OTT and TB) because of the khaki "Vegas gold." Every game that featured the Penguins in these uniforms looked washed out. Just because they raised the Cup twice doesn't make them better:
  12. I think @DCarp1231 had a typo on the original post. I'm pretty sure what you just typed is what he meant.
  13. I don't remember it (I was six at the time of that Super Bowl). What happened?
  14. I feel like the NFL would veto a blue vs green color vs color pretty quickly. Then again, they did give the ok for powder blue vs navy blue . . .
  15. Seriously, Jerryworld seems like the NFL's wet dream of a Super Bowl host. Over 100k capacity, huge market with a huge fanbase, indoor stadium. Plus Jerry Jones is one of the more influential owners in the NFL. Wonder why he hasn't forced their hand on this yet. (To be clear, the Cowboys, but a Super Bowl at Jerryworld would make sense for the NFL)
  16. Not the biggest fan of the boneRam, but I'm still annoyed that they passed over it for the Super Bowl field for their other (horrible) logo:
  17. I also watch a lot more hockey than I do any other sport, but I have different tastes for different sports. In hockey, all one color works because there's plenty of design elements to break up all the color, as well as how well it contrasts with a white ice surface. In football, though, the fact of the matter is that there's less uniform to work with (shorter sleeves), and striped socks are all but extinct apart from throwbacks, especially when it comes to wearing all one color. In regards to your last sentence, I don't think monochrome NFL uniforms are designed well at all (or, if they are, the team decides to wear the uniform in a way that hinders that design).
  18. Absolutely gorgeous game. Too bad the quality of play didn't come close to matching the quality of the uniforms. To me that's the most tolerable of the color rush sets, because of the giant yellow stripe on the pants that is so cartoonishly wide that there's no conceivable way to call it a black leggings look.
  19. The issue is that it's not visible unless you really look for it. The pattern is a little too subtle imo, and the jersey just looks way too plain and way too traditional for a team called the Nashville Predators that began play in the late 90s.
  20. Out of the three looks that you listed, the only one that looks remotely good is the white on yellow that they wore in the Super Bowl. The other two are two of the worst looks in the new set (all bone with bone socks is the worst by a mile). The only way I can find this set tolerable is if the Rams stick to only ever wearing blue over yellow and white over yellow, with the occasional white over blue if contrast is needed. Burn all bone uniform elements.
  21. Raiders Bengals Steelers Broncos Giants Browns Falcons Packers Jets Chiefs Titans 49ers Rams Bills Ravens Eagles I feel like almost all of these could go either way. You never know these days with the NFL.
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