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Everything posted by ruttep

  1. They should take the example of the Buffalo Sabres, who finally fixed their uniforms after a decade and a half of wandering the desert with navy blue, despite being in the midst of a complete tailspin and posting one of the worst seasons in franchise history in the first season of the new set.
  2. Wait I didn't even see this photo yet. Gimmicky nameplate font underneath gimmicky number font? That makes it 100000x worse. What kind of basketball uniform bull is this?? Implying that these uniforms would belong more to Nashville is an insult to Nashville. Agreed. This isn't even a case of the jerseys could look better with the rest of the gear. These are irredeemable. Wasn't planning on watching the All Star Game, and this isn't exactly convincing me to.
  3. Pretty sure the Titans trademarked the colors
  4. Disagree. Really don't like the yellow star theme this year. Heard it compared to Carl's Jr/Hardee's and Mario Party. Not exactly the height of hockey uniform design.
  5. Considering they were doing it at SoFi, I wonder if it had anything to do with being able to quickly switch between Rams and Chargers end zones. Then again, looking through GUD, they fully painted the SoFi end zones in 2020. And that doesn't explain the Texans doing it either. I think it's just saving money on paint.
  6. Hopefully the Bills win on Monday to force the Chiefs to play a road playoff game
  7. My two favorite Texans uniforms
  8. The New York Rangers are now on a four game losing streak. We can outshoot teams, but our defense and goaltending has become nonexistent. Just watched this team head into the third against the Caps with a 2-1 lead and then give up two goals in a minute to lose 3-2. I hope the NFL playoffs can cheer me up later today, because this game was just depressing to watch.
  9. Shouldn't this be proof enough that letters/numbers do not belong on the pants of a football uniform?
  10. Specifically only the NFC 4-5 game for some reason. 2021 Rams/Cardinals 2022 Bucs/Cowboys 2023 Bucs/Eagles
  11. I don't like Monday playoff games since it screws with the Divisional Round schedule a week later. Traditionally, the one seeds play on Saturday to give them an extra day of rest if they make the conference championship. But obviously they can't have a team play on a Monday and then on a Saturday, so if the Cowboys and Lions both win, the winner of Eagles/Bucs will play the Niners on Sunday instead of Saturday. Same thing if the Steelers win and force the Ravens to play on Sunday.
  12. So what you're saying is we're going to essentially see another Freezer Bowl tonight. Got it. Wonder what tonight's super cold game nickname will be.
  13. "Monday Night's colors" What colors? You're literally not wearing any colors. I guess it's better than that emoji we're all thinking of.
  14. Think I like the logo with the blue Florida on it. Adds more blue than the thin blue highlight on the lightning bolt. It would also look better with the circle being blue instead of black.
  15. These looks are trendy right now. Until that's not the case, it'll be impossible to get rid of them (I also hate how it looks, I get it).
  16. I wonder how it would look on a jersey without the "Tampa Bay" lettering. I always found that unnecessary.
  17. We can't really. Basically every player in the entire league does this.
  18. Thank goodness. I was afraid they'd go with blue leggings and give us blue overload (although we're already getting it with the Lions in mono-blue). Imagine how good this matchup would've looked with the Lions wearing silver pants.
  19. At least the Browns didn't make a fool of themselves with their announcement. Weird format though.
  20. Why do I still choose to scroll through the comments on these Twitter announcements? I'm almost always disgusted by what I read.
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