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Everything posted by ruttep

  1. I don't know why the Rams refuse to wear white over yellow against the Niners, even though they love wearing blue over yellow against them.
  2. Cannot understate how much better Cowboys navy looks when paired with silver pants.
  3. Delete the Arizona Cardinals franchise from existence. They have just gone AN ENTIRE SEASON wearing exclusively monochrome combos. I am absolutely disgusted by this mockery of uniform aesthetics. Anyone who said "don't worry, they'll mix and match eventually" was unfortunately proven wrong.
  4. (A) (Edit) I stand corrected, I checked GUD and they had those socks for one season in 2003. Huh. (B) Any black pants/black socks combo is an automatic no from me. The black pants could've worked with the striped socks or the red socks that they paired with the red uniforms. But they simply don't with the black socks.
  5. The 90s Niners/Cowboys rivalry had Steve Young and Troy Aikman both wearing number 8
  6. (A) I completely forgot that Kyle Juszczyk was a Raven (B) The problem with those is just that gold isn't prominently featured anywhere else on the uniform. The gold is used primarily in the logo, and is barely a tertiary accent color elsewhere. The pants ended up sticking out like a sore thumb.
  7. Geez, is this the most doom and gloom 11-5 team of all time or what
  8. I was with you until this point. "Copy Detroit?" It's lazy for sure, but the presence of a single hem stripe doesn't necessarily scream Red Wings to me. Their primaries definitely copied Detroit when they were originally designed in 2011, but not every single jersey with a single hem stripe is automatically a Detroit copycat.
  9. Roundel's still giving me late aughts vibes. (This uniform was released in 2010) I think the current logo in white with some blue trim might've worked better. Maybe if you really want to differentiate it from the primaries, add the "Tampa Bay" script back above the logo.
  10. Darnold vs Wentz. And Darnold doesn't get to rely on CMC, since he's out as well. Neither team cares, since both are locked into their playoff position. Starters will probably be pulled at some point regardless of score. This will either be the greatest game of all time or the worst game of all time. I can't wait.
  11. White helmet all day long for me. Again, really don't like the middle one and the blue one is a good retro look but shouldn't be worn full time. But the white helmet is perfection.
  12. This would've fit right in around 2009/2010. The roundel logo makes it kind of a dated look. Any word on whether there are hem stripes that aren't visible in this pic?
  13. Because Bud Adams decided to be petty and refused to give up the Oilers moniker for reasons of ego.
  14. That middle helmet Don't like the darker grey at all. Looks too close to BFBS. I can tolerate the blue-ish silver look, but don't darken it any further.
  15. As a 49ers fan, keep the 1950s red helmet in the 1950s. I get it's more historically accurate, but the Niners in any helmet color besides gold looks wrong to me (that includes silver, for anyone clamoring for a 1960s throwback). The 49ers current uniform lineup is just about perfect, don't mess with it.
  16. Not too bad looking of a Winter Classic
  17. 27-14. Don't make us come drop another 76 yard touchdown on you.
  18. I was already rooting for them to continue their losing streak, they just gave me another reason to do so.
  19. Rams Bengals Bills Commies Lions Browns Packers Seahawks Colts Bucs Dolphins Bears Broncos Chiefs Eagles 49ers
  20. I can see the argument for bone pants against an opponent in yellow/athletic gold pants, but metallic gold? I'll take this Over this Any day of the week (uniform matchup-wise, of course. That NFCCG loss was painful).
  21. This just seems like a hot take for the sake of a hot take, rather than anything grounded in fact. The 49ers have been to three of the last four NFC Championship Games. They're not exactly inexperienced on the playoff stage. Down 10? It's hard to prove anything about being down 10 when you've barely spent any time down 10. Tell me who's going to open up a 10 point lead on the 49ers.
  22. Disagree. Blue over yellow is how the Rams are supposed to look. Blue over bone just looks like the dollar store version of blue over white.
  23. Would've liked orange socks, but this is fine. I feel like their white/black/white and white/white/black road combos are basically interchangeable.
  24. The Rams uniforms infuriate me because they're so close to having a great set, but all their gimmicks drag the whole thing down.
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