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Posts posted by ruttep

  1. 4 minutes ago, BBTV said:

    They don't ever seem to have plays where they create mismatches, like some dopey LB covering an elite WR or TE, or have quick-developing slants, or get into some good running rhythm that opens up play action.  It hasn't been all year - they've had some games where things have looked well-oiled, but overall, this year has been bad, and they keep saying after every game "we're not firing on all cylinders, we have to clean things up."  Talent is enough to win a few games, but not against elite teams like SF and Dallas. 


    The Eagles were carving the Niners defense up early in the game last week with quick slants to AJ Brown, not sure why they stopped doing that. I'm not denying the Eagles' talent at all, there's a reason why last year, combined with a good offensive scheme, they were unstoppable. I absolutely agree with you that the playcalling is the issue here. Give these guys a competent game plan, and they'll run over everyone.

  2. 2 minutes ago, BBTV said:

    their plays take 10 minutes to develop and result in fire drills where Jalen either gets sacked or has to motion for guys to go somewhere they weren't supposed to.


    Is it that the receivers can't get separation and get open? Has it been a consistent issue throughout the season? Because I thought the Eagles have the best O-line in the league and Hurts has elite mobility. I know the Niners got a bunch of coverage sacks on the Eagles because the secondary was lockdown, and that combined with stopping the run neutralized the Eagles offense.

  3. 3 minutes ago, leopard88 said:


    Is that even a picture of the same play?


    I may be missing some sarcasm here.

    All I can say is, look at where Toney is in this pic. It's clearly a joke.


    4 hours ago, BBTV said:

    It doesn't get better, as they have to fly to Seattle for a Monday night game, then fly back across country on what is another short week.

    Don't think this is as daunting as you think it is. You'll get either banged-up Geno or Drew Lock as your opponent. The Seahawks are in their own heads right now. You'll be fine.

  4. On 12/9/2023 at 8:33 PM, Kevin W. said:

    It's funny that you'd mention that since 2003-04 is (IMO) one of the best-looking seasons the league has ever had.


    My personal favorite season is 1990-91. 


    - Last year before the North Stars went to a black uniform

    - First year of the final original Jets uniforms

    - Rangers introduce arched nameplates

    - Skate uniforms were toned down so that there's no yellow home jersey

    - None of the darker 90s rebrands have kicked in yet (the Kings are in silver/black, but that happened in 1988)

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  5. 1 minute ago, Chewbacca said:

    I would have rather seen a white version of this worn for the Stadium Series and nothing more. I’m not a fan of this look. Also, with Fanatics replacing Adidas next season, why are teams bringing out new alternate uniforms this season?


    It's very possible that Fanatics isn't going to change anything about the on-ice uniforms next year. They already announced they're going to be producing the uniforms in the same factory that Adidas is currently using, so maybe the NHL is permitting teams to keep their alternates for the transition. 


    Teams were allowed to keep their uniforms after the lockout when the NHL went from CCM/Koho to Reebok (in the couple of seasons they had the contract before the Edge template)

  6. 1 minute ago, BBTV said:


    Ironically, how many people ran on the field from the 49ers bench when they were fighting with the Seahawks late in that game?  Photos show at least 3 or 4.  Not defending Big Dom, but let's see if anything's made about that.


    Wasn't paying attention to who was on the field for that, by that point my attention had shifted to the trainwreck that was Vikings/Raiders. I was just joking, I think Big Dom is hilarious.

  7. 11 minutes ago, BBTV said:

    "No foul for holding", (then broadcast immediately show replay where lineman's jersey is nearly pulled off due to holding that resulted in a flag being thrown that was ultimately dismissed by the ref who didn't even see it happen.)


    But clowns think the Eagles get all the breaks


    They don't have Big Dom on the sideline to intimidate the refs anymore

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Ridleylash said:


    Oof, these are pretty bland. It just seems like a needless attempt to "modernize" the classic blue jersey that just ends up coming off more like a Walmart knockoff than anything.


    And the captain's patch is...less than ideally placed;



    So jarring. We haven't had a real alternate jersey since 2017. I'll critique it at a later date, since it just looks plain weird to me right now.


    One note on tonight's matchup tho: The Kings' chrome helmets can 🤬 right off.

  9. 1 minute ago, Ridleylash said:

    it seems like a bit of an unwritten rule now that states with multiple teams can't have a team named for the state unless they've been grandfathered in beforehand; which the Angels can't be, because they haven't been the California Angels since 1996.


    You should tell that to the Texas Rangers as well -- they named themselves after the state of Texas despite arriving there a decade after the Astros.

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  10. 27 minutes ago, BBTV said:


    I believe the claim is that the pants would be significantly heavier due to however the metallic fabric is made, which would probably make the players seem like they were in quicksand and go 0-17.


    (probably) the real reason: Dazzle fabric doesn't fit completely perfectly into Nike's pre-established set of colors and materials when they took over the NFL contract in 2012, and when they told teams like the Saints about this, the teams made zero fuss about it and so Nike didn't bother researching how to make a lighter dazzle fabric.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Ridleylash said:

    It's literally the exact same Pantone shade for both, though; 296 C. In fact, the Canucks still use that same color in their primary logo right now.


    It really depends on the accent colors. The dark red and silver make the navy seem darker, while green and off-white give off a more vibrant feel. It probably also has to do with the fact that a lot of the years that the Canucks had those navy/red orca uniforms were considered "dark ages," while navy/green is a lot closer to the team's correct color scheme of royal/green.

  12. 2 minutes ago, SFGiants58 said:


    Well, last time the Giants went for big names (albeit in pitching), we had the whole Bobby Evans era where every signing and trade turned putrid almost immediately. Remember trying to give money to Cueto, Samardzija, and Melancon?


    Lmao. Thanks for reminding me of that 2016 team that limped into the playoffs and completely fell apart against the Cubs. The sign that the Even Year BS was over.

    • Like 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

    Speaking of that, @Sport instituted a ten year moratorium on complaining about your team after winning a title (good rule). Giants are in year nine, and boy do I have some bitching to do. Can’t wait. 


    Yeah I didn't know that rule, so I'll complain less for now, but I'm not exactly confident in the direction of this baseball team.

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  14. Just now, Cujo said:


    But that's not the "Giants Way".


    Since when has SF needed big name bats to win? They won 3 titles just picking dudes like Juan Uribe and Pat Burrell off the streets,


    I mean they did reach the World Series in 2002 (before horrendously choking) with the biggest "big-name bat" ever. That aside, they don't exactly have Bruce Bochy in the dugout anymore. I don't have much faith in us milking 107 wins out of a bunch of AAAA players again. Our upside is 80-something wins, wild card team. We could do that, get into the playoffs, and get hot, but the odds of that are probably pretty low.


    Just now, SFGiants58 said:

    So yeah, I can sense the "small-market" owners whining about wanting a hard cap at the next CBA negotiation, leading to another work stoppage.


    Still think a salary floor is more important than a salary cap: Something that'll force all teams to at least field a competitive roster.

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