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Posts posted by ruttep

  1. 1 minute ago, Ridleylash said:

    it seems like a bit of an unwritten rule now that states with multiple teams can't have a team named for the state unless they've been grandfathered in beforehand; which the Angels can't be, because they haven't been the California Angels since 1996.


    You should tell that to the Texas Rangers as well -- they named themselves after the state of Texas despite arriving there a decade after the Astros.

    • Like 2
  2. 27 minutes ago, BBTV said:


    I believe the claim is that the pants would be significantly heavier due to however the metallic fabric is made, which would probably make the players seem like they were in quicksand and go 0-17.


    (probably) the real reason: Dazzle fabric doesn't fit completely perfectly into Nike's pre-established set of colors and materials when they took over the NFL contract in 2012, and when they told teams like the Saints about this, the teams made zero fuss about it and so Nike didn't bother researching how to make a lighter dazzle fabric.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Ridleylash said:

    It's literally the exact same Pantone shade for both, though; 296 C. In fact, the Canucks still use that same color in their primary logo right now.


    It really depends on the accent colors. The dark red and silver make the navy seem darker, while green and off-white give off a more vibrant feel. It probably also has to do with the fact that a lot of the years that the Canucks had those navy/red orca uniforms were considered "dark ages," while navy/green is a lot closer to the team's correct color scheme of royal/green.

  4. 2 minutes ago, SFGiants58 said:


    Well, last time the Giants went for big names (albeit in pitching), we had the whole Bobby Evans era where every signing and trade turned putrid almost immediately. Remember trying to give money to Cueto, Samardzija, and Melancon?


    Lmao. Thanks for reminding me of that 2016 team that limped into the playoffs and completely fell apart against the Cubs. The sign that the Even Year BS was over.

    • Like 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

    Speaking of that, @Sport instituted a ten year moratorium on complaining about your team after winning a title (good rule). Giants are in year nine, and boy do I have some bitching to do. Can’t wait. 


    Yeah I didn't know that rule, so I'll complain less for now, but I'm not exactly confident in the direction of this baseball team.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Cujo said:


    But that's not the "Giants Way".


    Since when has SF needed big name bats to win? They won 3 titles just picking dudes like Juan Uribe and Pat Burrell off the streets,


    I mean they did reach the World Series in 2002 (before horrendously choking) with the biggest "big-name bat" ever. That aside, they don't exactly have Bruce Bochy in the dugout anymore. I don't have much faith in us milking 107 wins out of a bunch of AAAA players again. Our upside is 80-something wins, wild card team. We could do that, get into the playoffs, and get hot, but the odds of that are probably pretty low.


    Just now, SFGiants58 said:

    So yeah, I can sense the "small-market" owners whining about wanting a hard cap at the next CBA negotiation, leading to another work stoppage.


    Still think a salary floor is more important than a salary cap: Something that'll force all teams to at least field a competitive roster.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Cujo said:


    I forgot the Padres went into deconstruct-mode. The Dodgers should have the West clinched by May 1st.


    Yeah I'd predict the NL West as:


    Dodgers 110+ wins

    Dbacks 80-90 wins

    Padres 70-80 wins

    Giants 70-80 wins

    Rockies <65 wins


    They're gonna run away with this sorry division. I still think Arizona will sneak into the playoffs and win a round or two, but this isn't even a contest in the regular season.

  9. 10 minutes ago, LunarLeo said:

    Falcons have dialed back the all black. Black over white is the preferred choice.


    Doesn't look like it to me. The only times this season they've worn black over white were at Tampa and at Tennessee. All the home games, besides the two throwback games, have been all black. According to GUD, they're slated to go all black at home again this week.


    12 minutes ago, LunarLeo said:

    It's not even a bad look.


    To say I disagree with this would be an understatement.

    • Like 5
  10. I'm of the belief that bad officiating is just something that you can't control, and blaming the refs for a loss is pointless. The refs simply suck, they're not trying to specifically screw your team over.


    That being said, I'm not trying to defend the refs here, but a lot of rules in football are extremely subjective and open to interpretation, and a (possibly bad) argument could be made that every horrible call in a game was by rule the correct call.


    But in games that are close enough that you can argue a ref call swung the game in a certain direction, there are probably several different plays that you can point to where mistakes were made by the players or coaches that would have led to a different outcome for the game. 


    TL;DR refs don't favor either team, they simply suck, complaining about them is pointless.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ridleylash said:

    Doubtful, you'd think the background would be a black-yellow gradient in that case like how they always market that jersey, not a dark-light blue gradient that clearly brings to mind their primary look. Especially since this was likely being done around the same time as the matte helmets for that Skate alt.


    It's probably just a chrome blue helmet to copy Vegas and LA's chrome buckets, because we all know how much the Canucks love trend-chasing when it comes to their brand history.


    The Canucks finally figured out their primary uniforms in 2019-20 when they removed the "Vancouver" text above the orca logo. 


    Then they removed the pants stripes.


    Then they decide to wear chrome helmets with them. 


    I don't even know what to say. What a mess.

    • Like 4
  12. 1 minute ago, Patchey13 said:

    Canucks teasing chrome helmets 🤮



    Yeah colored helmets on the road are bad, this is 1000x worse. At least metallic gold is part of Vegas' color scheme and metallic silver is part of the Kings' color scheme. I'd have to think these are going to be paired with the Skate alt. 

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, throwuascenario said:

    Don't know if this one has been mentioned, but there is no other answer that should be considered. These are the two worst uniforms of all time by a mile and met up once during their 2 seasons of overlap.




    It's bad but it's (marginally) better than many uniform matchups these days because these teams are wearing proper pants/socks combos in their primary colors. I'll take this any day of the week over these disasters:


    Blue team vs gold team



    Teal team vs orange team


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