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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. Thanks. It's out of my wheelhouse, like most references that aren't old or MLB/NFL based.
  2. Rockford Rush was a semipro team that became the Rockton Rush, then went bellyup. Fitting.
  3. The title of this thread threw me off. Isn't it the Business/Emotion of Baseball, not the Business of Emotion/Baseball?
  4. The streak is alive. Every team that has bounced the Brewers in the postseason has played in the World Series. 1981 Yankees lost WS 1982 Cardinals won WS 2008 Phillies won WS 2011 Cardinals won WS 2018 Dodgers lost WS 2019 Nationals won WS 2020 Dodgers won WS 2021 Braves won WS 2023 D-backs ??? WS
  5. From the NFL Rule Book on Field Markings: 11. Care must be exercised in any end zone marking, decoration, or club identification at the 50-yard line, that said marks or decorations do not in any way cause confusion as to delineation of goal lines, sidelines, and end lines. Such markings or decorations must be approved by the Commissioner.
  6. IFL has an announcement coming tomorrow. I know the Barnstormers coach from when I worked for the Wisconsin Wolfpack a long time ago. Moges posted something that has me really interested in that announcement.
  7. Impressive that you got all 27 of them to respond on a weekend.
  8. Watch college or high school football. You'll get it every week, seemingly.
  9. Taking a dislike of Harbaugh out of this, but why is 'advance scouting' illegal?
  10. They moved up and won the conference title? If they're good enough to do that, why shouldn't they qualify? I can see limiting the money that they get initially to prevent flip-flopping levels, but that's another thing.
  11. That's a mighty broad brush you're painting with, Slim.
  12. What the hell was that before halftime? He's just not used to having timeouts, so he doesn't understand how to use them.
  13. No. If that were the case, they wouldn't have made the Conference Championship game with one heckuva defense in 1979
  14. I've got USC-Notre Dame on while I'm working as background noise. Jac Collinsworth doesn't have the pipes for play-by-play.
  15. I've heard this stated, but it doesn't make logical sense to me. If you win17-2, it's just one win, which may have come with who knows who pitching for who knows why (dead arm due to get DFAd; a position player). Is there something objective that demonstrates that to be the case? I've tried looking, but haven't found it.
  16. It's not their best look. It isn't worth wearing over either other uniform option, or better still, the options above.
  17. I can't convince myself that I like any facemask color that the Vikings have used. I'm sort of in the same camp with the Browns. Vikings, I think Purple>grey>white>black Browns, I think Grey>brown>white If this were gambling, I wouldn't bet more than a nickel on any of that.
  18. Slang is cyclical, and there are always those of us who like or don't like some if it. Icy Fire Mid Meh Cool or Kewl Fresh
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