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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. The greed has always been there, though. In the past, the greed was 'only' the university taking in al the money and the 'student athlete' getting nothing. Now, the university is out to make as much as it can to overpay coaches. This isn't new.
  2. It is possible to like two different things that don't share the same aesthetic. I like the more limited number ranges allowed under the previous numbering system. I also realize that the NCAA and CFL don't share those systems.
  3. By the way - The Big East is an example of what to do for non football conferences. It went back to its basketball roots(along with other non-revenue sports) and doesn't concern itself with football.
  4. You have a few false assumptions in there. Merging with the Mountain West DOESN'T keep it on par with the Power conferences (only in number of schools). Also, 'some stability' is a misnomer when you lose 8 of 12 teams. Keeping the other 4 together is as stable as saying that the 4 who left for the B1G or Big 12 are instances of stability.
  5. Shifting stripes - black helmet with orange stripes or black helmet with white stripes.
  6. How would merging with the Mountain West make them relevant?
  7. Also devil's advocate - student athletes (ugh) have NEVER been a concern of conference makeup.
  8. A - as long as black is excluded B - is an anomaly in being rounded while a pointy logo that would better match the current uniform already exists in Jets' history C - it isn't paired up correctly often enough D - no, in my opinion
  9. You're not wrong, but it is what we do.
  10. When nothing is happening, we make stuff happen. It's how Clevejacking and Jaxjacking got to be things
  11. Glad you took it in the lighthearted manner it was meant
  12. I'm glad I'm not imagining stuff like that. I mean, it's the University of Kansas, but they go by KU (right?). University of Oklahoma - OU. dot dot dot
  13. Given prior issues crossing lines, probably not
  14. You make a good point. If this was their decision, it would be best if it were broadcast by MLB to teams, umps, and fans. I'd be totally happy with that outcome. If you're gonna do this, we toss the first guy. Done. If you don't like it, don't do it.
  15. Had they done nothing, I'll bet nothing more would have happened in this situation. You'll notice the Cubs bench pretty much knew that this was coming, accepted it, chirped, and were willing to move on. It was after the ejection that crap got aggravated.
  16. Yeah, there's only so many ways you can parse those initials. I've thought about doing polls about who is IU, UK, KU, UT, UM, OSU, UW, and probably others I'm forgetting. I'm sure I won't, but I'd be curious on some of these and how they're viewed as a whole.
  17. You typed 'if the umpires don't act clueless about what happened' wrong.
  18. I had seen that, but looked at the game summary to see the importance of it. Happ reaching, while he scored, wasn't the issue. The issue was the effect on the Cardinals' pitching for the game.
  19. [Declaration of fandom - Brewers. I cheerfully root for a comet when the Cubs and Cards play :-)] I think the vitriol in this case ought to be directed at the umpiring crew for choosing to toss Mikolas. Happ got plunked after Mikolas probably sent an 'I'm not happy' message on the previous pitch. Given his ability to locate the plunking on his backside, I think Happ recognized that this wasn't anything to get worked up over.
  20. Thanks - now I wish I had been paying that close of attention while it was on last night.
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