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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. Yes, I am serious. To address your definition: It clearly isn't the only existing one of its type. So multiple teams wear all gray. How is that unusual or special in some way?
  2. I'll be darned - that means that it isn't unique? Whodathunkit? Note - I'm not commenting in the least about what I think of the look. I'm ONLY commenting on the incorrect use of 'unique' above.
  3. Let's try this again, because you don't seem to know what unique means. Unique - if something is unique, it's the only one around. The reason is that the Latin prefix uni- means "one." (Technically speaking, it isn't possible to be "very unique" — you either are or you're not.) Think of the prefix in unicorn for a creature with one horn and unicycle for a cycle with one wheel. Definitions of unique adjective the single one of its kind “the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting” “a unique copy of an ancient manuscript” “certain types of problems have unique solutions” synonyms:singular single existing alone or consisting of one entity or part or aspect or individual
  4. No, it isn't unique when it's not done by only one team.
  5. That clock management / play calling by Colorado was unforgiveable
  6. Yup. I typed that wrong, since the fifth QB taken was in the 2nd round. Again - fool’s gold to think that the number one pick means you've found your answer.
  7. So I read what you're saying as you need the high draft pick to get a good QB, but the QB will only be good if he's on a good team. But good teams don't get the high draft picks. As for good QBs, look at the first round of 2020. 4 of the first 5 QBs are pretty good. We're learning about the fifth this year.
  8. When 50% of first round picks are 'just a guy', it's a crapshoot. How are those 5 first round QBs from the first 15 picks of 2021 working out?
  9. Packer fans don't have a lot of white team clothing. We sure as hell don't have have white winter clothing.
  10. Do they have 20 owners? Do they have 20 arenas?
  11. It shouldn't matter. They were already declared champions last week in this very thread, weren't they??
  12. Could be. I've stayed away from 11. My work laptop might be 11, but I don't access this site from that laptop. Sorry.
  13. Laptop is Windows 10 Home. Also no issues (posting from it here).
  14. Windows 10 Pro Let me check the laptop and see if that is any different
  15. I get where your tastes lie. I agree with them. I'm not surprised that we both disagree with @DCarp1231's rankings. We share a different aesthetic taste.
  16. I saw. That 'homer' call ought to appear both times it happens, as long as each team wears its standard uniform.
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