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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. Gonna be the next big thing when all those kids playing it are adults
  2. Knock on wood, I haven't had an issue in Android Chrome. Edit - never mind. Just got redirected
  3. What browser are you using (mobile)? Samsung's browser MIGHT have been the issue for me.
  4. malepig? Gosh I hope a few people know what I mean.
  5. Mobile just isn't usable for me right now. I'll stick to desktop version until it sounds like something has happened. No, it isn't my phone that's the issue, it's only this site.
  6. Another winner in the 'one helmet rule' stuff. People, if there is a LEGITIMATE rumor about this, someone will have it here. Remember next year that unless you hear discussion of it leading up to the spring rules meeting, it isn't worth getting your hopes up (or not if you are like @oldschoolvikings and me, among others).
  7. three more, again, including a re-direct from the 'report spam ad' post, which is ironic or something. Don't at me if that isn't ironic, I really don't care And yes, reported
  8. This was in response to 'I'll bet the one helmet rule is changing'. I win
  9. The CFL and NFL played exhibition games once upon a time. Home team rules, probably. Certainly home team field dimensions if they don't go with non-CFL dimensions (since you could adjust the CFL layout to make it smaller, but you won't likely have the room to make a US-based field fit the CFL dimensions).
  10. Ok, but since no one has brought that up, I'm not sure how someone would have that leap to understand what you were getting at.
  11. But why was Week 12 of the NFL season so important? Or did you read this as CFL/NFL crossover?
  12. What does the NFL season have to do with a game between the XFL and CFL?
  13. No problem. I think I have whined about it before (my word, not casting shade or anything). I THINK that anytime threads are merged, weirdness ensues with the board's ability to know where you left off. Is it important? Not really, but I was having one of those evenings that it merited a post
  14. 1 - it still stinks that merging the bot's post into the main Bengals thread resets my having read that thread to zero. 2 - three redirects in the last 5 minutes. Yes, reported
  15. Eff. 3 n's, too. Sorry, I know better
  16. Tell that to the Kraken As to the 'here we go again with Washington v. DC', I'm not trying to be that guy. However, I don't think they will call themselves DC based on (1) their history as being called Wshington (2) the history of all Big 4 sports teams in the area calling themselves Washington, and (3) the fact that their current location in Landover MD wouldn't allow them to call themselves DC while being situated in Maryland. Item (1) outweighs a call that I'm saying they need to be Landover or Maryland. Has anyone heard any date rumblings regarding Cincinatti @Sport? Or anyone else?
  17. Not until they're located in DC.
  18. The mic is always hot. Treat it that way. Here's another article on this https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/03/24/hot-mic-remark-causes-nhl-to-sever-ties-with-referee/
  19. Why have playoffs if the most wins in the regular season is the ultimate determination of the best team? The NFL used to do that. It doesn't any more, and hasn't since the early 30s (off the top of my head). MLB has NEVER done it that way. NBA, NHL the same. Yes, sometimes when everyone else (or nearly everyone else) disagrees with you, it's an indication that you are, in fact, wrong. Ancient Arab proverb "If one man calls you a camel, ignore him. If two men do, grab yourself a saddle."
  20. It won't matter - you won't agree with it.
  21. Bold 1 - Yep, because only leagues that televise an sell tickets have a championship game. Bold 2 - I don't. They weren't when it mattered -- in the last game.
  22. Nope. My only goal as a professional sports team is to win the last game of the year, and I don't mean Week 17/18, game 162, or anything but the championship final. If you don't understand that, it isn't my fault.
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