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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. Or you have assumed it is sunset (and thus the sun) when it's actually dusk (and thus the moon).
  2. OK - so releasing Newton doesn't really have anything to do with your thoughts that they're good for 8 wins
  3. Because they've released their backup QB? That doesn't make sense.
  4. Watson will never be cleared. It's just a matter of time before he is parked or jailed. Trading for him could only involve a complex set of conditional picks, which I wonder if the NFL would even approve of such a trade. It will be interesting to see hat happens to Watson by Tuesday when rosters have to get to 53. I wonder if he will "tweak a knee" at home this weekend and end up on IR?
  5. Read the FAQs here: There's a section that addresses this
  6. Or a reaction to football from futbol fans
  7. Nobody but us cares. And not all of us care (or agree) with this line of thinking.
  8. That tends to show that sleeves have shrunk further from 2013, IMO
  9. Butcher how? I mean, it's not like any of the current batch are outstanding, so are you expecting Tampa Bay's to be worse?
  10. That's why I limit who I follow on social media
  11. You don't really understand branding if you think this is remotely possible.
  12. Narrator: there was nothing in the Pro Shop, and the one person asked didn't even know the release date
  13. I'll check the Pro Shop tomorrow. I'm going to a pre-season game for the first time since I don't know when.
  14. It might help your cause if your last sentence were complete. Glass houses, stones and what not.
  15. I'd ask for no more alt, but I appear to be in the minority on that, and I know there's money to be made. Agreed with 'no more navy'
  16. He's not the only one to say that. The key is in knowing when you have a running back who isn't fungible.
  17. For the record, we also have beaten up the Lions. This Packer fan is NOT mad at the team for failing to include the QB is personnel decisions. Jake Kumerow, supposedly the second best WR on the team when he was released, has failed to demonstrate his talent to anyone other than Rodgers.
  18. Yup. The guy has put up big numbers. Has anyone mentioned that he is 1-4 in NFC Title games? After 30 years of HOF QB play, it's the last game of the year that matters. His record in that game only has 1 W. I don't want to kick him to the curb. He gives us the best chance (currently) to win. He's not the GM, though. Nor should he be.
  19. Understood. It's how Schefty maintains his sources. He is the mouthpiece for certain players/teams, and ESPN backs his words. Only in this case his words aren't supported by the "deal".
  20. Why is it lame duck? He is still under contract to the Packers in 2022. I get Shefty tweeting that there will be 'arrangements' or whatever after this season. Let's not forget that football is a business. 'Arrangements' cost money.
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