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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. As @See Red said, you can't sell or trade it. It's a donation that is called stock.
  2. If only you might make an appearance there in Week 17 and have a chance to "pony up" in person???
  3. New York made that correct call. Wilson was short of the first down (you can't tell me he wasn't, can you?). This is the unofficial use of replay that happens when they announce 'After discussion...'.
  4. Yeah - that matches the color swatches, but it doesn't match what my eyes see
  5. Neither QB looked ready to play. Both were missing some passes by wide margins. It was windy, but not that bad based on how the winds felt in the stands.
  6. It sure doesn't look like that. What does TruColor's site say about the colors?
  7. Agreed on both accounts. I feel that the current shade is too far into the fluorescent shade for my tastes, as is the orange, IMO. IMO - TM@oldschoolvikings
  8. That was two bad football teams. Fun times with the Chief fans around me, but bad football.
  9. So I'm sitting in my hotel room in the KC area to go see the Packers play on Sunday. All afternoon on the ride down I'm reading the :censored:show that was the interview. I'll always cheer for the Packers. I don't really care that the starting QB is a nozzle if he plays well. But, he can't be gone soon enough. Yes, our fanbase is akin to the BFIB Cardinals. I get it. We deserve some bad football after the last 30 years. I'm not wishing for that, but just GTFO. I'll try to shut up about this because I feel like I've said too much without adding much. Thanks for letting me vent.
  10. Quoting myself to add that the team SHOULD get fined for not mandating that he wear a mask at media opportunities as he should have.
  11. Should have gone with Tailgaters. Tie it in to Lambeau Field's favorite activity.
  12. This Packer fan agrees Rodgers is a nozzle who can't take criticism so he lied to avoid flack. The team will likely get slapped for failing to follow NFL rules.
  13. And for the second time in two years I will miss a matchup of Rodgers vs. Mahomes live at Arrowhead on Sunday. Oh well, I get to see the game either way. EDIT - Oh, the fecal matter is gonna hit the rotary on this one. Mr. Rodgers has been playing everyone and now it's gonna come back to haunt him.
  14. 1 - As if they weren't already at [checks record] 7-1 2 - This isn't the NBA, where a single player can generally alter a team's performance
  15. If it could have been called on both players, it shouldn't get called. I get the logic for the rule, but it certainly isn't consistently called.
  16. I thought they outlawed that in response to Chris Hovan.
  17. I'm a big baseball fan. I know who Mel Hall is. Other than @SFGiants58 making mention of this, I've never heard of issues. I am not denying that there's something, just saying I've never heard of them.
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