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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. I will say that having a roof helps in that aspect. The Brewers draw from outlying areas in part because you know a game will be played.
  2. Were you old enough to see this, or are you just projecting? I'm old enough to have seen these in real time (I was 11 when the Seahawks debuted in the AFC), and no way in hell did I ever confuse the two. It's so not close that I'm stunned you could try to defend this take.
  3. Patriot gray. Same color. I don't think they need to make that change.
  4. You presume that butts in the seats indicates business success. Not in MLB or the NFL. I'm not saying crappy attendance is ok. But I AM saying that it isn't an indication of business failure. TV revenue assures that it isn't.
  5. No chance these were ever confused with Detroit. Honolulu blue looked nothing like this.
  6. Back to my examples-- do enough people know Milwaukee as Cream City? It seems too local to me
  7. I'll take it one step further, though. People OUTSIDE of those locale's need to know the term, or else it is TOO local. For example, does anyone really refer to Portland as Rip City? Or is that just a Blazers reference - I truly don't know. I think Brew City is understood. Space City as well (like you point out). Fountain City wouldn't, but the use of Fountains as a design element for KC is fine by me.
  8. Brady HISTORICALLY took less money to stay. The Patriots weren't in cap hell, they chose to not sign free agents as that doesn't typically lead to wins. As @LA Fakers+ LA Snippers put it, I'd like to point to an instance, but (paraphrasing) I'm not sure there is one.
  9. You know this ... how? If this isn't meant to be a statement of fact but is rather a statement of frustration, my apologies. If it is a statement of frustration, assigning one's frustration to the other side of the argument does nothing to advance the argument. Just my two rusted Lincolns -TM @tBBP
  10. Have you heard of the term cap casualty? That's what's happening as teams release players to make sure that they stay underneath the salary cap. The money touted in every Schefter tweet that a player will be getting for a contract disregards the phony years on the back end to simply make the numbers look bigger. It's not really that complicated.
  11. For almost everyone, someone makes more money. Similarly, for almost everyone, someone makes less. Just because one makes less doesn't give one the ok to say 'someone else should make less'. Unless, of course, you're giving your money to those who DO make less than you. Royal you here, folks.
  12. Assuming they get Sunday Ticket, it won't come without a significant bump in subscription price. Business doesn't work that way.
  13. You forgot the Bronze Fonz. I'm kidding - they better not do it. I'd love a Harley tie-in, but that is unlikely. Calatrava would be a cool base. I'll be that @NicDB has it right and it's the People's Flag.
  14. Sorry, I meant confirm that it was in Canton due to stadium issues (not because someone thought it was a good idea).
  15. I thought the playoffs had to be in Canton because the stadium wasn't available. Can anyone confirm that (too lazy to google).
  16. Agreed. Do you replace part of it with white so that it becomes another arch shape, or do something else with it? Edit - how about a white circle in the middle with a player number in silver (if that's legible)?
  17. The white on the Stars' helmet is essentially invisible.
  18. As long as those markets care. I understand that this is a money-saver, but is it a fan builder?
  19. I get that having umps announce challenge reviews sounded like a good idea. But if all they are saying is 'the call stands' or 'the call is overturned', it really isn't useful. Has anyone heard any more than that in a game you've watched?
  20. Move Carolina, Atlanta, and Detroit into the toss up category if not inevitable change. Eagles are decades lasting. IF that allows for color tweaking.
  21. That shell color is bbland. Give me an old gold, not this.
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