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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. Frauds only scored two runs today. Fire them all. It doesn't matter that they won -- they should score more runs.
  2. The seats at the new park in Vegas are the greatest ever. They are made of a firm mesh. It gives ever so slightly (you don't sag in the seat), and they allow for airflow.
  3. Devil's advocate - they added the helmet to the cake topper so that he COULD set up the photo op.
  4. I absolutely agree about it being overly detailed. I happen to think it works just fine on a helmet, though. An issue with Flying Elvis is its depth to the back of the helmet, eliminating the possibility of helmet stripes. That isn't a flaw, but I have seen concepts that try to homogenize things by adding stripes to a helmet with Elvis, and that won't fit (unless the stripes are truncated or Elvis is modified, and I haven't seen a concept that does that).
  5. Yeah - it sure sucks to be [checks standings] playing at a .722 clip, far and away the best in baseball, and have tied this game up. Inexcusable. [Inigo Montoya] You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
  6. Insert never-ending dolphin helmet on a dolphin helmet .gif
  7. Your broadcast day has ended. Really - that used to be a thing
  8. Yep. Since I live in the evil Lake Country, and have since 1992, I think I am better equipped to know how it reacts than someone who doesn't live here. EDIT - In fact, I'll take this a step further with examples. This strikes me as very similar to the type of 'explaining' that I hear from soccer fans who like to tell the non-soccer fans what they are thinking and why they are wrong. Since you aren't in the group of people who don't share your feelings, you can't know why they are the way they are. A sportswriter can't tell a fan why they are wrong for booing the guy that the sportswriter covers (and likes) because the sportswriter is looking for the story, and not for the rooting interests of his favorite team; soccer fans can't tell non-soccer fans what it would take for the sport to increase in popularity based on what non-soccer fans 'want'; you, living not only NOT in the WOW counties but now not even in Wisconsin, don't have an idea of what people out here think, you only have your perception based on whatever your experiences are. Trust me when I say that the next time I hear someone out here declare an expression of resentment toward Milwaukee, it will be the first time. That doesn't mean that there aren't racist people who have other issues. If that is the direction you want to take, I'm in agreement -- but that isn't how you have framed it.
  9. So if they use this to dunk on the sport, how will making that change help to grow the sport? That was what I was disagreeing about in your earlier post, not whether certain non-fans dunk on it for whatever reason.
  10. Speaking as someone who isn't a fan of soccer (nothing against it - it's just not my thing), that sounds like something that may appeal to soccer fans, but non-fans won't care.
  11. That was the old navy jersey, not this one.
  12. Yes - I thought the yellow panel hat was only a road hat?
  13. As published in "Rozelle - Czar of the NFL" by Jeff Davis, the Dallas Cowboys were originally known as the Dallas Rangers. The page below isn't a typo, as later in that chapter it describes Clint Murchison's decision to change the name to the Cowboys.
  14. Nope. It only gives you a feel for those who responded to the poll. We have no way of knowing if some precocious 12 yearn old hacked the poll and voted 1000 times.
  15. It's a random Twitter poll. It's a nothing result. How do you know how many different people responded to the poll?
  16. The Dolphins had different helmet logos, too. I think you can see the Dolphin contained within the sun on Griese, but his out of the sun on Little. The Bears also had different white jerseys in the same timeframe, IIRC. I agree with your suggestion that these were temperature driven
  17. That poll is only a good indicator of what the respondents of that particular poll think. Unless it was designed to be an accurate representation of the population that is in question, it has no value. This goes for any online poll, call-in, anything.
  18. This ENTIRE CONTRACT is guaranteed. It's why the other owners are upset -- unwritten rulethat you don't do that. There is apparently an amendment to it where presumably Watson told all as a way to clear up the legal issues. If he wasn't totally truthful, that's where Cleveland would have a chance to get it voided.
  19. I don't disagree with you, but to me the most jarring contrast is when compared to the white Los Angeles name tag. That really is jarring to me, because my brain wants to look at the uniform and process it as white, but that glaring bit of white won't let me. It's akin to watching a football game at Boise St or a basketball game on a grey court in Brooklyn (making it look like the TV is black and white). It messes with my mental image of what I am watching.
  20. I'll predict that this isn't entirely true, and that the final bid goes over $5B
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